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I sat down watching her walk behind her desk to take a seat. She leaned back in her chair staring at me. Her head tilted to the side as she scanned me from my legs up to my eyes

"Who's your friend?" she finally spoke after an eternity of cold silence. I opened my mouth to speak

"-doesn't matter."she put on her glasses leaning up in her chair typing in her computer "The reason I called you in here is to talk about your grades" She gave a quick glance to make sure i was paying attention before resuming.

"I see you're doing exceptionally well in Sociology" so we're really not gonna talk about it

"Yup." I coldly replied. she glanced at me then back to her laptop.

More silence filled the air.

"So" she deeply sighed "I have a student who is struggling in that class I need you to tutor her"

"Her?" I quickly stood up "you can't be serious right now"

She pulled her glasses down gazing at me with a look of irritation. "Do I peg you as the type to play games miss Caine?" She looked to my seat, forcing me to sit back down with her eyes.

She's right. I've never once seen a smile hit her face let alone a joke come from it. I took a deep breath re seating myself "I'm flattered you picked me but I politely Decline" she broke eye contact shifting in her chair

"Miss Caine, I think you forget who actually has the authority here. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you."

I felt my eyebrow twitch followed by the intense irritation I felt hearing her once again try and demand me to do something.

"So let me get this straight. You forced me to sign a nda form to ensure my silence about your little scandalous behavior. Then Almost repeated said scandalous behavior with me and Now you're telling me that I have no authority, and because I have no authority I have to do what you tell me to?" I rose up from my seat again "i think you forgot that it's actually my silence thats giving you the delusion of thinking you have any sort of authority to begin with." She quickly stood up from her seat, even from a distance I could see the rage, she was upset but so was I.

"Miss Caine. I'm sorry to hear that you have some kind of unresolved feelings towards me but I advise you to use your words a little more carefully." My eyes fell to her hands that were gripping the edge of the edge of the table causing me to swallow the lump in my throat.

I opened my mouth to speak but she quickly cut me off with the raise of her hand.

"That'll be all miss Caine, you can show yourself out of my office." I could tell She was upset, like really fucking upset But so the fuck am I. I'm confused and just spiraling with so many different emotions that she isn't even acknowledging. Am I wrong for once again assuming that maybe, just maybe she might've changed her mind about me?

"LEAVE!" She shouted at me , I jumped, being startled outta my thoughts.

I quickly snatched my bag from off the floor and left. I could feel tears forming but I quickly wiped them before anything could fall. I hate crying. I hate how bad it hurts. Why am I even crying? And Why does crying hurt so much? I hate the burning sensation I get in my throat I just hate it and here I am fucking crying. I wipe repeatedly trying to stop the flood coming from my eyes.

I could see Cash's blurry silhouette come clear.
Fuck, i quickly try to turn away, how fucking embarrassing. I have never been a fan of crying infront of people.

"Don't look at me" my voice cracked. I felt her hand patting my shoulder.

"Me and some friends are going out later, you should come and get some drinks with us"

I turned to face her, pulling away from her "what? I just met you."

She put her hands up in a surrender position "woah there cowboy, You just look like you need a couple drinks, is all" I chuckle taking myself out of defense mode, I forget not everyone is you. cash seems to be the complete opposite of you actually.


I wasn't sure I was at the right place at first. It looked like an old warehouse, very spooky looking but the blasting music confirmed my suspicion.

After paying I made my way in realizing this wasn't a regular club. It was filled with women, only women in all shapes and sizes. Some small and petite and some were large and masculine. Everyone was attractive in their own way. I seen cash laughing with some chick in the corner. they were very touchy and practically fucking each other with their eyes. I mentally shook my head, it's like I gravitate towards whorish people.

I finally made my way over "So, You really came." Cash whispered into my ear which was the only way to communicate over the loud music.

I slightly smiled "I'm not here for you, I'm here for the drinks you offered," I teased

She laughed while taking my hand "this way we got a whole booth full of them. No need to be antsy"

I could feel myself shrink as we passed each girl. I was tense and uncomfortable. I felt outta place. A lot of women were eyeing me down as I passed them. these women were sure of what they wanted. It was a little intimidating.

"This is butch, tish and kenya" cash introduced me to her friends in the booth they all looked me up and down trying to feel me out. I politely smiled, giving each of them a nod.

I'm so weird sometimes.

five shots in and I feel freaking great
All of us are on the dance floor dancing. Kenya butch and tish are great but so is cash. I looked her in her eyes as she held my hips. I don't remember when we got this touchy but we were all in each other's bubble. She held me like she never wanted to let me go. It felt nice, to feel wanted. to be treated this gentle. I never knew how much I craved this level of intimacy until now. She's like an inch taller than me but I couldn't imagine her any taller. She's perfect, but why can't you be this way? why can't you be this nice, this gentle and this sweet. In fact your the complete opposite of tender and pleasant, You're cold, standoffish, and malicious you're.... Fucking indescribable.

Y'all Talk to me! Tell me what you guys think? (Specifically talking to the Day 1 Readers) Idk I thought I'd drag it a bit more. Let the tension build.


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