Stargazing Trip 💚 or 🍋 Choice

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There are two possible decisions:
Stand Up 💚 (True Progression)
Pull Him In 🍋 (Alt Progression)

If you choose to stand up, please read the first half.
If you choose to pull him in, please read the second half.


Choice 💚 Stand Up

I took Sebastian's hand and stood up. He folded the blanket that we were sharing, and I fixed my hair before we began walking back together.

He made small talk about A Midsummer Night's Dream, and how those same fairies are rumored to exist in this exact forest. I told him that I hoped so because I needed more fairy wings for my potions.

Sebastian and I took a small detour to see if we could catch these magical creatures. Instead of fairies, we discovered a small clearing with a Merlin Trial. I sprinkled some Mallowsweet, and we chased fireflies through the forest.

"Last one!" I shouted and cast Lumos. When I turned around, I ran into him. The light dissipated from my wand, leaving only the fireflies to illuminate us. I stood there for a moment, stunned.

Sebastian smiled. "It's cute how serious you get about these little puzzles," he commented and casted Lumos. Sebastian took off with my fireflies!!

I chased him through the clearing and the trees as he playfully dodged me. Sebastian was fast, an unfair advantage of his height. I paused to catch my breath, and he stood there tauntingly waving his wand. I considered casting Arresto Momentum or Glacius, but such a victory wouldn't feel as satisfying.

The cold air hurt my lungs, and I coughed. He moved closer to comfort me but regained some distance as I went for the fireflies again. It didn't take long for Sebastian to trip on some protruding tree roots. I took the fireflies back with Lumos. "I see Merlin's on my side," I said.

Before I could reach the stone, Sebastian grabbed me from behind pulling me into an embrace. I laughed. "Sebastian, please. It's so close to complete," I protested.

"But once you complete the trial, we'll have to head back," he said. His warmth enveloped me in a sense of comfort and safety. I let him hold me for a bit longer as the fireflies danced around us.

He could just ask to spend more time with me because I enjoyed these little moments with my best friend. Sometimes people are so confusing, and it couldn't be blamed on fairies.

Sebastian admitted to feeling drowsy, possibly from the various poisons and potions. I placed the back of my hand against his forehead. A slight fever. He set me free. I completed the trial feeling like I earned it, and we headed back together.

Back at the campsite, Amit and Samantha were still watching the stars. Natty, Imelda, Lenora, and Anne were chatting about whether meteor showers should be wished on or not. Anne looked over at her brother. "Are you feeling, alright?" she asked.

"I'm a bit out of it," Sebastian responded, looking at nothing in particular.

Imelda smiled. "If it's because of the potions, why don't you stay with me tonight?" She offered.

I thought this was a bold move, considering his twin sister who was also her best friend was right there. Anne and Sebastian made an identical expression of disapproval.

"No, thanks," Sebastian responded, almost too nonchalantly. Lenora began laughing, and Natty shushed her.

"..." Imelda must have felt uncomfortable. She shuffled then snickered at me, "It's because you already took care of him, right?"

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