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I sat in the smokey potions classroom. Professor Sharp was waiting for the class to settle down before starting the lesson.
"Good afternoon students, today we will be making Amortentia, also known as a love potion. It's incredibly powerful. Once a person ingests it, the first person or name they see will be the person they become obsessed with. An interesting thing about the potion is that if you sniff it, it will smell like the person you're most attracted to," Professor Sharp said.
The whole class began to whisper.
I glanced at Sebastian sitting beside me, would it smell like him?
"This should be interesting," Ominis said.
"I've always wanted to make this," Garreth chimed in. I could tell he was excited.
Professor Sharp explained the steps required to produce the potion.
"I will check on your progress in half an hour. It shouldn't take longer than that," he said.
I got straight to work making the potion. Crushed Aswinder eggs were the first ingredient. I followed the instructions as carefully as I could. Eventually a pink sparkly concoction formed in my cauldron. I wasted no time sniffing it. My senses filled with the smell of spices and old library books. I smiled at its scent. It was definitely Sebastian.
"What does it smell like?" Sebastian asked.
I froze. What would I tell him? Surely it would give it away.
"Spices...." I decided on the half truth.
"Interesting," he said, absentmindedly.
"What about you Ominis?" I asked.
"Candy," he said.
"Didn't take you for a sweet tooth," I said.
I paused, suddenly coming to a realisation. Did I want to know who's Sebastian smelled like?
"And you Sebastian?" I watched him, carefully.
"Floral, with a hint of strawberry and soap," he said.
"Hey, me too. Well except the soap," Garreth spoke.
"Maybe you both like the same girl," Ominis raised a brow.
"Don't be silly, I don't like anyone," Sebastian replied, shaking his head.
My heart sank deep into my chest. I guess it was better than him liking someone else.
"You don't have to like them, it's what you're most attracted to," Ominis explained.
Sebastian rolled his eyes, "it's probably because I enjoy smelling flowers and eating berries."
"Alright, well Garreth. Is that the case for you?" Ominis asked.
I watched him, waiting for an answer, and wondering if he was over his crush on me.
His gaze lingered on me a little too long, "it just smells like an old flame to me. Don't read too much into Ominis."
My eyes shifted to Ominis. He frowned, clearly annoyed he couldn't mess with them both further.
"The real question is if your potions scent reminds you of someone?" Garreth asked.
I kept my head down. Terrified I'd give it away.
"I just love things that smell like pumpkin pie," I shrugged.
"Right. Miss De Luca, let me have a look at your potion," Professor Sharp came up from behind me.
He smelled the concoction. I briefly wondered what scent he could smell. Next he spooned up some of it and examined it's colour and consistency.
"Great work," he said. Then wobbled onto Garreth's.
After grading each potion at our table he moved to the next one.
"I thought you two must've screwed that potion up if you were both smelling the same thing," Ominis teased them.
I had to hand it to Ominis, he loved prying in other peoples business a little too well. Most would've given up by now.
The two of them didn't say a word.


That evening Sebastian, Ominis and I sat down for dinner. I stuffed my plate with food as I usually did, then began to eat. Euphoria spread throughout my body as I chewed in the perfectly seasoned roast chicken.
"Hey guys," Garreth sat down next to me.
"Oh, what's up?" I asked.
"I have a proposition for you," He asked.
"Like what?" I asked, worried it would be another prank.
"See I need to pick up some supplies from Hogsmeade, and well I don't particularly feel like going alone," he said.
I could feel Sebastian and Ominis's eyes on me.
As I contemplated how to say no, an owl flew overhead.
It hooted as it dropped a box straight onto my plate of food, then flew off.
"Stupid owl," I said annoyed. I lifted up the box and examined it. It was covered in mash potato.
"What's this?" I asked.
"It's a chocolate frog," Sebastian said.
"Ooooh be careful when you open it, or else it was hop away," Garreth chimed in.
I carefully opened the box and then picked up the frog.
It squirmed in my grip.
"I don't know how I feel about this," I said.
"Just eat it," Sebastian laughed.
I shoved the entire thing in my mouth, before it could escape, then slowly chewed. It was incredibly sweet, a little too sweet for my liking.
"So, do you like it?" Garreth asked.
I turned to him as I swallowed.
"I......" something struck in my brain.
'Has Garreth always looked this handsome?,' I thought.
I examined his face. The way his orange hair curled around it was breathtaking. His freckles reminded me of the stars. And those green eyes pierced into my soul.
"Garreth, have you always been this handsome?" I asked.
"What?" Garreth said.
I heard Sebastian choke on his food behind me.
"I don't know why I didn't notice it before. You're the most handsome boy I've ever seen," I said, doe eyed.
I heard Sebastian and Ominis speak to my right, but it was entirely muffled. My sole focus was Garreth.
"I.....uh. So then you'll come to Hogsmeade with me?" He asked awkwardly.
I nodded enthusiastically.
For the rest of dinner, I doted over Garreth. He really was incredible.

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