Stargazing Trip 💚 Sunrise Part I

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💚 Y/N's Perspective

Amit's stargazing trip was eventful, but now, everyone has gone to bed with a few exceptions.

Anne was alone looking up at the stars. She casted a warming charm, and I sat closer to her. Without the fire, the stars looked so much brighter.

"How is being back in Feldcroft?" I asked.

"It's nice. I inherited my uncle's house, and the hamlet really feels like home," Anne responded and asked, "Where are you from?"

"I've lived in a lot of places, so I'm not sure which one I would pick as home... I've lived in America, but the muggles burn witches there. I tried moving to Southeast Asia where witches and magic are celebrated, but the dark arts aren't banned there. When I got my letter from Hogwarts, I was in London," I said.

"Well, do you like it here in Scotland then?" Anne asked. I didn't have to think about it. I smiled and nodded. "Well, you can call Feldcroft home. It's becoming the perfect place to raise a family again," she said.

"I haven't seen Feldcroft since it was surrounded by Goblin rebels and crawling with Inferi," I responded.

"Right. I haven't seen you since our uncle passed away," Anne paused. Her tone was saddened when she continued, "Seb never got along with him... Granted, he was a little strict... but he was a good man. He took us in when our parents died. After I was cursed, he covered all of my medical expenses from Nurse Blainey to St. Mungo's. He let Omi stay over during breaks and..."

She lost her words and just looked at me. I was surprised Anne considered her uncle a good person despite the emotionally abusive stories I've been told.

"Your uncle sounds like a better person than I realized... I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have helped Sebastian in the ways I did," I said. I didn't expect Anne to be able to forgive me. How could she? I led her brother through the Slytherin Scriptorium to a dark arts spell book and through the Feldcroft Catacombs to an undead artifact.

"I'm sad about my uncle's death, but I was never mad at you. I'm not mad at Seb anymore either. You helped him because you loved him, right?... Do you still feel the same way?" Anne said and looked at me. I could tell she was using Legilimency, a mind-reading charm, and I let it happen.

The sun rose, and the sky bloomed a bright red that washed into a light blue. The stars faded into the light.

In my memory, Anne was always sick and Sebastian was always worried about her. Like her twin, Anne had the same honey-brown hair that matched her sharp honey-brown eyes. She was secretly decorated in adorable freckles that she often covers with a beautification potion.

They were even more similar now that Anne's demeanor was hopeful for her sibling's sake. I thought about the way I felt about Sebastian, but feelings can be so difficult to describe in words.

I wasn't there when the Ministry took him. Ominis told me what happened. Between classes, the rumors in the hallways burned through me; sometimes, it felt like my ears, my heart, the walls. Everything was turning to ashes. Sebastian—my best friend, companion in crime, and only source of comfort during a difficult time—was suffering, dying, or already dead.

Ominis, Natty, Poppy, and even Professor Weasley offered their support and grievances, but it hurt so much I didn't want to get any closer to anyone ever again. Then, in a letter, he explains to me that he's going to be fine but he can't provide a happy future for me. I was just supposed to move on. Of course, it wasn't that simple. It took several years for me to open up to Ominis who stayed by my side.

"Yes, but I'm not sure if I should. To love Sebastian is like proving love lasts forever and endures through any tragedy. If I'm being honest... over time, the hopeless romantic in me discovered a more practical love. I never expected Sebastian to come home. Now that he's here, I feel exactly the same way as I did before, and I know it's not fair to anyone," I responded.

"I didn't think we would ever come home either," she said. "After being back for a few weeks, I didn't understand why you didn't hold him closer or encourage him to move on... I guess you're still processing everything, and that's fine." I was grateful that she didn't hold the past against me when it came to her family.

"Sebastian really hasn't moved on?" I asked.

"No. I encouraged him to, and he's tried dating other women. Seb says they wouldn't understand him. I think he's stubborn," Anne said and added in a deeper tone mimicking Sebastian, "Stubbornness is determination. I just really know what I want."

I laughed. The thought of Sebastian loving me with such certainty made me warm. I took the blanket off, and I looked away. My heart seemed to stop, as did time.

I felt validated for years of still loving someone—someone who still loved me—but I shouldn't get too excited. After all, I needed to hear it from Sebastian himself, and I thought of Ominis... No. I need to focus on more important things.

"Since we're being honest with each other, do you mind if I ask you about the Department of Mysteries?" I said, nervously.

Anne leaned on my shoulder. I could smell that she drank a lot more fire whiskey than me. "I suppose, but we'll need to go somewhere more private. You really can't tell a soul or we'll both die," she said looking at Amit and Samantha who were still up and chatting inaudibly beside the astronomy table. They would probably be up for the rest of the night.

I stood up and helped her. We walked to my tent together. On the outside, it looked like a breeze could knock it over. On the inside, it was the size of my current living space at Hogwarts and fully-furnished. Garreth really took his time to set everything up. I used a conjuring spell to create a second bed.

I've always wanted to know where the dark magic that was cursing Anne went, but I knew it was inappropriate to ask for secrets in a letter. "How did you get better?" I asked, nervously.

Anne got into her bed. "Hmm..." She appeared to really think about it and became a bit distressed as she realized she didn't know, "An Unspeakable used... ... I can't seem to remember completely..."

I felt embarrassed for asking a dumb question. Of course, Anne was probably Obliviated. If it was removed, "Did they inhale it?" I asked. Thinking of how Isadora consumed the dark ancient magic and pain of others, I suddenly felt a bit uneasy.

"What?" Anne laughed. "No. I imagine it was thrown into The Veil, but I'm not entirely sure."

"What's The Veil?" I asked.

"It's this strange secret archway. Seems to have been there since the Department of Mysteries was founded. On the other side is most-likely death. Anyways, what goes through can never come back," she said.

I pulled out my field guide, a habit I have when I learned something new. I put it away. If Anne says it's a Department of Mysteries' secret, it obviously won't be in my field guide.

Before I could ask her more, Anne changed the subject, "About earlier, I wanted to tell you... When Omi first ran away from home, I encouraged him to rekindle with his family. Having lost my own parents, I didn't want him to walk away from his. That first summer, his father came looking for him. You wouldn't believe the spells he used on his own son. It was the first time I saw the dark arts. What I mean to say is... I know this sounds selfish, but Omi is a part of the Sallow family now. Please discourage him from returning to the Gaunts."

"I understand, and after meeting them, I agree that Ominis should stay away," I said. Anne smiled at me, and then she began dozing off. I realized that I really like Anne, not because she's important to Sebastian, but because she's kind, forgiving, and compassionate towards those around her.

I laid in bed, and my mind wandered back to Ominis. He never really talks about his father, but that wasn't a good excuse. I knew he didn't get along with his family because his older siblings torment him. I knew violence was commonplace in that household, yet I encouraged him to visit home.

How did his meeting with his father really go? I thought about him crying, and my heart sank. I thought about that night, that morning, and his body unharmed.


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