A Day in Feldcroft

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Professor Black stood at his podium, spitting some sort rubbish about upholding his decision on Quidditch being cancelled. My attention drifted as he droned on and on.
"When's he going to bloody shut up?" Sebastian whispered.
"This assembly has been going on for an hour almost," I said as I glanced at the watch on his wrist.
"I'm going to fall asleep any moment now," he said.
"Now students, onto the more exciting part of our assembly. The school will be holding a Hallow's Eve celebration on Friday the 31st at 6pm. Students are permitted to dress up, as long as the costumes are appropriate. That is all," Professor Black said.
As soon as he finished, the hall filled with chatter.
"A Halloween party!" I said.
Sebastian laughed, "have you never been to one?"
I shook my head. I could feel the excitement already.
"I do love Hallow's Eve," Ominis said.
"What are you going to go as?" I asked him.
He shrugged, "I don't know yet. What about you?"
I thought for a moment, what could I go as? The possibilities were endless. A ghost crossed my mind, but surely that would offend the ones that reside in the school.
"Can't I just go as a witch?" I asked.
"No. You're already a witch," Sebastian said.
I signed, "fine. I'll think of something."
"Well I'm going as a mad scientist, like Frankenstein," Sebastian said.
"Well you have the messy hair for it," I said.
I laughed, "you know it's true."
Sebastian pouted, then mumbled something.
"What was that?" I asked, still teasing.
"Nothing," he shook his head, then continued.
"Hey, do you want to come to Feldcroft with me this Saturday?"
"Sure, I already promised I would. Ominis are you coming?" I asked.
"No. I'm not particularly fond of Solomon. I'll just write to Anne," he said.
"I don't know if I want to meet him now," I said, hesitantly.
"Oh please come, it will do Anne some good," Sebastian said.
"Okay, I will."
While Solomon sounded awful, I was excited to meet Anne. I just hoped she would like me. After that, Professor Black dismissed us. We returned to the common room and I retired for the evening.


The next Saturday, I met Sebastian in Feldcroft. It took 30 minutes to get to there by broom. As I flew above the Hamlet, I caught sight of Sebastian standing on a tall wooden watchtower. I landed right next to it.
"Sebastian!" I yelled, waving from the ground.
He motioned for me to come up.
I groaned as I began climbing the stairs.
"Aura, how was the flight?" He asked.
"I flew by the ocean. It truely was a sight," I smiled.
I paused to take in the view.
"Enjoying the view?" I asked.
"I'm just keeping an eye on things. Feldcroft isn't what it used to be. No one feels safe here ever since Ranroks loyalist took interest in that castle over there."
"Isn't anyone doing anything about them?" I frowned.
"No. My uncles a former Auror too but he refuses to look into it. Even after Anne was cursed by a Goblin," he said.
"Well, I think we will just have to take a look," I smiled.
"Yes, if I am to cure her, I need to understand what happened to her. Anne was always the most mischievous of the three of us, and knowing me and Ominis, that's saying something. I'm hoping a surprise visit from me and a new friend from Hogwarts will help lift her spirits," he said.
I smiled. It incredibly was sweet how much Sebastian cared for Anne. It made me wish I had a sibling who cared that much for me.
"Let's go," I said.

Sebastian led me to a small cottage. It looked quite quaint, especially for a former Auror. He opened the door silently, turned to me, and pressed his finger to his lips.
"Shhhhh," he said.
Sebastian tiptoed into the cottage. I followed quietly behind him. The cottage was warm and cozy inside. The door had opened directly into the dining room. At the table, a frail girl sat, reading over a book.
As Sebastian tiptoed up behind her, he reached out grabbed her shoulders and said, "boo!"
Anne jumped.
"Sebastian! What are you doing here?" She laughed.
Her eyes drifted to me, and then quickly back to Sebastian, as he pulled something out of his cloak. It was a pink garlic shaped plant.
"Is that... what I think it is?" She asked, eyes wide.
A large man came out from the other room, snatching the plant from Sebastian's hand. It must've been his uncle.
"We've been over this boy. Shrivel figs cannot reverse a curse," he said, turning to Anne. "Nothing can."
"The sooner you accept that reality, the better," his uncle added. Then, he tapped it with his wand, and the shrivel fig disappeared.
"But we haven't tried everything!" Sebastian exclaimed.
My heart ached from the pain in his voice. I could see why Ominis didn't want to come.
"There is no cure," his uncle yelled. "When will you accept that?"
"Never! I will never accept it!"
"Ahhhhh," Anne yelped in pain.
My eyes darted to her. She hunched over, clasping her stomach. There was a lot going on.
"Now look what you've done," his uncle said, turning to Sebastian.
"I'm sorry," Sebastian said, desperately.
"Leave!" Their uncle said through his teeth.
Sebastian backed out of the room, leaving the cottage without making eye contact with me.
I ran after him, and found him pacing back and forth outside.
"I'm sorry you had to see that," he said.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
He nodded, "I just need to be alone for a while."
Sebastian turned and walked off. I watched him for a few seconds. How could his uncle be so cruel? Especially when Sebastian cared for Anne so much?

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