A Trip to Hogsmeade

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I arrived at the exit and waited for Sebastian. The school truly was amazing in broad daylight. I could finally appreciate its architecture fully. After I had arrived at night, it was only lit by the moonlight. From the gate I could see students chatting, playing catch and some even flying brooms. I couldn't wait to fly a broom, even if I was slightly scared of heights.

Sebastian approached.
"Hello Sebastian," I said.
"Ah my new charge. I'm told you're in dire need of school supplies from the village," he said.
I giggled.
"Is this your first foray to the village?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Right then, let's go", he said and started walking.
"Is there a reason we can't just floo flame there?" I asked.
He nodded, "you have to have been to the location first. Still quite tedious, I know."
"Okay, well thank you for escorting me," I said.
"Hey, you got me out of detention," he elbowed me and winked.
"What does one have to do to get detention on their first day?" I asked.
"Sneak into the library at night", he said.
"I didn't take you for that much of a nerd. We've been here one night. It couldn't wait?"
"I was looking for something," he shrugged.
I raised an eyebrow, "for wha...."
I caught my tongue, I realised shouldn't be prying into people personal lives this early in a friendship.
"I have a twin, who was cursed and I'm just trying to find something, or anything that can help for that matter. Nothing has so far."
"I'm so sorry", I said.
"It's not your fault," he said.
We walked for a few minutes and made small talk. It surprised me how easy I found it to speak to him.

As we walked, my eyes drifted to the scenery. I had arrived at night, so as lovely as it seemed, it was simply too dark appreciate its finer details. In broad daylight, the sun kissed the castle in all the right places, and the lake reflected it breathtakingly.
"Hey, look there's thestrals up ahead!" Sebastian said enthusiastically. I snapped out of my trance.
"Oh wow, they're gorgeous."
"You can see them too?" He asked.
"I can. They appeared when after our carriage was attacked," I replied.
"Yes, only people who have seen death can see them," he explained.
I stopped to think. If he could see them, did that mean he had seen death? Sebastian must've seen the confusion on my face.
"I saw my parents die when I was young. They were professors at the school", he said with a sadness in his voice.
"I'm sorry," I said again.
It was beginning to become evident that Sebastian had faced a lot growing up. I felt a sense of sadness wash over me and we walked in silence for a while.

"Hey cheer up, there's Hogsmeade", he said pointing to the village in the distance.
It looked as if it was straight out of a storybook. A lively but quaint town. Owls flew above the cottages, carrying mail to be delivered. As we approached the town, I could hear the bustle of the residents.
"It truely is remarkable", I said.
"It is. I need to pick up something for Anne. I'll meet you back at the square when you've brought everything you need", he said.
I nodded and he left. I pulled out my field guide to see if there was a map for the town. Low and behold, it was right there.
"Okay, well I think I'll get my wand first," I murmured to myself.
That was the most exciting part after all. The entire trip to Hogwarts I had used a second hand wand. I wanted something that felt like mine. After all, a wand chooses its wizard.


I entered Ollivanders. The bell on the door made a ding. The shop was dark and bookish. Wooden shelves lined the walls. Instead of books, wand boxes filled the spaces.
"Ah Miss De Luca I presume. I was sent word that you were coming", his head perked up.
"Good afternoon," I said.
"By the looks of you, I know the perfect wand," he jumped out from behind the cash register.
"Ah yes. Wait no!" He said as he ran his finger over multiple boxes.
He stopped cold, and pulled out a long green box.
"Dragon heartstrings, maple wood, seven inches. Yes, this might do", he said.
Ollivander opened the box and handed me the wand.
"Give it a swish."
I held the wand in my hand for a moment. It felt strange, but regardless, I did as he said.
Fireworks erupted from the tip of the wand. I ducked out of fear my hair would be blasted off.
"Oh no, that won't do," he said to himself, as he took the wand from my hand.
"Unicorn hair, yew, 10 inches."
Ollivander once again handed me the wand and I took it in my right hand. This felt right. The tip of my wand let out a warm glow from the tip. A bright blue light swirled around within the light, but I suspected Ollivander couldn't see it.
"I believe we have a winner", he said excitedly.
I thanked him and crossed one item off my list. I stared at the wand for a few moments. It felt like mine. The beautiful dark wood and twisted etchings. It was perfect.

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