Their Return Home 💚 Part I

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Y/N's Perspective

When I arrived at the Three Broomsticks, Imelda Reyes, Everett Clopton, Natty Onai, and Ominis were already there.

"What?!" Natty shouted. "That man is a criminal. He shouldn't be allowed to walk the streets freely."

I sat beside her and looked at Everett. He continued speaking, "I know, but he's being released. The justice system's twisted to favor purebloods like that."

"As it should be," Imelda glared at Everett who glared back. I see Imelda's still just as horrible.

"Who?" I asked, struggling to follow along.

"Harlow," Natty scowled in disgust, "I mean, Officer Singer was there when he used an unforgivable curse on me!"

"Yeah, but Singer's dead. And her testimony was discredited by..." Imelda paused.  She glanced at Ominis with a smirk.

There was a pause as he realized everyone was silently demanding his response. "There's nothing I can do about my brother or the Ministry's corruption."

Natty pleaded, "Ominis. If he's your brother, he'll listen to you. Family is always there for each other. Ask him to change his mind on Harlow's release."

Ominis made a strange expression. I couldn't quite make out the emotion, but I knew he didn't agree with Natty's statement. He hadn't spoken to his family in years, and he especially hated his older siblings for torturing him at every opportunity.

I put my hand on Natty's shoulder. She looked at me then looked back at Ominis hoping for a response. Nothing.

"Anne!" Imelda jumped up out of her seat in excitement. Everett and Ominis turned to greet the newcomers as well.

Natty looked back at me again. "Y/N, you'll help me convince Ominis won't you?" Her eyes searched for hope.

"I'll see what I can do later.." I responded, trying not to make any direct promises. Natty thanked me and went to say her greetings.

I looked up to see Imelda hugging.. or maybe strangling Anne. The two squealed in excitement, and next to them, Sebastian. "Hey," he said sheepishly with a smile.

"I never expected Sebastian to get so handsome," Imelda teased.

Anne elbowed her gently. "Imelda, don't say weird stuff like that."

"You're his twin. Consider it a compliment,"  Imelda responded.

Anne rolled her eyes, and sat next to Ominis who sarcastically added, "If it means anything, I think you're much better looking than Sebastian."

I got up and hugged Sebastian. He seemed surprised at first but held me in his arms for a while. Everyone's chitchat all felt like white noise. It has been so long since Sebastian stood in front of me.

"Butterbeers?" Sirona already had 7 glasses in her hands.

"Definitely," Everett responded. Sirona placed them down. I pulled away from the hug. A bit embarrassed by how long we were standing there. I blushed realizing how much I missed being held by him.

"We're moving back to Feldcroft!" Anne announced.

"Really?" Ominis asked.

"Let's toast to that," Natty suggested.

"We could also toast to me winning my last quidditch game," Imelda added. "Cheers!"

They began talking about the Quidditch World Cup. I guess Anne knows Imelda, Everett, and Natty from quidditch.

I wasn't sure what to say, but being with both Ominis and Sebastian again was nice. "I miss going on adventures... like we used to," I admitted. "Now, I'll actually have to show up to class for the students."

Sebastian told us about his most recent adventures, and we talked about last week's troll attack as though such a simple battle compared. "I saw. The two of you were holding hands in the Daily Prophet," he commented.

"Yeah. With all the commotion, I hadn't realized they were taking pictures until Y/N grabbed my hand," Ominis said. It was true. I laughed, "I was a bit drunk and embarrassed about all the damage I caused. I hope they didn't include that in their article."

"So you're not dating?" He asked. I took a drink of butter beer to stall. Although Ominis never admitted it, I suspected he had feelings for Anne when I first met him. And it was obvious Sebastian and I... I wonder how Ominis feels now... How do I feel now?

After a moment of awkward silence, Ominis told the truth, "We aren't." He was blushing. We've never really talked about commitment.

Sirona showed up with a lot of food catching everyone's attention, and she handed me a rusted ring. "It's goblin metal," Sirona explained. It shouldn't be possible for goblin metal to rust. "I would like your help, but we can talk about it later since you're with your friends now." I rolled the ring between my fingers. Dirty, but interesting.

"Thank you, Sirona." This might help me figure out how to destroy the repositories, not just contain them. I place it in my coat pocket.

Ominis was telling Sebastian, "There's a chance Professor Ronen might retire soon. If you're ever interested in teaching Charms like your mother did, we'd write you a reference."

I was hoping Sebastian would show interest, but he rubbed the back of his head giving the impression of reluctance.

"Seb," Anne called. "Tell them about the curse we broke in New York City. There's a district just like Diagon Alley there. Everett won't believe me."

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