Making Amends

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Days bled into each other as the seasons changed. The winds grew colder and the leaves turned different shades of brown. Me and Sebastian were on speaking terms but the air felt heavier. He seemed as if my presence was bothersome, while still making small talk whenever he saw fit. I was beginning to think I had really lost him as a result of my actions. Of course, Ominis would try and get to the bottom of it, to no avail. We just simply had to let Sebastian be for the moment.

After the kindness Poppy had shown me, I began spending time with her more and more. She was a delight to be around, and always knew what to say. I even invited her to the room of requirement so she could visit Highwing.
"This place is fantastic," she said with awe in her voice.
We lounged in the beach side vivarium while Highwing sat beside us.
"It is, isn't it? I'm very fortunate to have access to a place like this," I said.
Highwing chirped next to us.
"She's taken quite the liking to you."
I nodded, "it's because I feed her."
Poppy laughed.
"How are you finding classes? I know a few weeks back you weren't doing too good," Poppy said sweetly.
"Yeah, it's improving. Slowly things are getting easier."
She smiled. "Hey! I've been meaning to ask...." Poppy scanned my face. I could tell she wanted to ask me something.
I nodded.
"You, Sebastian, and Ominis seem close. Do you like one of them?" She asked with a hint of playful curiosity in her voice.
I was taken aback, "why would you think that?"
"Oh, I just know if it were me, I definitely would. It's hard to be friends with two handsome guys and not fall for them," She giggled.
I thought for a second. Was it okay to admit it? Clearly Poppy felt that if she were in my situation, she too would fall for her best friend. I examined her face, could I trust her? Poppy always seemed sincere. She had always been a great friend, surely I could.
Poppy watched me, waiting for an answer. Slowly, I nodded.
She let out a little squeal, "who is it? No! Let me guess!"
I watched as she thought for a moment.
"You and Ominis have been spending an awful lot of time together. I'm going with him."
"How do you know we've been spending time together?" I asked, raising a brow.
"I am a people watcher," she laughed.
I laughed hesitantly.
"Well..." I paused. Was I really going to admit something I've kept hidden for so long? Would every measure I've taken to stop myself from accepting these feelings be wasted?
I signed, I didn't care anymore. Sebastian seemed to the done with me anyway.
"It's Sebastian...."
"Really?" She asked.
"Yes," I said quietly.
"Oh Aura! That's great. Honestly, I thought you guys loathed each other," Poppy said.
"We used to be best friends, but I kind of screwed it up."
"Why do you say that?" She asked.
"I convinced myself that I couldn't like him, because it would ruin our friendship. Naturally, now he hates me," I said.
"Why do you think that?"
"I mean, you've seen how cold he is to me. You were even surprised that it was him."
"Feelings are hard to navigate. I can see why you'd think that. But I don't think you've lost your best friend. If Sebastian didn't want to be around you he wouldn't," Poppy said.
She nodded.
"To do with the whole having feelings for him, I don't know what to do about that. But only time can tell how it will turn out," she added.
"How are you so wise?" I asked.
"I'm a people watcher," Poppy shrugged.
I laughed. I felt as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders. All I had to do was let someone in.


"Bombarda!" I shouted, aiming my wand at the candelabra that hung from the Undercroft ceiling. I had learn't the spell earlier today and needed to practice it.
A loud bang engulfed the undercroft. Fire enveloped the candelabra.
I sat down against the wall, and began adding some notes to my field guide.
'Blast radius of 10ft', I made a mental note and it automatically appeared in my field guide.
I began flipping through to find any additional spells I could practice. Then I heard the lift to the Undercroft go up.
'Damn it. Please be Ominis,' I thought.
If it was Sebastian, this was going to be incredibly awkward.
I focused on my field guide, watching for movement in my peripherals. Soon enough, I heard foot steps enter the Undercroft. I sat to the left of the elevator, behind to some crates, that left my view obstructed.
'Please don't be him.'
Moments later, Sebastian passed me, into the middle of the room.
He hadn't noticed me sitting there.
"Blasted," he said.
"Confringo!" Sebastian aimed at the candelabra.
I could tell he was angry. I felt like I was imposing. To make him aware of my presence, I dropped my wand, knowing it would make a sound.
He turned around. We made eye contact, and stared in silence for a moment.
"What are you doing here?" Sebastian asked with a twinge of annoyance.
"Am I not supposed to be here?"
"No, I mean... never mind, I'll leave," he said.
"No no," I got up, "I'll leave."
We met half way to the elevator.
"You were here first," he protested.
"No, you stay. I insist," I said, now annoyed.
He rolled his eyes, "why do you insist on being difficult?"
This was probably the first time we'd been alone in a room together in a while. I had no idea it would lead to so much bickering. I could feel anger rising within me.
"Hey! You seem to need this place more than me, given how insufferable you currently are and have been for weeks. Please continue what you're doing."
Sebastian stared at me.
I immediately regretted it.
'Great, now I'm going to get an ear full,' I thought.
I winced, preparing to be yelled at. Instead, I was met with laughter.
"Huh? You're not mad?"
He shook his head, still laughing.
I stared at him in disbelief until he stopped.
"I thought you were mad at me," I said.
"Oh yeah, I forgot," he switched back to his previous charade.
I signed. "Sebastian, what's wrong?"
"Clearly something is," I said exasperated.
He shrugged.
"Sebastian, what do you want me to say? I'm sorry I snapped at you, and was distant. I just had a lot on my mind."
"And that's your excuse?" He asked.
"No, it's just..." I didn't know what to say. The truth was that I liked him, and I was scared to like him even more.
"It's just what?"
I decided on the half truth.
"You know I had a lot going on with the keepers," I said.
"So?" He asked.
"I just didn't want to force that stress onto you."
"And Ominis? You never distanced yourself from him."
"Sebastian, is that what this is about?"
"I mean how would you like it if your two best friends were supposedly sneaking around behind your back, spending time together, and going to Hogsmeade without you? You've been cold to me for weeks as well, all while you've been close friends with Ominis."
"You were seeing Imelda that day! And besides we thought you were angry with us. I couldn't just act like everything was fine if you clearly weren't."
He rolled his eyes.
Then, it clicked. Did he think I liked Ominis? Is that what this was about? Was he mad that I hadn't told him if I did?
"Look, I never clarified what happened that night with you, but I don't think of Ominis as anything more than a friend. I know how it might have appeared considering you caught us that night, but he has just been genuinely concerned for my well-being. That's who Ominis is, you know that," I said.
He crossed his arms, "really?"
"Yes! Is that what was wrong this entire time?"
"Not entirely. Although I did feel like I deadwood around you two. I felt like you were both hiding something," he shrugged.
"I thought Ominis told you he tripped!"
"Yeah but still, I was skeptical given everything. You suddenly were acting cold towards me."
I laughed. I had managed to create a massive mess of the entire situation. All because I didn't want to get closer to him. Clearly, my actions had hurt him a lot.
"I'm sorry for not trying to clear it up earlier," I said.
"Me too."
I watched him for a few moments. What was I going to do? I felt as if I was in even deeper now. These last couple of weeks without Sebastian had left me longing. In that moment, I realised how much I cared for him. There was no simple answer that would solve my predicament. My fault was thinking there was one. I had to let the issue be. Poppy was right. Time would sort it out.

I shifted my gaze to candelabra.
"Sebastian, why did you come down here?"
He hesitated for a second.
"I went to see Anne, and my uncle."
"Ominis told me about him. What happened?"
"We just got into an argument. Anne and I were outside fooling around with a ball, when I threw it too hard, knocking her over."
"It's not like you did it on purpose," I frowned.
"He's always like that," his voice trailed off.
"I'm sorry Sebastian," I said.
I wanted to hug him. He looked incredibly sad. But I couldn't. I didn't want to cross that boundary. Instead, I let him decide how I could help.
"Hey, is there anything I can do?" I asked.
"Why don't you come to Feldcroft with me to meet Anne?"
"I'd love that," I told him.
A smile grew across his face.


I walked into the dorm. After everything was cleared up with Sebastian, I was feeling a lot better. I was foolish for how I acted. I thought I had no other options. Sometimes it takes almost losing someone to realise how much you value them.
I went to the washroom to get ready for bed. When I returned, Imelda was there. She sat on her bed, reading a book. The change in my demeaned must've been obvious, because she saw this as an invitation to speak to me.
"Aura, you're awfully happy today. It's a strange sight considering you're always sulking around."
'Why did every word out of her mouth have to be a dig at me?'
"I'm just peachy," I smiled sarcastically.
"Well, well, why might that be?"
I rolled my eyes, ignoring her.
"Oh do tell, I imagine it must be something good to turn your frown upset down."
I shook my head, attempting to show I was done with this conversation.
"Does it have something to do with where you go at night? We've woken up plenty of times and noticed you weren't in bed. I wonder what would happen if the prefects found out about this," she teased.
Part of me knew my dorm-mates had to have noticed, but it was wishful thinking that they wouldn't.
"Haven't you learned your lesson on telling tall tales Imelda? Sebastian made it pretty clear what would happen if you did," I said.
I watched as her cheeks grew red.
"You're lucky you have sometime to stand up for you, because I know you can't do it yourself," she spat back.
'What exactly is her problem with me?' I thought.
I signed and lay down, pulling the covers over my head. I could hear her muttering to herself. Eventually she quieted down, and I was able to fall asleep

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