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I could feel my mind slowly begin to crumble. Ominis was right. I couldn't bottle up my feelings, but I also couldn't tell Sebastian how I felt. Distancing myself would hopefully allow my feelings to subside. But I had to keep them in line until then, not allowing my emotions to get the best of me. I frowned, my mind was constantly racing, and was beginning to give me a headache.
I stared at myself in the mirror.
"How long has it been since I've had a proper meal?" I pulled on the waist band of my pants. It was beginning to get too loose.
I signed, when I was stressed, I would always forget to eat. I tidied my hair and pinched my cheeks giving them some natural blush. When I decided that I looked somewhat presentable, I left for class. Of course, I had slept in too late to have breakfast.

That lunch I made sure to pile my plate high. Roast chicken, potatoes, vegetables and gravy crowded every inch of my plate. I was starving.
"Hi Aura," Ominis said as he approached.
"Hi," Sebastian said, voice emotionless.
'Is he upset about last night?' I thought.
"How's you injury?" Ominis asked
I glanced at Sebastian, hoping he'd provide any indication as to whether he was mad at me or Ominis. He just seemed disinterested in being there
"Yeah, it's fine."
Surely Ominis had clarified the events from the night prior.
Still, I couldn't blame him if he was upset. If my friends had seemingly met for an obscure reason, I would be too. Although, it also didn't help that he caught us in a somewhat compromising position.
"Oh Aura, how did you manage to injure yourself? Did a spell backfire on you in class?" I heard a snicker, followed by two more.
My eyes shifted to the voice across the table. It was Imelda. She watched me with her familiar air of superiority. I instantly felt myself wanting to shrink.
"You're in all my classes. You would've seen me injure myself," I said quietly.
"Hmmmph, I just thought that might've been why, considering how inexperienced you are with magic. It's almost as if you only recently became aware of it," she said matter of factly.
"I..." I froze.
"Don't be ridiculous Imelda, Aura obliterated Sebastian in that duel on her first day. If I recall correctly, you lost to him a few lessons ago," Ominis chimed in.
I smiled with satisfaction.
Her smile grew into a sarcastic one, "oh I'm just joking. Come on, you guys know that."
She was far from joking.
I glanced at Sebastian. He was still completely checked out of the conversation. Something wasn't right, usually he loved banter.
Imelda cleared her throat. My gaze shifted to her. She was watching Sebastian.
"Anyway Sebastian, do you think you could show me duelling tips after school today? I want to increase my rank at the club."
I frowned.
'Seriously? Imelda must have a hidden agenda. She wouldn't ask others for help, especially if they're better than her at something.'
Sebastian didn't speak. I stared at my plate, watching him in my peripherals. He seemed to be considering it.
'Will he say yes?'
"I'll have to check my calendar," he said.
'Yes!' I thought.
"What calendar? You're the most disorganised person I know," Ominis laughed.
"Oh come on Sebastian," Imelda raised her voice an octave, in an attempt to sound cute.
'Surely he wouldn't fall for that.'
"What the heck? Sure. I don't have anything better to do anyway," he said.
My heart sank. I really had no right to be upset about it, but I was. I didn't want to like Sebastian. All I desired was for him to remain my friend. So, why was I upset? Did I have an inkling of hope that he perhaps liked me? All I knew was that my mind was a mess. I lost my appetite.
"I'm going to the library," I said.
"You didn't finish your lunch," Sebastian said.
"No wonder, did you see how much food was on that plate?" Imelda said.
I frowned.
"Imelda, that's rude," Ominis said.
I felt myself want to shrink more, and walked off without saying a word.
"I was only joking," her voice echoed through the hall.
I remained in the library for the rest of lunch, and did so for the rest of the week. Imelda was making me feel small, and Sebastian even smaller. We would speak briefly throughout the week, but it wasn't like it used to be. I got what I wanted, which was distance from him. What I failed to realise was how painful it would be.

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