Their Return Home 💚 Part II

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Y/N's Perspective

At the end of the night, Sebastian promised me more time together and told me to wait for his owl.

I walked back to Hogwarts with Ominis holding hands. That was fun. I'm happy to see Sebastian and Anne doing so well. I wonder if they'll be working closely with Natty now that they're Aurors in the same region. Oh! That reminds me.

"About what Natty said..." I paused, trying to find the right words. I turned to face him. Ominis was smiling and always looked a little deep in thought. His clear blue eyes gazed forward. I wonder if he saw infinity or void or if there was any difference between the two at all.

His eyes glanced in my direction to prove he was indeed present, and I reluctantly continued, "I know family can be difficult, and they don't always have your best interests in mind... But I think we should try to convince your brother that Harlow's a bad guy."

I felt like I disappointed him. "I'm sure my brother knows Harlow's a bad guy," Ominis said, "and I'm sure he wouldn't respond if I reached out."

"Right..." I trailed off. I knew it was a lot to ask of Ominis. "I just really want to help Natty. I mean, the guy should be in Azkaban permanently, not some usual magical prison like he'd committed a misdemeanor. He's done so much more than just use Crucio on Natty. His murders have torn families apart..."

I was rambling out loud at this point. I must have talked for a while because I barely noticed our arrival at the faculty tower until Ominis stopped. He sighed.

"We can try to talk to my brother if you're really certain about this. I won't be able to convince him to make time for us, but I can bring you with me to the Gaunt family's residence." Ominis offered.

"Thank you," I responded. I wasn't sure how to thank him enough. "It means a lot that you're willing to go home so I can speak with him."

He hesitated by the door. Ominis actually wanted to ask Y/N about what Sebastian said, but somehow ended up inviting her home. He was certain the place was just as dreadful.

"I'll let you know when. Goodnight, Y/N." Ominis said and went into his living quarters.

I felt a similar guilt to when Ominis showed me the entrance of Salazar's scriptorium. He was accommodating his aversions for me by going to see his family, and I really needed to think of a better way to thank him than words.

I also felt a similar excitement as I wondered what the place would look like and what I would find. "Goodnight," I responded and entered my room.

As I closed the door, reality settled back in. I wasn't going to look for forbidden knowledge. What if his family—who casts unforgivable curses for "sport"—hates me? Let's not think about it... I prepared for bed.

I need to finish next week's lesson plan, stop Harlow's release, and look into the rusting goblin metal. All of it seems like a chore except waiting for Sebastian's owl.

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Y/N's Perspective of a Memory

At the beginning of my sixth year at Hogwarts, I asked Sebastian to stay hidden with me. I wanted to ditch the opening ceremony because it would remind me of the previous year too much.

Sebastian kept his promise. He was doing right by Ominis and me in any way he could, but Ominis wasn't fully prepared to forgive him yet. Since Sebastian wasn't allowed access to the Undercroft, we stayed in my room of requirement.

Deek hummed as he swept the floor. "Deek will return later. He has a lot to do during the start of a new school year," he said and snapped his fingers, disapparating.

Sebastian was still moving between stations quickly. He added an ingredient and stirred the pot. It bubbled angrily.

I put my book down. It didn't contain anything useful anyways. I walked over and held Sebastian from behind.

"Studying hard?" He asked, rhetorically. I peeked over at the pasta he was cooking.

"I'm just making sure you don't light my potions station on fire," I mumbled. The notion of using it to cook was peculiar, but I suppose we were skipping dinner otherwise.

The food and strange cooking method weren't what was memorable about that night. I was nervous about nightmares, so I took a dreamless sleep potion and some liquid luck.

Sebastian sat up. He read Pride and Prejudice to me as I tried to fall asleep. He liked Darcy as a misunderstood character and Elizabeth for her intelligent, opinionated personality.

I adored the sound of his voice and the comfort he brought me regardless of whether he was being snarky or sweet. I held onto his tie, and he stopped reading. "Hmm?" His sharp eyes met mine. They looked darker in this lighting. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah," I let go and looked away, sheepishly.

He smiled. "For a second there, I thought you were going to pull me into you for a kiss."

"Would you have wanted me to?" I asked.

Sebastian leaned down and stopped right before reaching my lips. He waited, but I wasn't sure what for. My eyes met his. "I've been wanting you for a while now, but I don't think I've earned it," he whispered.

I leaned up and shared my first kiss with him. It was brief, but the warmth lingered. He was blushing as though he was embarrassed, yet he pulled me towards him for more.

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