The Plight of a House Elf

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I spent the entire night in a restless slumber, waking up almost every hour from the searing pain in my arm. By the time I woke up for classes, I was exhausted.
"Aura you don't look too good," Sebastian said in potions.
"Thanks," I said, displeased.
'Why did he feel the need to point that out?' I thought.
"Didn't sleep well?" He asked.
I nodded, pulling my sleeve over my hand, hoping he wouldn't notice the bandage.
"What happened to your arm?"
Apparently, I just drew attention to it.
"It's a burn," I said.
"Can I see?"
I hesitated, then pulled up my my sleeve to expose the bandage.
"Bloody hell Aura, you need to change that dressing," he said.
He was right. I hadn't had the chance to.
"It's fine," I said.
"I'm sure Professor Sharp will let you go to the infirmary for it."
"I said it's fine," I snapped.
Sebastian looked at me, a little hurt.
I signed, "I'm sorry, but I really am fine."
The lesson was relatively silent after that. Even Ominis didn't want to get on my bad.


I spent lunch in the room of requirement, trying to disinfect my wound and bandage. Poppy had given me some of her supplies.
The pain was unbearable. I somehow managed to get it done.
"Deek is concerned about something," a voice from behind me said.
I turned to face Deek, he wore a look of worry on his face.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Deek has a friend named Tobbs that Deek hasn't heard from in a while. Deek is starting to get very worried. Tobb's master doesn't let him leave the cave, and Deek knows it is infested with spiders. Tobb's is terribly afraid of spiders."
"That's awful," I said.
He nodded, "it is, Deek hasn't heard from him for a while now. Deek and Tobb's used to share a master. Deek was very lucky to come to Hogwarts. Tobb's wasn't so lucky."
"I'll find him."
"Thank you!" Deek said, smiling wide.
The bell for classes rang. Deek had told me the location of the cave. I wasn't entirely thrilled about a cave full of spiders, but I knew it would cheer Deek up to know his friend was safe.

After class, I went straight to the cave. I always felt bad for house elves. They were sentient beings, undeserving of the treatment they received.
As I approached the cave, it became very clear it was infested with spiders. As I walked up to the entrance, two spiders dropped down on their webs, determined to prevent me from entering.
I made quick quick work of them, killing them within a few casts.
As I entered the cave, it was incredibly dark.
"Lumos," I said.
Light flooded the darkness. I continued forwards cautiously. I didn't know what lurked on the ceilings. I followed the path, coming to some sort of opening. I knew there would be trouble.
As soon as I stepped foot into the clearing a matriarch lowered herself down from the ceiling. She was huge. Her eyes watched me, daring me to come further. The fur on her eight legs stood up straight. She was incredibly intimidating.
Wand at the ready, I approached.
"Confringo," I said.
A ball of fire shot out of my wand. Quickly, I released a few chomping cabbages, hoping they would distract her. She charged at them. My plan had worked.
A burst of flames exploded around her.
She summoned her children.
I released a venomous tentacular.
"Protego," I defended myself.
I cast spell after spell, taking down the smaller spiders first.
Eventually, I felt the ancient magic moving through me. I followed the feeling, not entirely sure of what it would do. I pushed it out towards her. The matriarch flew towards me, and shrunk to the size of a regular spider. In an instant, I stood on her.
When it was finally over, I became increasingly aware of the pain in my arm. I had overdone it, again.
Wanting to get out of this cave, I continued further. Winding through its tunnel system, and taking down anymore more spiders that lingered.
Eventually, I came across a devastating sight. Next to a ledge, sat a writing desk. Slumped down right next to it, was a motionless body. It must've been Tobb's. My heart sank. I walked over to him. He seemed to only recently had passed, as his body was relatively intact.
I examined the table next to him. There was a note. I read the words in horror.
'Because of your foolish mistake, you will be given no food for a week,' it read.
He was refused food because he didn't deliver enough phials. I stood there, mind racing. Is this what the wizarding world was? Was this the darkness that resided in it? Wizards turned a blind eye to the treatment of elves. How was this okay? Why was this okay?
I felt panic rush over me. Being rescued from the orphanage, I thought magic was my salvation. There was such beauty in it, but I was distracted by it.
Seeing this, opened my eyes to what the magical world was even more. It was just like any other society, except on the surface, it had magic, and with magic, the belief that it could solve all problems. Part of me thought that it could solve my problems. That I'd leave Hogwarts, no longer alone and afraid. Or that maybe I could rely on someone, even have a family. But as soon as the summer holidays come along, what then? I will have no one again. Like Tobb's had no one. I've being used by the Keepers, like Tobb's was used by his master. But still, Tobb's had it far worse off. In a cave, completely devoid of light. In a world full of magic Tobb's could not be saved. I left the cave, resigned and wanting to cry.

When I returned to Hogwarts, I immediately found Deek. I didn't know how to tell him about his friend.
"Deek, I'm really sorry. I was too late," I said solemnly.
Deek gazed at me with his big eyes.
"That is grave news," he said shaking his head.
He didn't cry. Were house elves used to this sort of thing happening?
"I'll leave you to it," I said.
I felt the tears welling up. I couldn't stay there. I didn't want Deek to see me like that. The dorms were probably full. It was quite late.
I decided to go to the Undercroft. It was dark and dreary, matching my mood exactly. I entered the familiar space, pacing back and forth, trying to ease my mind. Eventually, my world imploded. I crouched down, head in hands, and just cried. I couldn't do this anymore. I was exhausted, from every aspect. Helping everyone, ancient magic, Ranrok, Rookwood, Harlow, Sebastian, Tobb's; how on earth was I supposed to handle all that?
I sobbed, so loudly, my ears started to ring.
"What do I do?" I asked myself.
I was losing my mind.
'The world is too dark, and somehow having more power, having ancient magic, makes it so much darker. I.....'
"Aura, what's wrong?" I heard a voice from behind me.
I froze.
"It's okay, whatever it is," Ominis said.
I hadn't realised he came down the lift.
"Oh I'm sorry. I'll just get out of your way," I said, wiping my tears.
"No, it's alright. I just came here to think. But it looks as though you have too," he said.
"What happened?"
"I just....," I paused.
"I'm not going to tell anyone, if you don't want me to," he said.
That was good enough for me.
"I don't know how much longer I can do this," I said.
"Do what?"
"Be a witch. Magic. Everything, I can't do this," I cried.
"Why do you say that?" Ominis looked confused.
"I'm just not cut out for any of this. It's always something. One day, someone wants my help. The next day, a dark wizard or goblin is after me. The day after that I have to complete a god forsaken trial. How am I supposed to study? Or even focus on it when I have so much stimuli being thrown at me," I finally breathed.
"Why would a Goblin be after you?" He asked.
Ominis really had no idea.
"That's not the point," I said.
"Sorry. Yes, Aura that is a lot. Truthfully I don't know how I can help, partially because I barely understand what you're talking about. But you're more capable than you think, and well, Sebastian always speaks highly of you, so clearly you're a great witch," Ominis said.
He nodded. "Is this why you've been distant lately?"
It wasn't exactly that reason, but I couldn't tell him it was because I have feelings for Sebastian.
"A little, yeah," I said.
"It's okay to talk to us," he said.
"I don't like talking about my problems."
"And having an emotional outburst is better?" He asked.
I stayed silent. I knew he was right.
"Sebastian was a little upset when you snapped at him earlier," Ominis said.
"I know, and I apologised. I just don't need people breathing down my neck, especially when I don't want him to."
"Why don't you ever go off at me then?" He asked.
"I don't know," I said quietly.
I did know. It was because I didn't want Sebastian getting any closer to me.
Ominis stayed silent for a few seconds.
"Well, I understand that your overwhelmed. I just want you to remember you can talk to us," his face softened.
"Thank you," I said. A sudden rush of guilt overwhelming me.
"Don't worry about snapping at him. He was more worried than upset anyway."
How did Ominis always know what I was thinking? It's like he had a sixth sense.
"Thank you, again. Come on, let's get back," I said.
He agreed.

We left the Undercroft, squeezing into that tiny elevator, and awkwardly standing there as we ascended. I resurfaced from the Undercroft, face puffy, but feeling lighter. My mind was somewhat at rest. I turned to face Ominis, ready to thank him again. As I watched him emerge from the clock, he lost his footing, and tumbled forwards.
I attempted to grab hold of him, to help him up, but he ended up pinning me against the wall. For a second, we lingered there, trying to process the absurdity of the situation. I glanced at his arms that leaned against the wall, supporting his weight. I began to feel incredibly claustrophobic, as he crowded me. I could feel the heat rising in my face.
"Um Ominis....," I began.
"What are you guys doing?" A voice from my right cut me off.
'Of course he had to come right now,' I thought.
It was Sebastian.
"Nothing," I said. Ominis moved away.
"I'm sorry Aura. I'm afraid my mind was so preoccupied, that I tripped," he said.
"It didn't look like you merely tripped," Sebastian said skeptically.
"It's true," I said.
"Wait were you both....." He began.
"No," we said in unison.
Sebastian rolled his eyes. Why was he so determined to believe what he thought?
"I can't deal with this right now," he said, and walked off.
I looked at Ominis puzzled, clearly he had the wrong idea.
"What just happened?" I asked.
"He's just stressed. Don't worry, I'll talk to him," Ominis said.
I returned to my dorm defeated. Just when my mind finally had a rest, I managed to screw it up.

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