Chapter Eleven - The Water of Love~

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Atua please kill me for that chapter title ;-;

TW/CW: Minor Body Dysmorphia, !NSFW INDICATED!


From the first week of getting there, Makoto Naegi was correct about something, as Kokichi did get a phone call from Togami telling them that they were up for a promotion to become a rescue agent! Those agents, according to what Togami said: 'Are agents that are sent out to dangerous situations that have gotten out of hand and need extra back-up'.

With that news alone Shuichi couldn't help but smother their Lil' Grape with affection and love (and concern because the anxious boy wants his Lil Grape to not put themselves in dangerous situations). Kokichi had come a long way since the killing game too, not just the detective himself. Shuichi enjoyed watching them thrive in an environment that made them feel useful and happy, so they didn't often barge in.

However at this moment for the two, a few weeks had gone by since arriving at Jabberwock Island, and it was getting closer to December. Shuichi and Kokichi were enjoying their time at one of the cabins that they got from a previous Future Foundation member that used to live there, and it was quite close to the pool!

Shuichi was starting to show a bit more now and was getting a bit uncomfortable as he couldn't really fit into many of the trousers he owned, so Kokichi had to go to the nearest clothing store to get the poor emo some loungewear so that he could at least have some that fit him at the beginning of the current week.

It was now Thursday, so... it's been one of those weeks to say the least physically where he couldn't be bothered to move and just wanted to stay cuddled up to the lovable supreme leader he adored.

However mentally for Shuichi, he had never felt better despite everything else! He hadn't felt this relaxed for a long while, and it did feel weird at first to not be at work and working till 2am of the next day due to taking extra hours to cover for some people who were either late coming back from missions, or people who just didn't turn up and he had to do the job instead. 

Kokichi had told him numerous times to stop being so selfless and take care of himself, but he couldn't help it half the time. If people wanted or needed his help, he would accept no matter how difficult - even if it would give him great harm. This would explain the numerous plasters and bandages he had on his face when he came home to a sleep deprived, yet panicked and frustrated Kokichi Ouma.

But back at what Shuichi was doing at the current moment, he was gazing towards the opened window that looked outside of the cabin, only to notice that it had turned dark and the only light he could see was from the tiki lights that were being lit by various workers and future foundation members living on the island. 

It felt nice to just watch the flames on the tiki lights dance in the subtle sea breeze. It wasn't that strong to blow it out, but it made it extra pretty and hypnotising to see the numerous ways it flowed.

Shuichi was so distracted, he didn't realise that Kokichi had sat down beside him and the only way he was indicated was with numerous pokes of a finger on his cheek. Shuichi just turned to face Kokichi who was smiling lovingly at the boy while giggling from being caught.

"Can I help you Koki?" Shuichi asked as he moved his seating position so he could properly face the grape in front of him. Kokichi only pondered, before their eyes widened when an idea came to their mind. Shuichi couldn't help but feel... a bit nervous as he KNEW what Kokichi was like.

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