A Day of Classes

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The next morning I hesitated as I entered the common room. Ominis had ripped into me the night before, and I was anxious he'd do it again.
When I realised there was no sign of him, I could finally breathe. As I strode over to sit by the fire and do some light reading, I caught sight of Sebastian.
"I'm sorry. He was there when I left the Undercroft," I said.
"It's not your fault. Honestly, I should've respected Ominis's wishes and not mentioned it," he said.
"Why did you tell me?"
"I don't know. I guess I wanted to help you learn better magic...." He paused. "And I enjoy spending time with you. It reminds me of my times with Anne."
'I reminded him on his sister?' I thought. I didn't want him to see me in that way.
Sebastian must've read the look on my face.
"Not that you're like Anne. I just mean we get along. Like we click," he said stumbling over his words.
I laughed. It was kind of cute seeing him so flustered.
"Ominis threatened me with expulsion last night," I said.
"Did he? He was just angry, he wouldn't actually do it."
"I guess but now he hates me," I frowned. I didn't exactly want bad blood with Sebastian's best friend.
"No he doesn't, trust me. I told him it was all my fault. If he were to hate anyone right now, it would be me," Sebastian reassured me.
"Okay," I smiled.
"Hey, do you have beasts class today?" Sebastian asked.
I nodded.
"I'll see you then," he said.

The first period of the day was flying class. Professor Kogawa ran the class. We stood there in two lines, Professor Kogawa lecturing as she walked between them. My mind wandered as I gazed eyes wide at the castle. It was beautiful, and the sight of it never got old.
"Now make sure you show your broom respect and it will respect you. Hold your hand out and say 'up'," she said.
I held my hand out, "up."
My broom rose up, hovering above the ground.
"You'll be flying this course, making sure you go through each ring. To control going up and down, simply tilt your broom in the direction. The same goes for left and right. If you want to go faster, push forward on your broom," Professor Kogawa said.
The class mounted their brooms. I lifted off the ground. It felt strange. Humans were not mean't to fly, and the higher I got, the more I realised it.
I saw the first ring, and slowly proceeded through it, attempting to get a feel for the broom.
"Hey! Over here," someone said from my right. I turned my head to see a messy haired Ravenclaw student with glasses.
"You're the new fifth year. I'm Everett Clopton. You seem to know your way around a broom. Do you want to take an extended flying tour of the castle?"
"I guess," I said.
"Follow me!"
Everett commenced to wind me through the practice rings, then he drifted off, taking me under a rickety bridge. I couldn't understand how it was still standing. Walking on it, the bridge felt sturdy, but looking at it, it seemed as if it could collapse any minute. The view of the castle was amazing. It took my breath away. We flew around the outside of the castle, then winded through its towers. After a few minutes we finally landed when we heard Professor Kogawa's whistle blow. We landed and class was dismissed. Everette and I began to walk to lunch.
"Where do you think you two are going?" Professor Kogawa said from behind me.
I turned. She stood there arms cross.
"Oh hello Professor, we were trying to get a little extra practice in," Everette said.
"Hefty points will be taken from each of your houses for not following my instructions," Professor Kogawa said, arms still crossed.
I turned to Everette, he didn't say a word.
Professor Kogawa continued, "Mr Clopton, I'm disappointed in you. You're in this class because your not showing yourself or your broom the proper respect."
"But Professor," he tried so speak.
"Enough, class is dismissed."
He left, and I attempted to follow suit.
"As for you," she said.
I focused my attention back on the Professor, hanging my head to show her I felt guilty.
"You'll do well to show better judgment in the future."
I hung my head even lower. I hated being scolded.
"Chin up! That was some rather good flying," she added smiling.
I nodded in gratitude and left.

I entered the great hall, ready to eat a horse. As I walked to the Slytherin table, I caught sight of Sebastian, Ominis sat right next to him.
'I can't go over there, what if he's still mad?' I thought.
I was about to find somewhere else to sit when Sebastian waved me over. Feeling I couldn't brush him off, I signed and sat next to them.
"Aura, how was class?" He asked.
"Good," I said, as I sat there with every muscle in my body tensing.
Sebastian could sense my anxiety, he leaned in and whispered, "don't worry about Ominis. He's cooled down a lot today."
I nodded, but how could I not? I stuffed my plate with food, and ate my roast in silence. Eventually, it was Ominis who broke the silence.
"Aura, my apologies for threatening you last night. I was angry, which I'm sure you could tell," he said.
"It's okay.... I probably would've been angry too."
"So we can both agree that Sebastian is to blame," Ominis said.
"Hey! I said I was sorry," Sebastian said.
I laughed, "it's still your fault."
After that, the air had lifted and the anxiety drifted from my body - just in time for beasts class.

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