PROLOGUE - The Question

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Shuichi couldn't sleep. Something had been on his mind ever since that conversation with his partner, Kokichi Ouma when he had the Despair Disease [Part of : SaiOuma/OumaSai - Oneshots & Daily Lifes [Fanfiction] book thingy].

He tried to push it off constantly, and Kokichi didn't believe the lies he pulled (obviously the compulsive liar would know) but they didn't nudge so that there wouldn't be pressure on him. Only occasionally if it was causing significant harm. Such as when Shuichi was overworking himself and he collapsed onto the kitchen floor. From what Kokichi told him, he was extremely lucky to not have been put into hospital that day.

Today however, was one of the worst days. He was so conflicted that he couldn't sleep. Shuichi's anxiety was through the roof, breathing unevenly as he sat up cautiously in bed trying to not awaken his Lil' Grape.

They've been together for years now, and with the announcement of Kaede and Rantaro to him and his partner that they were trying to have a baby - the thought of having their own lil tormentor was on his mind more prominent this time around. His insomnia was bad, but these thoughts took it to a new extreme. He couldn't sleep, he couldn't even think straight!

"Shuichi...?" A tired, yet hoarse voice was heard from the right side of the bed where Kokichi lay. The detective only sighed, before looking over towards his Lil' Grape staring at him in both concern and confusion. They didn't even have to speak, Shuichi already understood what they wanted to ask.

"I... Couldn't sleep..." Shuichi muttered quietly, but loud enough so his partner could hear. Kokichi just sighed as they sat up slowly. The height difference between the two showed as they sat beside each other. Kokichi looking up at their blue-haired detective who they adore, and Shuichi just looking down upon their cheeky, mischievous devil of a partner. He wouldn't change it for anything else, and he loved that.

Kokichi waved their hand in front of Shuichi before grabbing his attention by kissing him on the emo boy's lips. It did not stop the thoughts rushing through, but it got his attention at the very least. Shuichi just looked at their Lil' Grape with a tired smile, before pulling them close for a hug. Shuichi only sighed more once Kokichi hugged him back as they rubbed their hand up and down his body in a soothing manner.

"What's going on Shumai~?" Kokichi then asked, causing Shuichi's eyes to widen and his face to fluster red. Thank god the lights were off - although... Kokichi's hands were usually cold and could sense the heat with just a single touch. Just as luck would have it, Kokichi placed their delicate small-ish hands against their partner's cheek. Kokichi just cheekily giggled as Shuichi rolled his eyes.

"What did I do now!?" Shuichi asked, his voice accidentally going up to a higher pitch than it should've. This only caused Kokichi's laugh to be more loud as they leaned forward to turn on their bedside lamp.

However, it was probably the worst decision Kokichi made, as the next thing the grape spots, is their partner looking like a complete mess more than usual!

Family Matters I [SaiOuma/OumaSai] [Post-Game] [MattersAU] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now