A Ring & A Potion 💚

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Adalbert Waffling's book on Magic Theory was incredibly dry. To summarize, spell energy is required to cast. Spell quality and duration can be affected by a witch or wizard's emotional state.

This seems like common sense, but being aware of one's spell energy was tricky. Y/N wasn't sure how to teach it. How did Professor Fig teach this lesson? She thought to herself. Maybe I had skipped his lectures too often.

On that note, she decided it was time to skip preparing for this lecture by visiting Sirona. The details were fairly simple:

Sirona received the ring from a friend who's working on the Coastal Cavern's reconstruction. There are many rumors about what's being built. Some say the place was purchased by a businessman who wants to increase tourism in Scotland with a beautiful resort above the waterfall. Another rumor states that it will be an addition to Gringotts Bank.  Some people think maybe a quidditch stadium or a train station. Sirona didn't know.

A few weeks ago, her friend came to the Three Broomsticks boasting that he found a treasure map. It led to a real treasure vault along the Poidsear Coast, and he gave Sirona the ring as proof. He just hasn't figured out the puzzle yet, but he will. Then, he can finally quit his job. Sirona wants you to find him. Both because she's concerned about his safety, and he's got a really big tab to pay.

Y/N decided to start by checking the ring's quality and composition because she needs to know what happened to the goblin magic infused in the metal. Luckily, she knew just the alchemist & potions expert to do so. An owl was sent.


Y/N's Perspective

"Hi, Garreth. Thanks for seeing me on such short notice," I smiled.

The little shop was full of smoke, and his red hair was particularly disheveled. Was it rude to cough? It smells disgusting. I held my breath and briefly questioned if Garreth Weasley was really the person to go to.

"I'll always make time for a friend," he was getting rid of whatever was in the cauldron. With a wave of his wand, the windows popped open. "Sorry, I was working on a cure for fwooper song," he added, probably noticing my disgust.

"Your working on a cure for insanity?" I questioned. He nodded, "If you could fetch me more fwooper feathers, I'll start working on the ring immediately."

"Of course," I said. "I've got a few fwoopers in my vivarium. How many do you need?"

"Hmm... Think you can get me a hundred?" He asked. The audacity. Does he want to test the insanity cure on me afterwards too? I gave him a look of disapproval.

"How about 50?" He reasoned, "I promise I'm close. Each attempt just takes a lot of feathers. Think of the symbolism. Didn't our friendship start over a fwooper feather?" Garreth was referring to when he asked me to steal a fwooper feather from Professor Sharp. I knew he was trouble, but how could I turn down those cute green eyes?

"Alright. I'll need to visit Poppy then," I agreed and handed him the ring. He took note of its characteristics, placed it on his workstation, and grabbed a pink potion from one of the cabinets.

"Testing the ring for goblin metal and other traces will take me at least a week. Poppy ordered this. Do you mind delivering it to her if you're headed there anyways?" Garreth handed the potion to you before returning to his workstation.

The smell of peppermint and roses shouldn't make my heart race this way. It was definitely a love potion. "Garreth, aren't love potions banned?" You felt a bit uncomfortable holding the bottle.

He looked a bit shocked. "Of course, I'm not asking you to deliver banned potions."

"Then.." I could feel warmth in my cheeks, and I didn't dare look at him.

"It's more of an aphrodisiac... Don't tell Poppy you know that when you deliver it." Garreth grabbed another potion and tossed it over. "Here. Consider it a thanks for agreeing to deliver one."

My heart almost burst when I caught the bottle. Didn't he consider what would happen if I missed? A respectable lady would decline the potion, but I was curious.

A bell chimed from above as the front door opened, and a customer entered. Saved. I stuffed the potions in my coat pockets. "I'll be on my way then," I said and used the Floo Flame.


Y/N grabbed a quick sandwich and returned to Hogwarts where she finished her lesson plans for Adalbert Waffling's book on Magic Theory. It was past midnight, but she wanted to show it to Ominis.

He was found asleep at his classroom desk. It's cute how peaceful he looks. She thought as the journal in her hands grew heavier. She placed the journal on his desk. I can show him later.

With that, Y/N went to get a blanket from her classroom nearby and wrapped it around him. It looks like he was creating a proposal to improve Hogwarts. Ominis is always so responsible. She felt a little embarrassed that she was so proud of such a simple task.

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