The Restricted Section

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The next day I woke up for classes and groaned as I got out of bed. Dodging those trolls blows had taken a toll on every inch of my body. I threw on my uniform and brushed my hair. For extra measure, I drew on some eye liner, and some lip colour. You never know who you're trying to impress, at least that's what I told myself. I made my way down to the common room.
"Ah, how my favourite new fifth year?" Sebastian asked.
"I'm the only new fifth year," I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, I said favourite," he shrugged.
I laughed.
"What classes do you have today?" He asked.
"Um potions, herbology, charms and then a free period," I replied.
"I have potions too, let me escort you then," he said.
"I'd like that," I grinned.
Sebastian motioned for me to climb the common room stairs.
"How are you feeling after yesterday?" He asked.
"Incredibly sore," I paused. "Could you imagine being an auror?"
Sebastian shook his head. "This handsome face would be all beaten up constantly."
"We wouldn't want that," I said, immediately regretting it. He was probably beginning to think I was a bumbling idiot.
We began go snake our way through the corridors. Sebastian made small talk, while I either giggled like an idiot, or got distracted by another strange thing in the school. My favourite thing so far was the shadow from the first student to cast Bombarda. The blast had somehow retained their shadow onto the wall.

We finally arrived at the potions classroom.
"Here we are. After you," Sebastian gestured for me to enter.
"Aura De Luca, I presume," said who I guessed to be Professor Sharp. He was standing right by the door, watching us enter.
We sat at a bench at the back of the classroom. A red headed boy sat there, reading over his notes. He must've sensed me staring.
"You're the new fifth year, aren't you? I'm Garreth Weasley", he said.
"Weasley, as in Professor Weasley?" I asked.
"Yes, she's my aunt. It can be quite annoying having a relative work here," he said.
Professor Sharp cleared his throat and it echoed through the room.
"Okay, students today we will be making Edurus potion and Wiggenweld. Follow the instructions precisely. I don't want any explosions today, it's your first class of the year."
I began to read through the instructions. I didn't have a single ingredient.
"Miss De Luca. I understand you lost most of your school supplies. For this lesson, you can borrow some of my ingredients, but in the future, you'll be expected to grow or purchase them", he said.
Professor Sharp handed me a key.
I signed. Only potion recipes were on my list.
"This is for my office. You'll need Horklump juice and Dittany leaves for the Wiggenweld, as well as Ashwinder eggs and Mongrel Fur," he said.
I nodded, writing it on my paper. Professor Sharp walked back to the front of the class.
"Pssst. Aura. Do you think you could snag me a Fwooper feather? I'm working on something awesome," Garreth asked.
Sebastian and I exchanged glances.
"What exactly?" I raised a brow.
"Oh, something quite entertaining for all of us," he replied.
"What the heck?" I shrugged. "Sure."
I unlocked the door to Professor Sharps office. It looked like your typical teachers study, except there were labelled potion ingredients everywhere. I searched for each one accordingly, ensuring I nabbed a Fwooper feather for Garreth.
I returned Professor Sharps key, then sat back at my desk.
"Thank you, you're amazing. You'll love it," Garreth said
"Looks like you might be joining me in detention after all", Sebastian nudged me.
I shrugged, "oh well."

I began making my potions. Wiggenweld required me to first mix in the Horklump Juice into a water base, then stir clockwise five times. Next, I had to crush the Dittany Leaves and add it in while stirring the potion six times, on the second stir.
"It's certainly not straight forward", I said to myself.
"Potions is probably the hardest class at Hogwarts," Sebastian said.
I signed. My anxiety was already through the roof. What if I wasn't good enough to be there? Sure, I could see ancient magic, but my innate ability versus something as technical as this is a whole different thing.
I slowly rose my hand for Professor Sharp to come and check my work. He stood there observing its properties.
"Very good Miss De Luca," he said.
I felt a rush of pride come over me. I had made my first potion.

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