The Forbidden Forest

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Sebastian and I stared at the entrance to the forbidden forest. It's tall trees towering over us, even in the distance.
"I suppose he can't do anything right? I mean he's a ghost. They can't touch things?" I asked.
"No, but he can lead you off a cliff," Sebastian shrugged.
He had a point. The forest was dense and incredibly dark. I stared for a moment longer, daffodils honking in the background. I wish I knew how to shut them up.
"Okay, here goes nothing I guess," I moved forward, stepping onto the old wooden bridge.
Sebastian followed behind as we made our way into the darkness, barely any light penetrating the trees. We followed the path, proceeding deeper and deeper into the forest. I could feel the cold air caressing my arms. The forest emitted a feeling of despair, one I couldn't shake.
"This place is charming, isn't it?" Sebastian said, piercing the silence.
"It's giving me a dreadful feeling. There's got to be something more to this than just recovering a page," I said.
"See, aren't you glad I came?"
I nodded. It did feel better that I didn't have to do this alone.
We walked for a ten minutes, cautiously. I jumped at almost every sound.
Eventually, we came across Jackdaw, floating in front of a tree.
"Here I am, as good as my word," Jackdaw said as we approached.
"We meet again," I said.
He nodded.
"Where do we go from here?" I asked.
"Unfortunately I am a tad reluctant to revisit the scene of my demise." He paused for effect.
"Head in that direction", Jackdaw pointed, "keeping your eyes open for a birdbath. Once you find it, say intra muros. I think it's Latin, or Greek. As you can imagine, I never paid much attention in school."
"You don't say," Sebastian said.
I elbowed him, "be nice, he's helping us."
"Well off you go," he hurried us along, before saying his farewells and flying off.
"I don't like this. What if it's a trap?" Sebastian asked.
"Well I don't have any other choice regardless," I said
Sebastian and I walked until we came across a birdbath. It overlooked a marvellous lake in which the light broke through in just the right spots, illuminating it. I paused for a second to take in the view. Then, I focused my attention back to the bird bath.
"Intra muros", I whispered.
The circular etching in the rock straight ahead of me transformed into a doorway.
"Astonishing," Sebastian said.
We examined the door.

"Ranrok said we'd find you here," a voice from behind pierced the air.
I spun around to find three goblins, swords at the ready, staring at us.
Before I knew it, I reacted, "Levioso."
Two of the goblins floated above the ground, struggling.
"Confringo," I shouted.
Sebastian chimed in, the goblins never standing a chance.
"Your blood is on Ranroks hands," I said.
"Amen," Sebastian agreed.

I turned back to focus on the door. Sebastian couldn't come with me. Jackdaw had been decapitated doing so. It must've been an obstacle made for someone who could see ancient magic.
"Sebastian, you can't come," I said firmly.
"Why? We were just attacked by Goblins, who knows what's in that cave," he argued.
"Jackdaw lost his head. I don't want the same to happen to you," I said.
"He's right though, he isn't exactly the brightest of the bunch," Sebastian said.
"I'm still not risking it. I'll meet you back at the castle."
He pouted, but I wouldn't budge.
"Please..." I said.
"Fine. Just don't lose your head too," he said.
We said our goodbyes, and Sebastian lingered as I entered the cave. As soon as I stepped foot inside, the door sealed behind me.


It looked like your typical cave, however the further I progressed, the more I became aware that it was infested with spiders. Webs hung from the ceiling. I came across a few decent sized ones here and there, killing them as swiftly as I could. What I found particularly interesting was that Jackdaw hadn't appeared to loot a single chest within the cave. If he hadn't done so, where was his body, surely he was killed before he could loot anything. I began to suspect the cave had more secrets that I assumed. Eventually, I came across large clearing within the cave. Just as I saw a promising gate up ahead, a pair of spider matriarchs showed me their presence. They were big, towering over me. All I could do was dodge and deflect their attacks.
"Confringo," I yelled, blasting one of them with a ball of fire.
They curled as their bodies burned, but they recovered quickly.
Just when it felt impossible, I remembered I had a chomping cabbage in my pack.
I let it loose, and it did the job, aiding me as I fought.
I watched as the matriarchs dead bodies curl up. I thought I should feel remorse, maybe I did a little. But then again, these creatures were so horrid.

I didn't let my mind dwell, and proceeded through the gate. In the distance, across a bridge, a large door sat. I instantly recognised it as a door designed by the keepers. I ran across the bridge and flung it open. I was greeted by a large room, the walls lined with guardians. In front of me sat a skeleton. It was Jackdaws remains. A guardian beheaded him. I picked up the page, he held between his fingers, and it showed the map to this location. As I scanned the room, I could see another door at the far end. I signed, knowing as I stepped forward, the guardians would spring to life. I was beginning to get fed up with these things.

One by one, they woke up, and one by one, I took them down; exactly as the keepers anticipated. As I walked towards the door, I reflected on why I was even here. A student had been killed, and I happily walked into the cave, knowing the danger I would face for the keepers. Sebastian reminded me how dangerous it was, and I was thankful he was there to do so. I was bargaining with time. How long would it be before my journey would end? Either in success or in death. I slowly pushed the door open, praying there was no more guardians. It opened into a hallway, with yet another door at the end. As I scanned the room, I could see no guardians in sight. I stepped in and as I did, the doors sealed shut behind me.
"Well, I guess there's no way but forward now," I said.
As I made my way to the other side, the hall began to fill with water. I admit, for a second I panicked. Then I realised that some sort of bubble formed around me, allowing me to breathe. The further I progressed through the hall, the higher the water level got. I made it to the other side, pushed through the door, and proceeded up an incline.
My eyes laid upon a chamber, with a portrait of an old wise looking man.
"Hello there," he said.

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