To Forget You

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The next day I woke up incredibly queasy, and with a pounding migraine. Luckily it was a Sunday, which mean't I could sleep in as much as I wanted. Unfortunately for me, my mind would not stop reliving the embarrassment that I was the night prior. I couldn't believe he had heard me throw up. That wasn't even the worst part. As I attempted to recover memories, my mind flickered back to Imelda, then to Sebastian and our fight. I wanted to scream. No, I wanted to crawl into a ball and die. How could I so easily let my feelings show? And why would I let them affect me that much? All because of a boy.

I forced myself out of bed and decided to go to the nurses office. Maybe she could given something for the migraine. I squinted as I entered the common room, it was far too bright. I made my way to the staircase, and just as I was about to climb them, Sebastian came down.
We stood there in silence for a moment, clearly neither knew what to say.
I smiled tightly.
"Did you pull up okay?" He asked.
I nodded, "excuse me, I need to go to the infirmary."
He didn't move.
"You just nodded that you were fine," he said, emotionless.
"Well as good as I can be," I said.
"What's wrong?" His facial expressions didn't even shift. Clearly he was upset with me.
"I have a migraine."
I once again attempted to move past. He stood there silent, then signed.
"Are you going to tell me why you blew up at me?" He asked.
"I was drunk. I don't know," I played it off.
"Right," he said.
"Look, I'm sorry. But I really need to go. I can barely see with this migraine."
He moved aside and let me pass.

Once I was at the infirmary, the nurse worked her magic and my migraine subsided after a while. What remained however, was the problem I now faced, that I was infatuated with my best friend. I decided my best move right now was to hide in the room of requirement, recover from this horrid hangover (I still felt queasy), and figure out a solution to my problem. I went to my safe space, a brilliant room with eclectic pink walls and furnishings. Deek sat where he always did, in the corner on the little couch I conjured for him. He never seemed to leave the room. I collapsed on to the couch in the centre of the room and signed.
Deek must've heard me because he scurried over, peeking over the arm of the couch to check on me.
"Deek thinks you should be proud of all the beasts you've saved," he said.
Was this his attempt to make me feel better?
"Thanks Deek," I said.
"Deek hopes you know that you can always talk to him."
"I know Deek. Don't worry, I'm just tired."
Apparently satisfied with my answer, he returned to his couch and I heard him dig his hand into a box of candy.
'What do I do?' I thought to myself.
'I can't just cut him out for no reason, that would be cruel. But I certainly cannot let my feelings fester, and then lash out like I did last night. I'm just going to have to avoid him whenever I can.'
That was the most logical solution to my problem, but my mind wandered.
'What if he does like you?' A distant voice whispered.
I shook my head, not allowing myself to entertain the thought. He couldn't. Sebastian was my best friend.
After much reflection, I decided it would just be best to create some distance for a while. I had become too close, something I liked to avoid doing.
For the rest of the day, I stayed in the room of requirement and studied. I figured the only way to rest my mind from the overthinking was to distract it. By the end of the day, I was exhausted.


The next day, I got up for classes, and intentionally slept in so I wouldn't have to see Sebastian at breakfast. My plan was off to a good start, considering I didn't have class with him until the afternoon. All I had to do was avoid him until then.
Class was long and boring. Every time I tried to focus, my mind wandered. I was never great at listening to lectures, but this just made it harder.
At lunch, I made my way to the library, only grabbing a small snack to eat. I navigated between the shelves of the library, not particularly feeling like studying, but wanting to bury my nose in a book. 
'Hmmm what to read?' I thought.
"Hi Aura, what are you up to?" A voice came from my right.
I turned to see Poppy standing there.
"Oh Poppy! I'm just looking for a book to read. What about you?" I asked
"I was looking for you!"
Something in my gut told me she needed my help.
"I wanted to see if you'd accompany me on an adventure this afternoon."
This was the perfect distraction from my issue.
"It would be my pleasure. What are we going to do?"
"I have some information on a poaching camp. I want to stop them," she said enthusiastically.
'What is with these students always putting themselves in danger?' I began to hesitate, but of course, I was going to say yes regardless.
"Sure," I said.
"Perfect!" She pulled out a map. "Meet me here after school."
I watched as Poppy pointed to a small lake and I nodded. This was going to distract me at least.

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