Q&A for MattersAU

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Good day everyone! So, I just figured out an idea I can do for a video on my YouTube for the MattersAU, but I need your help with it. And of course, the title of this 'Chapter' gives it away!


I am going to be doing a Q&A in regards to the Danganronpa Characters.

This can be any of the characters either part of Danganronpa, or original characters [e.g. Raven Black from during Shuichi's despair war past] or even myself, the 'Author'.

You can also say whether it's for the Pre-Matters, Pre-Game, or Pre-Hope's Peak timeline of the characters.


You can ask any sort of questions to them, as long as they aren't 18+ based obviously.

Leave comments below this chapter and who you want to answer those questions!

Certain things character's can't say because spoilers for future things


Hope you guys have a good day, and please remember to check out Serious Matters, the next stage of the MattersAU [which is on hiatus due to health reasons]

Family Matters I [SaiOuma/OumaSai] [Post-Game] [MattersAU] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now