The Following Week 💚 Part I

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Sebastian wasn't a staff member, student, or parent. He couldn't enter Hogwarts with Y/N delirious in his arms, so Ominis met them outside.

Ominis scolded Sebastian for not bringing her directly to St Mungo's Hospital, but she really just needed rest and time. They bickered like an old married couple, upset but cared too deeply for one another. Sebastian said he would take full responsibility for her recovery in Feldcroft, but Ominis insisted she would recover best in the comfort of her own room.

She spent the night and an entire day in bed, dreary from the potion and exhausted from the blood loss. She told Ominis everything, and he still took care of her.


Ominis's Perspective

She laid in bed. I adjusted her blankets to make sure she was comfortable. She was pale and still as she slept. The thought of her death terrified me, and I placed my hand on hers. The slight warmth and steady heartbeat were reassuring.

I couldn't decide if I was more upset at Garreth for giving her a dangerous potion or Sebastian for failing to protect her. Knowing her, I can't fully blame them either. She loved the adventure and mischief. What if she asked for the potion? Was she planning to use it on Sebastian?

My heart ached. Was it my fault for being too focused on work to even know she was putting herself in danger? Her happiness is my biggest priority. If that means Sebastian, then... I turned away and pondered the things I couldn't offer: a happy family or limitless adventures. All I had to give was love.

She woke up and stirred slightly. "Ominis?" She spoke. I turned back and stroked her hair to comfort her.

"How are you feeling?" I responded.

"Exhausted, but happy that you're here," she said and immediately drifted back asleep.


Y/N's Perspective

I woke up to soft filtered sunlight. Ominis was sleeping beside me. He looked so peaceful that I didn't dare wake him.

My owl had two letters for me. The first was from Amit. He was reminding me about the group stargazing trip this weekend. The second was from Sebastian. He expressed his care and wanted to make sure I was okay.

I responded to both. After being in bed for a few days, I wanted to be productive, so I spent my day in the Map Chamber. After defeating Ranrok, the Keepers considered me worthy of continuing their legacy. This meant more lessons on Ancient Magic.

For quite some time, the large doors opened and the keepers vanished from their portraits. I turned to see Ominis who gave a sigh of relief. "You're not supposed to be here," I reminded him.

"I know, but I was worried about you. Please don't disappear suddenly when I'm sleeping, especially when you aren't feeling well," he responded. I put my wand away and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Sorry. I guess that was a little inconsiderate. Thank you for taking care of me," I said.

"I'm just glad you're alright," he said. I could tell Ominis wanted to scold me for being so reckless in the first place, but instead, he handed my teaching journal back. "I made some suggestions, but overall this sounds great."

I took the journal and gave him an excited hug. "I feel a lot more confident about my lesson plans now," I stated, then realized, "The opening ceremony is today, isn't it?"

He nodded, and we began ascending the stairs. We didn't hold hands because it wouldn't be appropriate in front of the students.

Along the way, we walked past portraits of previous professors, including Sebastian's parents. Unlike most portraits, it wasn't enchanted. They were frozen in time and unfortunately young.

My mind drifted to the past when Ominis told me that they were killed by their own dedication and I thought it was cruel. My mind wondered about the present, and I had two conflicting thoughts.

The first is that my family line doesn't come with a legacy. I have to create one for myself, and it wouldn't be complete if Harlow or the repositories continue to be a threat. That was worth dying for.

The second was: what if I got Sebastian killed at the Poidsear Coast treasure vault? I would be ending another family's legacy for the sake of pursuing my own, and was that worth it?

"I wrote to my family yesterday. We can spend Friday night at the estate. My brother will be home, so you can bring up Harlow's release," Ominis said.

This was fantastic news. I paused. In the past two days, Ominis has taken care of me when I was unwell, helped me with work, and arranged this important meeting for me.

"I can't thank you enough, and I'm a little uncomfortable letting you do so much for me. Is there anything I can do in return?" I asked as we weaved our way through the returning students.

"During my last class of the week, I'm taking the class to Lower Hogsfield. If you'd like, I can use some help supervising. Then, we can head to the Gaunt residence from there," he suggested.

"Alright," I agreed and then whispered, "You said we're staying over Friday night. Don't arrange a separate bedroom for me, okay?" Ominis blushed and gave a small nod in agreement.

"Hey Professor Gaunt," some students greeted him in passing. Their chatter continued in the distance, "Isn't the woman next to him, Y/N?" "I hope they're adding ancient magic to the curriculum."

When we arrived, Professor Weasley, Deek, and some house elves were already in the Great Hall, preparing for the banquet.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" I offered.

"That's quite kind of you, but we're about done," she smiled, "Go ahead and take your seats." Ominis and I were seated apart from one another.

I began to look through the notes Ominis made. Strange that his enchanted quill used a bright green ink. I looked up again when Professor Garlick sat next to me. "For good luck this year," she handed me a four-leaf clover.

I smiled, "Thanks." All of the professors were now here, and the students were seated.

Headmaster Black entered. He publicly welcomed me as the new Magical Theory Professor who previously saved Hogwarts. I stood up with a smile. There was a round of applause, and I sat down again.

At the end of the night, Ominis and I walked back to the faculty tower together. We discussed the sorting ceremony. I was especially excited when new students were sorted into my house, and Ominis seemed confident that Slytherin could win the house cup this year.

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