A Slytherin Party

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After having a panic attack the night prior, I was a little embarrassed to face Sebastian again. Even more so now that I had realised my feelings for him. I had liked boys before, but they had never been my friend. I didn't know where to begin unpacking this. Fighting the urge to lay in a ball and let my depression take hold, I flung myself out of bed. I was determined to be productive.

As I entered the common room, I was a bit weary. Would he be embarrassed as much as I was? He'd seen me in an incredibly vulnerable state. I slowly approached him, ready to apologise for the night before. Sebastian didn't bring it up. He simply smiled and said, "Aura, did you hear about the party tonight?"
I shook my head. "What party?"
"The prefects let it slip that they are going to be on a mission of some sort for Professor Sharp. Meaning the teachers will be left to roam the halls alone," he said, deviously.
"So there won't be any kind of authority in the common rooms?" I asked, raising a brow.
He nodded.
"Is it just for Slytherin students?"
"There are ways for students from other houses to enter the common room," he said.
"Hmm how intriguing," I said pausing, "well I'll catch you later, I need to do something's."
"Wait Aura," Sebastian took hold of my sleeve.
"Sorry I really need to go," I said, scurrying off.
I was the type to run away from a problem that scared me too much. Ranrok, Rookwood and Harlow were just bully's, sure they were terrifying, but it was different to this.
I couldn't face Sebastian. This was too much.

I wandered the halls mindlessly. Reliving the events of last night. My mind wouldn't clear up. I barely noticed Garreth calling my name.
"Auraaaa", he said waving his hand in front of my face.
"Huh?" I snapped out of my trail of thought.
"Your mind seems somewhere else."
I nodded, "what is it?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to help me smuggle some Butterbeer into the castle for tonight's soirée in the Slytherin Common room."
"Oh! You're going to that?" I asked.
"Of course I am. I wouldn't miss a good party."
I laughed, "fair enough. What's the plan?"
"Well you see, I know of a secret tunnel to Hogsmeade, right inside this very castle. One of the Slytherin seventh years gave me plenty of galleons, and this bag to stash the Butterbeer in. He even threw in a few extra galleons to make my special home-brew. I love rich kids," he laughed.
"Is that bag going to fit the Butterbeer?" I asked.
He nodded, then reached in and pulled out a broomstick.
My jaw hit the floor.
"You've never seen one of these?"
I shook my head.
He laughed, "right, well we'll sneak out at around 8pm. The party doesn't start until 9:30 anyway. The passage leads to Honey Dukes and it's usually closed by then so we'll be set."
I nodded. This was going to be interesting.


The rest of the day I killed time in the library, attempting to read some books, yet failing every time. My mind swirled through thoughts. I knew what I had to do but I couldn't do it. My only choice would be to avoid Sebastian until my feelings subsided, although that wouldn't be fair on him. I stayed locked in a dance between rational and irrational actions. Irrational being, I tell him everything. Maybe he'd like me back?
Before I knew it, it was time to meet Garreth. He had explained that I was to find him at the old one-eyed witch statue next to the changing staircase. I was able to locate it with relative ease and waited for him. Shortly he arrived, magical bag on his waist.
"Ready?" He asked.
I nodded.
Garreth glanced to his left and right, making sure no students or teachers were around. He tapped the statue with his wand and it moved aside. The doorway opened into an incredibly dark corridor.
"Lumos," Garreth said.
He turned to me, "ladies first."
I hesitated before withdrawing my wand.
"Lumos," I signed and entered the abyss.
We walked down into the depths of the castle, until we came into some sort of cave. Together we made our way through it with ease. The only real annoyance was all the climbing we had to do. Apparently the cave floor wasn't entirely level, so whoever had discovered it built wooden ladders to remedy this issue.
About half an hour later, we found ourselves in Honeydukes, and casted disillusionment in case anyone was lurking around.
Finally, we were in the streets. I could smell the air Hogsmeade in all it's glory. It smelt like wooden fires with a twinge of Owl droppings. We made our way to the Three Broomsticks.
"Sirona usually gives us a deal on some barrels of it. She remembers what it was like being a student so she's always happy to oblige, as long as we don't rat on her," Garreth said.

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