The Keep

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Over the next few weeks, it was rather quiet. The keepers wanted me to develop my magic further before I did the third trial. I studied as hard as I could, and decided it would be best to utilise my talents by helping out in the hamlets. It also helped that I'd earn some extra Galleons as well. Of course, I helped out for free where I could. I wasn't fond of charging people who were desperate. Goblins seemed to always have unfortunate luck. Wizards were truely horrid to them. Worse than they were to each other. Although, the stories I heard from some people were truely bone chilling.
There was one in particular that I was involved in. A young boy had seen his father get murdered by a wizard named Theophilus Harlow. As a result, Harlow kidnapped the poor child, locking him in a cage. Thankfully, Natty caught wind, and we were able to rescue him. Still, this child was innocent. He had no quarrel with Harlow and yet, was still targeted.
This was only a small part of Harlow's antics. We had an inkling that he was working with Rookwood, as well as poaching poor beast, but we had no proof. One afternoon, Natty had sent me an Owl, asking me to meet her at an old keep. Knowing Natty, it was going to be interesting.

As I approached, I could see it was rather run down.
"Natty, what are we doing all the way out here?" I asked in a hushed tone.
"I did some digging for information and followed Harlow to the Hogs Head. He was reading a letter, and all I could see was that it was signed by Victor Rookwood. After what you told me that both Rookwood and Harlow were after you, I thought you'd be the perfect person to help me out with this," she explained.
Of course I was.
I signed, "very well."
"I followed Harlow here, and I need that letter as tangible proof that the two are working together. Then I can take it to Officer Singer," Natty said.
"Okay, let's do this," I said.
"I don't see any guards but we still have to be quiet. Can you find a way to open that gate? I'll stay and keep a lookout."
I nodded.
I walked to the wall to the right of the gate. It just so happened part of the stone wall collapsed. I used accio on a crate I'd found and used it as a boost. On the next ledge, the stone wall was crumbling away again, but it was too high to climb with just the crate.
"Accio," I said moving the crate into places
"Levioso," it levitated.
I jumped onto it, and continued further up the wall.
On the next floor, I followed the path around until I reached the room that raised the gate.
I opened it and listened as Natty climbed up the ladder.
"Great work, I knew you could do it. Follow me," she said.
Natty led me to the main keep. It looked like a relatively strong stone building.
"We'll need to be careful," she said as we approached.
"I can hear them. They're coming," I whispered.
We crouched behind some crates, peeking over to see the commotion.
I gasped as I say Highwing burst out of its doors.
"Highwing!" I whispered.
"You know that Hippogriff?" Natty asked.
I nodded.
Harlow and his goons hit Highwing with some spells.
"Restrain it!" He yelled.
They continued to shoot spells at Highwing, and then she finally collapsed to the ground.
"Poor Highwing," I murmured.
"Get this thing back onto the roof," Harlow said.
"Very well, new plan. I get the letters, you free that Hippogriff," she said.
Before I could say anything, Natty began to run.
"Quickly!" She said.
I ran after her. She was planning sneak in through the front door and she made it, I however, did not.
"Find me," Natty said.
I had to give it to her, she was brave. I immediately searched for a way in, and signed as I realised I'd have to scale the building again.

Using Accio and Levioso, I made my way up the main keep. There were a few goons along the way but I managed to take them down quietly. Soon, I came across a small gate and unlocked it. Finally, I was inside. I kept heading up to make sure I would reach the roof. Then, I found a room. I could hear noises coming from it. They weren't human though. As I approached, my heart began to sink, I knew what I'd find. Cages. Three of them. Inside was a Puffskein, a Niffler, and Jobberknoll. I freed them quickly. Luckily, a little while ago Professor Weasley's House-Elf Deek had given me a nab- sack to capture beasts. I watched as it gobbled them up, and hoped they liked it in there. With the beasts safe, I continued on, eventually reaching the roof. Highwing greeted me as soon as she saw me. A smile grew across my face. I knew she was happy to see me. A squawk came from beside to her. There was another there. This was one brown.
"It's alright, I'll get you out of here," I said.
I hopped on Highwing.
"There you are!" Natty said.
"Come on, get on," I gestured to the brown Hippogriff.
Natty looked at it eyes wide. It jumped up.
"Alohomora," she said, unlocking their chains.
"Hurry!" I yelled. But it was too late, the brown Hippogriff flew off in a panic.
Natty ran after it, almost running off the edge of the roof.
I could hear Harlow's goons running up the stairs. I tapped Highwing with my foot, telling her to go.
"Stop them!" Harlow yelled as he reached the top of the stairs.
I got to Natty just in time. Highwing grabbed her with her talons by the shoulders, and we flew off. As we did, Highwing dodged curse after curse, only narrowly missing one that made my heart drop.
"Avada Kedavra!" Harlow yelled.
I looked back to see a green beam of light blasting towards us. He had just tried to use that spell on students, and it shook me to my core.
Once Highwing had caught up to the brown Hippogriff, she dropped Natty on its back.
"Isn't this magnificent?" Natty asked.
I was too spooked to admire the view until she mentioned it.
As I scanned my surroundings, I took in the beauty of the landscape. In the distance we could see Hogwarts.
"It's beautiful," I said.
We made our back, flying over the trees, then Hogsmeade station. As we approached Hogwarts, the Hippogriffs flew us over the lake that surrounded it. Seeing the castle like this was breathtaking.
"I wonder if anyone can see us from the castle," Natty shouted.
I laughed.
We flew close enough to the water that I could see my reflection, twinkling in the moonlight.
"We'll land over here," she said.
I followed her and we set ourselves down not too far from the castle.
"How exciting!" Natty said.
"That was exhilarating but we could've died!" I laughed awkwardly. Clearly she was used to this.
Natty laughed. "There was no need to worry. I had it under control."
'Barely,' I thought to myself.
"Were you able to find the letter?" I asked.
She giggled, "summoned it right out of Harlow's hands."
I had to admit. I was impressed.
"I will say. I did not expect to see him to cast the killing curse on us. Be on your guard," she said.
I nodded, "of course."
Natty filled me in on what the letter said. Harlow was looking for a Phoenix and Lockwood had sent him to that old keep. I guess the positive to come out of all of this was thats we now knew his plans, and we had evidence for Officer Singher.

I said goodbye to Natty and made my way to the silent common room. I was exhausted, but I didn't go to bed. I collapsed onto the couch. I couldn't return to my room, something was coming over me. Pure panic. After everything that had happened, the killing curse had set me off. I knew there was a chance of death but this was too much. My chest became heavy, and I could feel my heart beat. I began hyperventilating. My body felt completely breathless, no matter how much air I took in.
"Aura?" A voice came from the stairs behind me.
I turned. It was Sebastian. I didn't want him to see me like this.
I tried to compose myself.
"What are you doing up?" I asked.
"I was just in the restricted section again," he said.
As Sebastian approached, his face dropped. He realised in an instant that I wasn't okay.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
That was it. Those words made me realised I couldn't pretend to be. I was unable hold it in. Sobs burst out of me, and to make me look even more unattractive, the hyperventilating grew worse.
"What happened?" He asked.
I couldn't talk. Only gasp for air. My lungs desperate.
Sebastian put his arm around my shoulders, and held me while I cried. I leaned in, searching for some sort of comfort.
"Aura, breathe in, and out when I tell you," he said after a couple of minutes.
I breathed in.
I breathed out.
He did this a few more times, until my breathing slowed.
My chest felt like it had run a marathon.
I cried a little longer, until I couldn't anymore.
"What happened?" He asked again.
I explained the events of the night.
"That's not what upset me. I can handle all that. When we were flying off, Harlow casted Avada Kedavra," I said.
"What?" Sebastian asked, voice wobbly.
I nodded.
He paused, thinking. "Aura, I don't blame you for being upset. You could've died."
Hearing Sebastian reaffirm my worst fears made me cry again. He rubbed my back, until it was out of my system again.
"I don't know if I can do this. I barely know what I'm doing, or who I am, and I've just been thrusted into this. How is that fair on me?"
"It's not," he said.
"Then why me? Of all people? I'm probably the least equipped to handle this."
"Because life isn't fair. People get thrown into situations all the time. All you can do is adapt, and might I add, you've adapted quite well."
"It's just, I don't even have a choice in whether I want to do this. What's the alternative? Ranrok kills more people, while using his fucked up magic? If I don't do this, then I'm heartless," I started to cry again.
"I know, it's not fair," he said, still with one arm around my shoulder. I felt him squeeze it.
"And next time I go into that Map Chamber, I'm going to have to put on a brave face. Next time I face Natty, or anyone, I have to have to look like everything's okay, because if I don't, I'm letting them down."
"Well, you don't have to with me. You'll be okay. Trust me," Sebastian reassured me.
I gazed into his eyes. I had avoided making eye contact until now, because I was too scared of judgment.
His facial features were soft, I could tell he was worried about me. I watched him for a moment, then my stomach fluttered. My heart dropped. That was the moment I realised that I had feelings for Sebastian. Naturally, dread filled my brain. This was just another stressor that I didn't need. 
"Thank you. For telling me what I needed to hear," I said.
He smiled.
I excused myself and went to bed. I knew I'd be sleeping in tomorrow. Luckily, it was a Saturday. The only issue was I couldn't sleep. My mind circled. I couldn't have feelings for Sebastian. He was my best friend. This would ruin our friendship completely. Even worse, boys had to be the least of my problems now. I can't deal with Ranrok, Rookwood and Harlow, while thinking about a boy. I wanted to scream. This was too much.

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