Stargazing Trip ☁️ Meteor Shower

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Y/N's Perspective

Natty was doing astrology charts, a common practice in divination. Amit was skeptical and challenged the accuracy. He turned to me and asked, "What do you think?"

"I didn't pay as much attention in Professor Onai's class as I should've, but I'm having a lot of fun right now," I responded.

"Your chart says you're destined to make notable contributions to science," Natty said to Amit. I couldn't tell if she was serious or not, but he smiled and quickly changed his mind.

I looked over. Poppy was stacking the largest s'more I've ever seen. Beside her, Garreth was practically holding Sebastian as he taught him a few chords on his guitar. It sounded awful, but I walked over. "I'm worried he's going to break your strings," Anne said.

"Do you want to give it a try then?" Garreth asked her.

"I already know how to play," she responded proudly. Sebastian handed her the guitar. Unlike Garreth's romantic melodies, Anne played aggressively. It was mesmerizing and moody.

"Impressive," Poppy said, but I wasn't sure if she was referring to the music or her gooey marshmallow creation she was consuming.

Garreth turned to me. "So, did you find a use for the potion I gave you?" He smiled. I glanced at Sebastian who was looking away. He definitely heard him. I glanced at Poppy who was staring back. Her eyes sparkled with the fire's light.

"I accidentally broke the bottle, so I couldn't find a use for it," I responded with a shrug.

"That's a shame. I can always give you and Poppy more," he offered.

"What kind of potion was it?" Anne asked. She continued playing music. Poppy was now looking at Garreth. She was blushing with embarrassment, yet her smile and the fire in her eyes seemed a little different somehow, more sinister.

Garreth looked at Poppy with a smirk; it was a different kind of playfulness than he had with me. "The kind that causes truth-telling," he said.

"I thought the recipe to Veritaserum (a different potion) was strictly controlled by the ministry," Anne said. "You must be very talented."

"I am," Garreth said, shamelessly. "I heard Aurors had to become immune to a lot of potions and poisons. Want to see who has more immunity Gryffindor vs Slytherin?"

"Sure," Anne said. She leaned the guitar against a seat and stood up.

"No," Sebastian protested. "Anne, Garreth hardly passed his Potions classes. He's going to get you killed."

"Us. Let's play in teams," she responded.

"Potion immunity?" I asked Poppy.

"Mithridatism builds immunity," Poppy responded. "Garreth's probably tried enough of his own potions to have it." I pulled out my field guide for a moment.

"Don't be such a scaredy cat, Sebastian," Garreth said as he left to get Natty and his potions bag. The twins bickered, and Anne won as usual. Amit, Imelda, Lenora, and Samantha came to sit around us as well.

Garreth pulled out potions and organized them. There were several bottles of each. "You two can pick the potions," he said to Poppy and me.

I picked up a gold bottle and observed it. "Felix Felicis," I identified, easily. "Let's start with this." He handed a bottle to Natty, Anne, and Sebastian. They took a drink.

"You're going to need liquid luck for this game?" Amit sounded concerned.

Poppy picked the next potion. It was an innocent bright green but smoked when the cap was undone. "Noxious Poison," Garreth said, and the Aurors picked up their bottles as well.

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