Stress & Gaunt ☁️ + 🍋 + 💚

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Warning: ☁️  contains really short intense fluff that some might consider explicit.

Might post a full 🍋 version here or in my one-shot collection later. Might not.

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Y/N's Perspective

At the end of the day, I returned to Hogwarts with Ominis. I could tell he was sleep-deprived, and I wondered if it was my fault for bringing him home which reminded him of bad memories.

"I don't want you to be stressed. I can help you tonight... if you need it that is," I said. My words came out a lot more awkward than I was expecting.

Ominis wasn't lying when he said there was a lot to do. When we returned to Hogwarts, his bedroom was lined with piles and piles of parchment. Apparently, all of these were for the current school year and were due a week ago. Only Professor Weasley could go to the Headmaster's Tower, so she was dealing with the Quill of Acceptance and Book of Admittance.

It's chaotic when Ominis works. He began approving, revising, or declining proposals from professors and special requests from parents.

I sat on his lap and watched him. He would enchant several supporting documents at once. The pieces of parchment flew around and declared their contents, screaming over each other. At the same time, he ran his index finger along the primary document and wrote with a special quill.

I closed my eyes and tried to feel the enchanted ink too. I could hardly begin to make out any letters when I felt Ominis slip his hand under my blouse. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked about my hands on his work.

"I was just curious about your reading method," I said embarrassed. He felt me through my bra, and I added, "And, I should be the one asking you that."

"I'm de-stressing. That's what you offered to help with isn't it?" he whispered. I could feel him unlatch the front clasp of my bra. He held one of my breasts and played with me.

"When I offered to help you, I meant to lighten your workload... not sit around on your lap like a stress ball," I responded. He gave me a little squeeze, and I leaned back into him. Ominis continued writing casually with his other hand.

"I know," he responded and squeezed me again. "But you're so cute. It alleviates stress. Do you want me to stop?" he asked in a teasing tone. Ominis's breath brushed past my ear, and it tickled.

"This is fine if it's helping your productivity," I responded. I was secretly delighted. He continued playing with me as he worked diligently.

Ominis suggested that I get some of my own work done too, but how could I focus with this man around?

I loved that he was a workaholic, yet a little part of his attention was always mine. I, especially, loved it when his reserved demeanor melted into need. It felt like a secret side of Ominis that was only reserved for me.


To help with his productivity, I was asked to stay quiet until he finished his work. He rolled me in his hand and controlled my sensitivities. My eyes wandered to the clock and to the neverending piles of parchment. I had been obedient for a while now, sitting on Ominis's lap as he worked.

My heart was racing. His hand warm traced my skin and built excitement, but he never let me reach my peak. I was sitting on the edge of desire and necessity.

I leaned back into him as my impatience grew. Ominis kissed my neck, silently asking for more patience. I looked at him pleadingly which made no difference.

Ominis Gaunt was stressed, and his expression was serious. There was something strangely attractive about a tired man that I didn't grow to appreciate until I got older.

I reached my hands behind me and between his legs to feel him. He was excited, but clearly not enough if he was still thinking properly with his brain. Ominis took a deep breath. He read the next proposal out loud as he tried to focus.

I was a reward for finishing his work, and perhaps Ominis was a little too good at delayed gratification.

I tried to undo his trousers, and Ominis pulled me completely into him. I felt his hard manhood pressed up against my back. His hand reached down between my legs, and he pleasured me with his fingers.

"Just a few more proposals," he muttered. That liar. I gripped onto the edge of his desk knowing I should be patient if I wanted his full attention. He just couldn't help himself.


In the morning, Ominis nudged me awake.

"Only one all-nighter, and my sleep schedule feels all messed up," I complained, but the smell of food convinced me to sit up.

"Proper sleep is a part of adulthood," he responded as though he didn't frequently pass out from overworking himself. Ominis handed me a cup of leafy caffeine. He had brought us breakfast from the kitchen.

"Thank you," I said with a smile. We began eating, and I said, "I should really be taking care of you since you're the busy and stressed-out one."

"Your happiness is also stress-relief," he responded, simply. I felt butterflies and wondered if Ominis could tell when he made my heart race.

"I noticed Anne calls you Omi, but no one else does," I stated. I was a bit jealous.

Ominis smiled. "Yeah. I don't mind it coming from Anne. When Imelda and Lenora occasionally try, I ignore them. I wouldn't mind if you gave me a nickname either, but I do like hearing you call out my name. Especially when shuddering beneath me begging for ***."

I almost spit out my tea. It wasn't like Ominis to be so straightforward or explicit, but since this weekend, he's been overwhelmingly affectionate.

I changed the subject saying, "I'm thinking I want to skip the lessons on blood status theories... I know Headmaster Black is very insistent about it, but you said he's been absent recently."

"The students already know about blood from their families anyway, even muggle-born students learn it quickly when they arrive. What would you teach instead?" he asked.

"I'm thinking I should teach the students Occlumency," I suggested with a slight smile.

He shook his head, "Mind-reading charms are far too close to the dark arts. If you teach Occlumency, they'll better understand Legilimency."

"It's not technically a dark art. These are skills Professor Fig and the Keepers insisted I learned early on. I think it's useful for everyone to know how to keep their thoughts private," I explained.

"You value privacy. I supposed that's why I catch you trying to read my mind every now and then?" he said.

"You just tend to be reserved. I get a bit curious... and it's not like I'm ever successful with you," I explained.

He laughed. "My family's given me a lot of practice with Occlumency, but I think I'm quite open with you. Although I disapprove of students running around and attempting mind-reading, I don't need Legilimency to know, you'll be teaching it anyways."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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