Chapter Twenty - A Towa Encounter

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Shuichi ran through numerous buildings filled with Monokuma's and killer kids and adults. Some adults were pissed from what happened, where a few just had enough and wanted to die in a fight worthy of losing. That was what the ultimate detective was running towards anyway. There was someone he saw worthy of getting rid of so that he could hate himself for the pain he can cause. Besides - it's not like he has anybody around that cares.

"Fucking hell will you just stop!?" Shuichi snapped as he gasped for some air. His now shoulder-length navy blue hair waved in the wind as he ran. He didn't bother cutting it for so long now, that it had a mind of its own. Besides - the only thing he can do now is either chase those weaker, or run away from Monokuma's. Now - Shuichi had to chase the bitch he was chasing.

Although maybe he should've paid attention, as the next thing he knew is feeling a metal foot kick him to the ground and stay as it pinned him down. Shuichi just growled angrily from being so easily outwitted, but also from the numerous scars that he covered with his torn Hope's Peak Academy blazer. He had nothing else underneath as the shirt he had was being used as a makeshift bandage for the girl he was chasing.

Yeah... this girl he was chasing was a goth adrenaline junkie. He met her when going to school in the UK, and she even got accepted into an Ultimate school in the UK as the Ultimate Jack of All Traits. She had apparently been chosen by various other ultimate's to come over and help - only to get thrown into this specific game of a Despair War.

Her long black hair was tied up into a braid with spikes in places so she could use it as a self-defence mechanism if things get too tricky. She even upgraded her own prosthetic leg and hand so they can be any form of weapon if needed.

The detective didn't understand her too much, but... honestly, he didn't even understand her back then. Her appearance however, was something you'd see from a typical goth mixed with a fighter. She was practically terrifying to see in a fight. Yet Shuichi fought her every single time.

"Seems to be that you're becoming a weaker being Saihara?" The girl taunted with an entertained grin. Her German-accent became more noticeable in her voice. Her tone was normally aggressive - accidental or not.

"Y-You're just b-becoming s-stronger..." Shuichi stuttered from being so out of breath and he just gave a forced smile towards the girl that leant him her metal hand towards him. The detective just took it with a smile and stood up, and the height difference was seen massively. The girl was muscular in tone with a flat chest, but she stood tall at 6' 2 compared to the emo who was only 5' 7!

"Hm..." The girl smiled, "...Perhaps I did go a bit too hard on you. You did have your binder off right?"



Again, silence.

"Nein! You did not!"

"...maybe..." Shuichi eventually spoke nervously, only for the girl to grumble angrily. Did I forget to mention she has a temper?.

"Take your blazer off."


"NOT THAT WAY!!" The girl's face flustered bright red from the implication before grumbling, "You know full well horny bitch that I don't see anyone that way!"

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