Hidden Rooms

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I approached Professor Fig in his office, and recalled the events in the Forbidden Forest, then I described the old wizard in the portrait that I had met.
"His name is Percival Rackham and he was a Professor at Hogwarts. The chamber I was in is known as the Map Chamber," I said.
"Shall we go?" I asked.
"I see no time like the present," Professor Fig said.
We made our way down to the Slytherin dungeons. Sebastian and I exchanged glances. I hadn't had the chance to fill him in on all the details. As soon as I arrived back to the castle, I went straight to bed, then found Professor Fig in his office the next morning. Sebastian watched as we made our way deeper into the dungeons.
As we entered the map chamber, Professor Fig scanned the room, taking in its enormity. I approached the pedestal situated right in front of the entryway.
"Professor Rackham said to place it here," I said.
Professor Fig did as I told him. From the moment the book was in its place, the once dark floor lit up with tiny specks of blue light. We descended the stairs, walking onto the illuminated floor. As we did so, ripples moved out from where we placed our foot.
"Look, it's the forbidden forest!" Professor Fig pointed, "and there's Hogwarts!"
He was right, it was a map.
We stared at the map, trying to find any distinguishing features, then there was movement in the corner of my eyes.
"Professor Rackham! We've placed the book on the pedestal as asked. And this is my mentor, Professor Fig," I said.
The pair exchanged greetings, and then Professor Rackham turned his attention to me.
"See why you had to return the book now, my young friend?"
I nodded.
"You have come this far which tells me you possess a rare magical ability, that has the potential to unlock great things, should you prove yourself worthy," he said, pausing. "In time, the location of four trials will appear on the map, trials that will test you and give you invaluable knowledge. Trials that you must complete on your own."
Professor Rackham glanced at Professor Fig. I signed, of course I had to complete them on my own.
"These trials will ensure this power does not fall into the wrong hands, and will test innate and learned ability. You will need patience. The trials have much to teach you and it will take time."
"I am afraid we don't have time on our side. My young friend has seen traces of a powerful dark magic being wielded by Goblinkind, and we encountered a particularly strong Goblin wielding this power at Gringotts," Professor Fig said.
"This is grave news in deed. Well then, I propose you look at the map. You'll find the location of the first trial," Professor Rackham nodded in the direction of the map.
We analysed the map. A bright white light appeared to be coming from what I assumed to be a tower.
"I know that tower. I can take you there," he said.
I nodded, and without hesitation we were off.


I returned from the first trial and collapsed into bed. I was beaten and bruised, the guardians of the vault didn't even bother to go easy on me. I lay there, eyes closed, blissfully unaware of what time it was. I was going to fall into a restful slumber, or at least I thought I would. A knock came from my door. Groaning, I fell out of bed. I didn't even care who it was at this point, I was going to tell them to get lost. Reaching out, I swung the door open.
"Sebastian?" I said through squinting eyes.
Of course it had to be him', I thought.
"Aura, I have something to show you," he said.
I perked up. This sounded intriguing.
"Follow me."
I nodded, then Sebastian directed us to the Dark Arts classroom. We then proceeded down the stairs, where he brought me to an eclectic clock.
"A clock?" I asked, confused.
"Not just any clock," he said.
Sebastian pulled out his wand and tapped it. The clock's face opened, revealing a lift.
"You go first," he said.
I frowned. This felt incredibly creepy.
"Can't we just go down together. I don't know what's down there," I said.
He rolled his eyes, "fine."
We hopped into the lift. Sure, it was tight but we both managed to fit.
"This is cozy. Good thing we are both scrawny," I laughed, teasing him.
"Hey, I am not," Sebastian said annoyed.
I looked him up and down, "really?" I teased further.
He pouted.
"I'm joking," I giggled.
Sebastian tried to hide his smile. I could tell he loved being teased. I examined his features, my eyes drifting across each one. He was awfully handsome. I wondered why he wasn't courting someone. Sebastian raised a brow, and I realised he'd caught me staring. I panicked, then attempted to find something else to focus on. Thankfully, we reached the bottom just in time.
I stepped out.
"Wow what is the place?" I asked.
"The Undercroft," he said.
I began to scan the room. It was a large room, with four pillars holding up the ceiling. There were boxes lining every corner.
"My friend Ominis, Anne and I used to spend hours down here, practicing spells. I swore to Ominis that I'd safeguard this place. Please keep this between us. He never confides in anyone. But he's trusted me since the day we met. I wouldn't want to jeopardise that," he said.
I nodded. Why Sebastian was telling me after he'd only just met me, baffled me.
"I won't tell anyone. I haven't spoken to Ominis much, but it's extraordinary how he uses his wand to navigate the castle."
"I don't know how he does it. He was born blind and no spell could reverse it. His wand seems almost sentient."
"Fascinating," I said. The wizarding world was so complex.
"Is that how he found this place?" I asked.
He shook his head. "No, the Gaunts already knew about it. His family has a lot of secrets. I've never heard anyone else speak of this place, and I've certainly never seen anyone here. Please don't tell Ominis you know about this place, it's special to him."
"Don't worry, I wouldn't," I smiled.
"Anyway, this place is perfect for practicing magic away from prying eyes, and even practice forbidden spells."
"Like what?" I asked.
"Like the blasting curse. Professors say it's not an appropriate spell to teach students," Sebastian said.
"A proper education ought to teach all magic," I said.
"My thoughts exactly. Would you like me to teach you Confringo?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Excellent. Follow my wand movements exactly. The incantation is confringo," Sebastian said, withdrawing his wand.
I copied him, learning the spell. It seemed simple enough.
"Practice lighting those candelabras on the ceilings."
I aimed my wand at the first one that caught my sight.
"Confringo," I said.
A bolt of fire flew from the tip of my wand, lighting up the centre.
Sebastian clapped. "Great work. The first time me and Ominis cast that spell we singed our eyebrows. You can imagine all the strange stares we got for a week," he said.
I laughed, "that would have been a sight."
Sebastian smiled, making my grin only grow wider. It was nice to have a friend at Hogwarts already.
"Thank you Sebastian, after everything that's happened this week, it's nice to be away from everything," I said.
He nodded, "what ended up happening in the Forbidden Forest?"
I recalled the events of the vault, the map chamber and the first trial. Then focused on what I had learned using the pensive. He stood there, taking in every word. By the end of it, I was exhausted all over again.
"And this trial just happened now?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Why aren't you resting then? No wonder you look so tired," he said.
"You asked me to come here," I shrugged.
"I could've waited. Are you feeling okay?" Sebastian asked, with a look of concern on his face.
"Just a bit bruised and battered, nothing to worry about," I smiled.
He glanced at my arms, "that's more than a bit."
I looked at them. He was right, they were all shades of purple.
"Well, I better get to bed. I'll see you tomorrow," I said, and I left the Undercroft.

I exited the lift, beaming inside from spending time with Sebastian. I almost didn't notice the figure standing beside me.
"Ah Sebastian....," Ominis froze.
"You're not Sebastian."
"Oh, hello Ominis," I said politely.
"I recognise that voice. Aura? Did you just come from the Undercroft? How did you get in there?"
"Uhh is that room called the Undercroft? I just stumbled upon it," I said, mentally cursing myself. There was no way Ominis would believe that.
"No one just stumbled upon that place. Sebastian told you didn't he? He's going to get an earful about this,"he said rather loudly.
"I won't tell anyone," I said, annoyed. Why was he scolding me?
"If I hear you that you've told anyone, not even your precious Professor Fig will be able to save you. My father is friends with the headmaster and I'm not afraid to use that to my advantage."
"Geez, okay no need for threats. And you should give more credit to Sebastian, he made me promise to keep it a secret. He's a good friend," I said.
"I don't need YOU to tell me about my oldest friend, thank you very much."
"Ominis I just mean't..."
"I know what you mean't. Sebastian gets himself into enough trouble, he doesn't need your help."
Ouch. I knew Ominis was angry, but it didn't make it hurt less.
"Whatever." I said, and walked off.
As I left, I could hear Ominis and Sebastian arguing in  front of the clock. I didn't want to get in between that argument.

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