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I woke up the next morning queasy. Whatever was in that antidote made my stomach hurt. I walked down to the common room, praying I wouldn't run into Sebastian. I was still furious with him. To assume that Garreth would do such a thing horrible. Sure, you never truely know a person, but he would never go that far.
The bell for class rang. I made my way to Defence Against the Dark Arts. I signed, now I had no choice but to see him. I spotted them in our regular spot and sat down beside him.
"Aura," Sebastian nodded acknowledging my presence.
"Good morning, how are you today?" Ominis asked.
"No longer love struck, thankfully," I said.
"Still don't think it was Garreth?" Sebastian asked.
I frowned, "Sebastian, shut up."
"You know it was him."
I breathed, trying to maintain my composure, "Why are you so angry about this? And so determined to blame him?"
"What do you mean why am I angry? I'm your friend, of course I'm angry," he said.
"Ominis isn't making a big deal out of it, and placing blame before knowing facts."
He frowned, and crossed him arms.
"I....." he began.
"Alright class. Open your textbooks to page 240," Professor Hecate interrupted him.
We spent the whole lesson in silence, because Sebastian was too stubborn to speak.

At lunch that day, I went to find Garreth. I needed the truth from him. Sebastian was making me question myself. I found him sitting in the courtyard.
"Hi Garreth," I said.
"Hello, feeling better today?" He asked.
I nodded. I watched him for a moment. He was a little down.
"Is everything alright?" I asked.
"Yes. I just feel terrible. Sebastian thinks it was me who did it...... Aura, I promise I wouldn't do something like that. Honestly, I don't blame you if you think I did, it was very convenient that I was there at that exact moment."
"Any idea who it was?" I questioned him.
"You don't think it was me?" He asked, with a surprise in his voice.
I shook my head.
"Well, if I were you. I'd look into your enemies."
"Okay, I can do that. What do I do about Sebastian though?"
He laughed, "tell him that you only see me as friend, and that's why you don't believe it was me."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Trust me," Garreth winked, "anyway I have to go. See you later."
I watched at Garreth walked off.


I found Sebastian later that day. I needed to fix things with him. He sat by the Black Lake, reading Salazar Slytherin's book. I sat beside him, too nervous to speak.
"What is it?" He asked. I couldn't read his tone.
I breathed, then said what Garreth told me to say.
"I see Garreth as a friend, that's why I don't think he did it."
"Friends can do terrible things," he said, voice flat.
"Yes but he's never done anything to suggest his capable of doing something like that."
"People hide things well."
"Why are you being so infuriating?" I asked.
He stared through me, without saying a word.
"You're going to brush me off all because I don't believe a person is capable of doing something awful?"
"He's been flirting with you all year," Sebastian rolled his eyes.
"So what? Have I ever reciprocated those feelings?"
"Yeah, sometimes."
"Please, do you actually think I like Garreth?"
He remained silent.
I groaned.
"I only see him as a friend. How many times do I have to tell you that? What will make you see that?"
I was on the verge of tears.
"Nothing," his said voice cold as ice.
I broke down from the frustration. Tears filled my eyes. All I wanted was Sebastian. Not Garreth, or anyone else. Just Sebastian.
After a few seconds he noticed me crying. Sebastian put his book down.
"Hey, okay I'm sorry. Why are you crying?" He asked.
I couldn't get the words out.
Sebastian took me in his arms and hugged me. I dug my face into his chest.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"It's not Garreth that I like. It's never been Garreth," I said.
Sebastian remained silent for a moment.
"Then who?" He finally spoke.
I wasn't in the right state to make sound decisions. I had no clue if the words that were to come out of my mouth, would ruin our friendship. I was just so upset.
"It's the boy who's been here for since day one," I said.
Sebastian didn't let go, nor did he speak.
I pulled myself out of his arms.
"Sebastian?" I asked through the tears.
He didn't say a word, instead he took my chin in his hand, and slowly touched his lips with mine.
I kissed him harder, releasing the months of pent up emotions.
When our lips finally parted, I could barely breathe.
I laughed, then so did he.
"You have no idea how long I wanted to do that," Sebastian said.
My stomach fluttered.
"I'm glad you did. I don't know if I could've taken it anymore."
I watched his lips curve into a smile.
"Wait, so you were jealous of Garreth?" I asked.
"Obviously," he said.
"That's cute. Oh, is that why you smelled the same scent in the potion too? Because you both liked me?"
"It seriously smelt exactly like you. What about you?" He asked.
"Book pages and spices, like cinnamon. It's your scent," I smiled.
Sebastian took my hand in his, "I'm so happy we got here."
My mind was full of joy. Then, a sudden rush of panic.
"Me too. We need to keep it a secret though. It's not appropriate. We both skipped like 5 steps in the courting process," I laughed.
He groaned, "I just want the world to know I'm yours."
"I know, and they will one day," I smiled.
"What about Ominis?" He asked.
"He'll judge me," I said.
"No he won't."
"Sebastian, I'm a girl living in the 1890's. I am expected to act proper and behave. There's less pressure on boys."
He signed, "fine."
"Can I at least kiss you again?" He pouted.
I glanced around, paranoid. What if someone were to see?
Lucky for me, I knew the perfect place.
"Not here. Come with me," I stood up.
I tugged at Sebastian's sleeve, "let's go."
Professor Weasley had given us the perfect place; the room of requirement.


As Sebastian and I entered the room, he looked around completely flabbergasted.
"Since when was this room here?"
"It's magic. It will only appear if you need it to," I said.
"That's fantastic," he said.
He looked like a kid in a candy store. I tugged on his sleeve.
"Now, where were we?" I smiled.
"I believe you were going to let me kiss again," Sebastian said playfully.
He leaned in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Oh my!" A voice from behind us said.
Sebastian and I separated as fast as lightning.
'Shit, I forgot about Deek,' I thought.
"Deek was just going," he said.
"Wait! Deek please don't mention this to anyone. Ever," I pleaded, right before he was about to snap his fingers.
"Deek promises he won't," with that he snapped his finger and was gone.
Sebastian laughed, "was that Weasley's house elf?"
I nodded, giggling. I didn't know if I could trust Deek, but I was hoping for the best.
He wrapped his arms around my waist then pulled me closer, before pressing his lips against mine one again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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