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With the turn of the season, the days grew colder and colder. The Scottish Highlands were even cooler than London. It made late night adventures even more difficult. I couldn't imagine what it would be like once winter came around. Regardless, I was tremendously grateful to have a warm and comfortable bed to return to every night - an experience I never had growing up. Even more, the food at Hogwarts was like no other. It was always perfectly tailored to the seasons, and always looked appetising.
One particularly chilly autumn day, I sat in the Great Hall eating my steaming pumpkin soup. Ominis and Sebastian hadn't made an appearance yet. I searched the room, eventually spotting them in the corner of the hall. I was almost done with my food, so I gobbled it up and walked over to them. They appeared to be arguing about something.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Sebastian wants me to help him find something, which I will not be doing. See you later, Aura," he said, walking off.
I could tell he was angry. I looked at Sebastian, who was shaking his head.
"What was that about?"
"I'm trying to convince him to show me the location of Salazaar Sytherin's scriptorium. It's here at Hogwarts somewhere, and his family knows it's location," he said.
"That's incredible. Why won't he help?"
"His parents are direct descendants of Slytherin. Their family is very traditional in many ways, from their ideals on pure bloods, to dark magic. They would make him cast dark magic on muggles on he was young. Naturally, he wants nothing to do with dark magic or Salazar Slytherin," Sebastian said quietly, so nobody could hear.
"Poor Ominis. I can see why he wouldn't want to help," I said.
He nodded. "But if there's any chance it will help save Anne, I need to find it. Could you try speaking with him?"
Flashbacks to the keepers memory appeared in my mind. Alarm bells were ringing. I knew how much Sebastian loved Anne. But he said they had already exhausted all options. At what point is it wrong to interfere with what nature intended? Isidora took her father's suffering, and the result was tainted magic. What path could Slytherin direct us down? And what would the consequences be?
I examined Sebastian's face. He seemed desperate for any chance he could get. I am ashamed to admit that I gave in. His large eyes practically pleaded with me. I nodded.
"I can try, but I can't make any promises," I explained.
"Thank you," he smiled.
A warmth filled my chest. How could I disappoint him when he smiled at me like that?
"Not right away though. Give Ominis time to think about the idea. He has had to deal with a lot, and bringing everything up again, could overwhelm him," I said.
"Wow, I didn't know you were so emotionally aware of these things," Sebastian said.
"There's a lot you don't know about me."
Sebastian thought for a moment.
"You know what, you're right. You don't talk about your life before Hogwarts a lot," he said.
"Well, I didn't know how you'd react to finding out my linage."
"I wouldn't judge you for that."
I stayed quiet. How was I supposed to know that?
"Wait, did you really think I would?"
I nodded, "yes."
"Aura, I wouldn't do that. I don't care about where you're from."
'You say that, but honestly you'd probably pity me if I told you. Just like the ministry did when they found me,' I thought about telling him that. However, I couldn't. I felt myself wanting to be strong in front of Sebastian. I had embarrassed myself enough times in front of him.
"Well, thank you. But that's all there is to it. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
"It's okay. Now that I think about it, a lot of what you said makes sense now, especially if you didn't know our world existed."
I laughed, "I will admit it has been a learning curve."
"You've handled yourself incredibly well. I mean you could wipe any fifth year under the rug."
I could feel the heat rising in my face, why did he think so highly of me?


I lounged in the common room, reading my defence against the dark arts textbook. Ominis sat across from me, running his fingers across the pages of his textbook. Sebastian was next to him, frowning as he read a book on curses.
I was incredibly fidgety, finding it difficult to study such a tedious book, whilst Sebastian was sitting across from me. I had to admit, the way he held himself while reading had a charm to it, and periodically sent my heart into a flutter.
Ignoring my attraction, I pushed my feelings aside, attempting to re-focus.
My efforts were futile because shortly after I heard a hoot come from above me. I looked up, and a letter slowly drifted into my lap.
I opened it. It was from Natty.
'Can you meet me in the Divination tower?'
That was all the letter had said aside from the usual formalities.
I signed and stood up.
"Where are you off to?" Sebastian asked.
"Just going to see a friend," I said.
I had a feeling this was going to be about Harlow.

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