A Little Insanity 💚 + ☁️

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Y/N woke up to two responses. The first was from Poppy Sweeting saying she could meet for breakfast with the fwooper feathers. The second was from Sebastian saying he was able to help search the Poidsear Coast treasure vault this afternoon.


Y/N's Perspective

Poppy and I found seating at our favorite cozy cafe in Hogsmeade. We ordered our usuals.

"To get this out of the way," Poppy said as she handed me a basket with colorful feathers peeking out the edges.

"Thank you, Poppy." I smiled, grateful that I wouldn't be spending all afternoon chasing magical birds. "What do I owe you for it?"

"Owe me?" She laughed. "Of course I'm not charging you for this. I think you've gotten too familiar with people expecting things of you."

I laughed, "A bit. Garreth asked me to deliver this to you." I handed her one of the pink potions in my pocket.

"Thanks," she took the bottle and examined it before putting it away. Poppy tucked one side of her short hair behind her ear and leaned into her hands. "Now, tell me everything."

Poppy always asked me to tell her everything. "It's only been about two weeks since we last had breakfast together. I don't have much to update you on," I told her, and the food arrived.

"Nonsense. You're always up to something," she responded and took a sip of coffee.

While we ate, Poppy told me about her most recent findings. There has been an increase in dragon sightings, and she was going to shift her interest toward them. I told her about the Sallow twins' return, Harlow's release, and my plans for later in the day.

"I'm curious to know what Sebastian looks like now. I wish I had been invited," Poppy said.

"He looks..." I thought about it. He has the same confident demeanor but gained a sense of style and some height. His job was clearly keeping him in shape.

"You're blushing," Poppy pointed out.

I hid my cheeks, "He looks as you would expect. The same brown hair and brown eyes." 

"Sure," she stated. "And Ominis is taking you to meet his family. I envy your love life."

"What love life?" I questioned. "Platonically talking to an old crush again or sleeping with a friend hardly counts. I wish someone would just tell me that they love me."

"They might have feelings for you. Admitting that you love someone is a really scary thing," Poppy said. "I can't even talk to someone that I'm interested in about normal things." 

"But the lust potion. Don't you have someone?" I asked.

"Oh, No. No." Poppy looked mortified. "It's more commonly used as an interrogation potion because truth-telling is always a side effect. I'm using it to infiltrate a poacher camp. I can't believe Garreth told you I was using it for that!"



I was sitting on a dock, leisurely kicking my feet in the river. It was a little cold, but a nice contrast against the sunlight's warmth. A waterfall roared in the distance.

"Be careful. A kelpie might pull you in," Sebastian appeared. He offered his hand to help me up, so I took it.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long," he added. I slipped my shoes back on and brushed any dirt off my clothes.

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