The Arrival

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There I stood, at the entrance to the great hall. A giant wooden door reaching up to the high ceiling.
"I hope we haven't missed the sorting ceremony", Professor Fig said anxiously.
He opened the door and he peeked in. I stood on the tips of my toes, attempting to peek through the gap Professor Fig had just created. I could barely see into the hall. It was filled with students sitting down at a few very long tables.
Professor Fig jumped back.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Professor Black is coming", he said.
I watched him pace back and forth in thought.
Seconds later, a tall man dressed in a black suit opened the door.
"You're late", he spat.
"Professor Black. I'm terribly sorry. You see, the Goblin threat is far worse than we thought...." But that was all Professor Fig managed to get out before Professor Black hushed him.
"That's enough blubbering about Goblin's, I have no time for your tall tales", he spat again.
Clearly he spoke with that tone frequently. Professor Black's eyes shifted from Professor Fig to me. I could feel his piercing gaze.
"If you're lucky, we might just have time to sort you tonight", he said.
Professor Black made a gesture for me to follow him.
"He's charming", I said to Professor Fig sarcastically.
"Very. Okay, I'm off to the ministry to report our dragon attack. I'll send an owl when I am back and we can discuss the events of the night further. For now, it's best we keep this to ourselves", Fig said.
I nodded. "Have a safe journey.
With that I entered the great hall and Professor Fig walked in the opposite direction.
I froze. Every single head in the room turned to face me. I began to feel my face turning bright red. I hurried along the middle of the hall, attempting to not make eye contact with a single student. Professor Black held the sorting hat in hand.
"Students, we have a new student starting in fifth year. Aura De Luca", he said as he motioned to the stool in the middle of the stage.
I walked up the two steps and sat in the chair. Slowly, he placed the sorting hat on my head.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The hat apple.
"A Fifth year. Hmmmmm, that's a strange time to start your schooling", it said.
I looked up at the hat. It was strange hearing a voice, but not seeing it.
"How do you feel about that?" it asked.
"Excited, I have so much to learn", I said quietly. I could feel all eyes on me.
"Excited, are we? You have a lot to catch up on. How will you do it? Bury your head in a book? Or are you going see what the highlands have to offer?"
He asked a lot of questions. "Exploring sounds the most fun", I replied.
"Interesting." it paused.
"I sense a power in you. Whether it will be used wisely is hard to say. You're brave and courageous. But there's another side to that. Your bravery is driven by ambition. Interesting in deed", it paused.
The hat was building anticipation.
"SLYTHERINNNNNN", he said. His voice rang like a bell, echoing through the hall.
The Slytherin table erupted with cheer. For a moment I sat, processing the uproar. I watched as the Slytherin's clapped, with a few whistles thrown in there.

"You may be seated at the table. At the end of the ceremony, Professor Weasley will show you to your common room", said Professor Black.
I stood up and approached the Slytherin table, making eye contact and smiling at a few of my class mates. Two caught my eye. At first, I noticed a blond boy, with white eyes and a few precisely placed beauty spots. He appeared to be smiling and was looking in my direction, yet his eyes never met mine.
'Is he blind?' I thought to myself.
My eyes shifted to the boy next to him with freckles, brown hair and enchanting brown eyes. He smiled at me. I felt the red rising in my cheeks. I gave him a smile and averted my gaze.
I sat down at the very end of the table, next to some small students, they must've been first years.

When the sorting was finished, all that was left to go over was a few school rules and the announcement that Quidditch was cancelled for the year. Apparently there was an injury that occurred the previous year. Disappointed groans filled the room. I didn't care for Quidditch anyway, up until a few months ago, I didn't even know it was a thing.
A tall, middle aged witch with reddish hair approached me.
"Good evening Miss De Luca. Are you ready for a quick tour?" she asked.
"Good evening, yes I am", I smiled.
"Perfect! I'm Professor Weasley by the way. Welcome to your first year at Hogwarts. It's quite extraordinary that we have a student start in their fifth year. But don't worry I'm sure you'll catch up in no time. Now, follow me", she said.
We began heading towards the Slytherin common room, however not before we stopped at some notable locations. Professor Weasley would give me a brief run down, which would then be interrupted by a poltergeist who I was told was Peeves. He was horrid.

"Right, here is the entrance to the dungeon. You may enter by saying the secret password which is currently aspiration," she said, then motioned for me to say it.
I walked up to the wall, "aspiration", I said.
Without a second delay, two stone snakes rose up from the ground to form an archway, and in the middle a door was appeared.
"Okay, the Slytherin prefect Isaiah will show you to your room. Meet me in the common room tomorrow morning. I have a surprise for you", she smiled.
With that she strode off. There I stood hesitant. This was it. The moment my life would change. I was a witch and I was going to be great. I turned the handle and entered.

"Aura De Luca?" A young man asked.
"I'm Isaiah, the Slytherin prefect. Follow me to your room", he said.
Isaiah led me down a spiral staircase that opened into a large dungeon. While it was called a dungeon, it didn't look like one. The room had green velvet couches and arm chairs. Beautiful mahogany tables and chairs. Green velvet curtains hung from the windows which looked out to complete and total darkness. It was breathtaking. Isaiah led me through a hallway to a dorm that had five beds.
"This is your room. Your stuff is already here", he smiled.
"Thank you", I said as he left the room.
My luggage was stacked next to my bed. It was a canopy bed that had a deep green bed spread. Next to it was a small wooden end table, then a large wooden wardrobe. It was perfect.
I began to unpack, stacking my luggage on the chest at the end of my bed.

"Hi!", a girl walked up behind me and said.
I turned around startled.
"I'm Imelda Reyes. You must be the new fifth year. Nice to meet you", she said matter of factly.
"Hi. Aura De Luca", I said.
"I bet you can't wait to explore the castle. Shame about quidditch this year. Although I'm sure no one could beat me if they played against Slytherin. I'm the Slytherin Quiddich Captain. No one has ever out flown me. You could try but I'm sure you wouldn't be able to", she said, matter of factly again.
"Well I'm sure there's someone out there", I said. This girl was incredibly unbearable.
"Hmph, I'd like to see them try", she said with a tinge of annoyance.
"Well I have to unpack. It was nice meeting you", I said, keenly aware of the fact I had to share a dorm with this girl for the rest of the year.
I turned around before I could let another word escape her mouth.
After I unpacked. I lay down in bed, my thoughts drifting to the sorting ceremony.
'Is Slytherin the right house for me? They're known for their stance on pure blood wizards and witches. I'm not that. The discovery of my powers was merely coincidence. How could I possibly fit in here?' I thought to myself.
The only thing I did know, was that I could not utter those words to anyone. I was not born of witches and wizards. Now, I was in Slytherin. I would be an outcast.

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