Stargazing Trip 🥀 + 💚 Sunrise Part II

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Warning: the first describes family violence

That night, Ominis fell asleep buried in work and dreamed of the same memory.


Ominis's Perspective of a Nightmare

I hit the wall and slammed onto the wooden flooring. It knocked the air out of my lungs, and I gasped. The atmosphere was like small daggers. With every breath, sharp pain sliced through me. Every movement would cut me apart until there was nothing left but blood and bones.

They weren't real. I tried to remind myself. It's just magic, yet knowing that I could beg the pain to stop only made it worse. I could feel my heart and the blood pulsing through my body, a useless physical form.

I heard my wand tap against a cheap wooden desk rhythmically. My father was holding it. He was growing impatient. I tried to steady myself, and I realized my hands were drenched. The blood was real. I took a deep breath. Or he could just be getting in my head.

I stood up, leaning against the wall for support. I felt faint like the world would cease to exist at any moment. "So tell me what you've learned," he demanded, quietly.

Nothing. I tried to speak, but the silencing charm kept its hold. I'm sure he felt great about himself, proud of his own power. I wanted to hate him. He blasted a different spell into my diaphragm, and I was on the floor again along with the bookshelves and portraits in the room. It must have felt like an earthquake to the small house because the door bursts open.

I heard Anne gasp, and Sebastian yell Expelliarmus. Don't fight him... That idiot... I was soundless, and I could hardly move through the pain. The best I could do was reach my hand out.

Anne grabbed me. She held me as though she would protect me from this, but I wanted her to run. She began healing me. I heard another blast. Sebastian cried out in pain, yet he never knew when to back down. "I'm sorry for not understanding before," Anne said.

I wanted to reassure her that I was fine. He would hurt me, but he wasn't going to kill me. I couldn't speak, but my father could, "Pathetic. If these little friends are what's keeping you here, you should know you did this to them."

My father casted Crucio on Anne. She fell over and held me tighter. I held her back. This was enough for me to break the silencing curse. "Stop! I get it! I'm sorry," I said although I realized I had no love left for my family.

He casted Imperio. I was still in agony. Anne was still shaking, so Sebastian was...

I felt a strong gust of wind as the house was torn apart and heard another set of footsteps. Their uncle showed up, and I passed out.

When the world came into existence again, my body was sore and my stomach was bruised. The physical pain came nowhere close to existential dread. Their uncle sat against a wall, and Sebastian was unconscious beside me. I tried to lean up. "Solomon, Sir, I'm sorry for the trouble I caused. I..." I began, but he stood up.

"Don't," he said and briefly patted the top of my head like I was a dog. The stoic man left, and I wasn't sure what to make of it.

Anne entered the room. She was still distressed and brought way too many healing potions with her. "Omi? I was worried you were never going to wake up," she cried and took my hand.

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