Defence Against the Dark Arts

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The next morning, I woke up exhausted. The excitement and anxiety of the previous night would not allow me to drift into a deep sleep. I stumbled out of bed and put on my school uniform. It was a white dress shirt, a plaid green vest and pants, with boots. I held my Slytherin robe, staring at it. Whether I would thrive or survive in this house was unknown, but at least I looked good in green. I put on the cloak, making sure it fit nicely in the mirror. My eyes caught sight of my messy blond bob, which I promptly flattened to remove any stray hairs. Looking what I deemed as acceptable,  I wandered out of my room and into the common room.

The Slytherin common room was full of chatter. There were occasional glances in my direction but no one approached me. I walked around the common room taking in my surroundings. What I originally thought was a window to the darkness outside, was a window into the bottom of the black lake. It was light blue outside from the rays that penetrated the water. The water must've been rather shallow because it had no problem lighting up the room.
"I heard you can see mermaids if you watch long enough", a small student said. It must've been a first year too.
I continued to look around, until I caught sight of a boy examining a book. I couldn't clearly see his face because he had chosen the darkest corner to read it. He was warmed by a fireplace next to him. I approached, thinking maybe I could befriend the loner.
He looked up immediately.
"Can I help you?" He raised one eyebrow.
It was the brown haired Slytherin boy, I had made eye contact with during the sorting ceremony. In an instant, I felt my cheeks go red.
Before I could utter a word, "oh you're the new fifth year", he said as he put down his book.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Sebastian Sallow".
"Aura De Luca", I smiled. "You seemed rather interested in that book".
"Oh just some light reading. Nothing too interesting. You seemed to have a journey though, not everyone has a ministry escort to school", he said.
"He was just joining us for the ride. But word seems to travel fast here", I laughed.
"Well you both did end up in the midsts of a dragon. Poor fellow, that's a dreadful way to go. I'm glad you and Fig are alright though".
My heart gave a little flutter at what he had said.
"Thank you. It was dreadful but still an experience nonetheless", I said.
"Interesting perspective, how did you and Fig manage to escape?" He asked.
After what Professor Fig had said, I couldn't say a word, no matter how charming he was.
"Honestly, it was all a blur. I can't remember too much."
"Sorry I didn't mean to press. Have you introduced yourself to anyone else?" He asked.
"Yes, the prefect Isaiah and a girl named Imelda" I said.
"Ah yes. She's a delight isn't she? I bet the first words she uttered were about quidditch".
I nodded.
"Not surprised", he laughed.

"Sebastian", came a voice from behind me.
I turned around. There stood the blond boy with the white eyes. He held up his wand which was blinking red. It seemed as if he used it to echo locate, or something similar. Was the wand sentient?
"I'm guessing by all the chatter around us, that you're the new fifth year. I'm Ominis Gaunt", he said.
"Hi", I smiled.
"Let me know if I can be of any help as you navigate your first days here", he said sweetly.
"Thank you! Are there really mermaids in the Great Lake?"
Sebastian glanced at Ominis and laughed.
"Yes certainly, however I've never heard of anyone sighting one outside our common room window, have you Sebastian?"
"No", Sebastian shook his head. "That would be rather amazing though".

"Excuse me fifth year, Professor Weasley is waiting for you at the entrance", Isaiah interrupted.
"Day 1 and you're already in trouble", Sebastian laughed.
"She must've heard me sneaking around the castle last night," I said sarcastically. "I'll catch you guys later".
"See you in detention", Sebastian winked.
"Bye Aura", Ominis added.

I slowly climbed the stairs of our common room.
'How am I ever going to get used to this?' I muttered to myself. There were too many steps.
"Good morning, Professor Weasley", I said puffed out.
"Good morning,", she said cheerily.
"Now the ministry and I have discussed the best way to catch you up to all your peers. We have agreed that giving you a magical field guide would be best. It's a space where you can collect notes on anything to do with magic and the wizarding world. To summon it, you merely have to think of it and it will appear in your hands. It is bound to you so no one else should be able to steal it", she said.
I turned the book in my hand. It was an old leather bound book. I flipped through the blank pages. It was completely empty.
"Thank you", I said.
"Now to add an entry, you just have to think about it. It's quite tedious to write out an entire field guide, so it's pages are filled by psychic connection", she added.
I nodded, deep in thought. The book was extraordinary. It appeared heavy to hold but was still relatively light and I could feel the magic emanating off it.
Suddenly, a bell tolled in the distance.
"That's the bell for your first class, which is defence against the dark arts. Off you go", she said.
Professor Weasley turned and left before I could say anything.
"Ugh, I wish I had a map", I said. With that, a page appeared in my field guide. Showing me exactly where to go.

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