Ms. Sweeting ☁️ Side Story

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☁️ Poppy's Perspective

I crossed my arms and leaned against a tree. Lumos from my wand created a web of intertwined shadows across the floor.

I was very familiar with forests, but I wanted to be back near the others. The shadows moved with the wind and appeared as though they could just reach out and grab us.

Garreth was throwing up on the floor behind me. That idiot. I didn't want to look, but I placed my hand on his back and rubbed it. I could feel his gasps for air, and it pained me.

The sound was too much, so I began talking over him. "We're going to miss the meteor shower if we don't head back soon... I'm also scared of the dark," I admitted, hoping he'd hurry up and feel better.

"Don't be. I'll protect you," he responded. It definitely wasn't reassuring because Garreth was struggling to stand upright.

"It was brave of you to try the poisons, but I don't understand why you didn't test your immunity in a safer and more private environment," I nagged, out of worry.

He leaned against me. Garreth was really tall, and I was... well... fun-sized. It was difficult supporting his weight as we began walking back. "Well, I was hoping to impress a specific lady," Garreth explained.

That's an even dumber reason. "Y/N probably wasn't impressed by your display," I complained.

He laughed, "Definitely not, but I don't care what Y/N thinks. My lady of interest might not be impressed, but at least she takes care of me when I'm sick."

"I'm taking care of you when you're sick!" I snapped then realized what he meant. I let go of Garreth and took a few steps away. I was hit with a wave of shyness and wanted to hide to recollect my thoughts.

He fell onto the floor much like a vial of Oculus Potion. The moment the it shattered, my world became a little more clear and a little more colorful. The red-haired potioneer was blushing.

He could barely hold himself up. "Poppy, I'm just..." Garreth was a mess as he held his head in pain. He was going to say just kidding. I quickly sat down beside him and let him rest his head on my lap.

"Sorry. Your joke caught me off guard," I said and looked up at the sky. It was covered by trees, and I doubted anyone was going to come to check on us. I ran my hands through his wavy hair. His breathing relaxed, and his soft green eyes looked up at me.

"I'm not joking. I can't really lie in this state," he muttered. The mischief-maker was having a moment of vulnerability, and I wondered if I was hallucinating. Perhaps Garreth gave me a potion earlier. It would explain why my heart was racing and my body felt warm.

I didn't know how to respond. We've been close friends for the last three years. My hesitation must've embarrassed him more because he turned away. His head moving on my thighs suddenly felt a lot more intimate.

Garreth broke the silence, "Hey, it's okay if you don't feel that way toward me. I'm lucky enough to just be your friend."

"It's not that. I... I don't know how to feel yet," I stammered. "If you want to impress a girl, take her out on a proper date instead of poisoning yourself in a contest."

He was weary, but he smiled. "Do you want to go on a date then?" Garreth asked.

"Yeah..." I responded, "And you better make it up to me for missing the meteor shower."

"Of course. Only the best for my little Kneazle," he smiled.

"No embarrassing pet names!" I exclaimed and laughed.

"Sorry, beautiful," he responded. How does he manage to be so infuriating and sweet at the same time?

"Beautiful is too affectionate," I said.

"Then, how about pudding thighs?" Garreth suggested proudly and leaned into them.

We stayed up most of the night chatting about life, the universe, and everything. Eventually, Highwing found us and helped me get Garreth back to his tent.

He passed out almost instantly but never let go of my hand. I decided to lay down next to him, and still asleep, he held me instinctively. Garreth was so close. I felt indecent as his warmth and proximity brought me excitement, yet no one was here to judge.

I thought back to a conversation with Y/N.

"Unmarried?" I gasped, but she just smiled.

"One day, you'll find a man who makes you understand. Making love is now my favorite thing in the world," she responded. Y/N was always a bit unconventional, but she was my best human friend.

Love without commitment didn't make any sense to me. And, why was I thinking about that memory now? Garreth slept soundly through the night. Would he wait for me if I wasn't ready for a while?..


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