Chapter Eighteen - Playful Moments

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Jeez there's too many parties at the Future Foundation ;-; somebody save the emo. 

[The author. Not Shuichi]


With a party being held at the Future Foundation, Shuichi wasn't really looking forward to it as usual, but it was compulsory for everyone to go to this one. He didn't really have a choice, even though he tried to convince Makoto but even he was insistent on the detective coming, so now the poor detective was busy looking for a party outfit that could... well, fit!

Thankfully, Hajime had offered Shuichi one of his spares that were big enough to fit the boy - and it was baggy enough, but couldn't hide everything. Shuichi just huffed as he sat down on the bed in just the dress shirt and of course, boxers too. He didn't want to admit he needed some help, but... he did need some form of help, and Kokichi was STILL stuck in the bathroom for the past hour doing their makeup routine!

"Kokichi?" Shuichi spoke loudly towards the bathroom door - only to hear a muffled noise from inside. The detective was admittedly curious - but just waited till the door eventually opened to reveal Kokichi with perfectly placed violet eyeshadow with slick black eyeliner that made their own eyes pop even more. The light pink coloured lipstick even seemed to somehow make the lips even more kissable than before, but that may be because of how they applied it.

"...Firstly: Is all that makeup really necessary? We are not going to a concert." Shuichi couldn't help but tease as he stood up and walked towards the supreme leader with a smile. The grape just huffed,

"Well an Ultimate Supreme Leader needs to stand out from the crowd Shu!" They giggled, before jumping up and kissing the beloved detective on the cheek - leaving a shiny lipstick stain.

"K-Kokichi!" He laughed as he wiped it away. "Careful - this suit isn't mine."

"Foooooin" They pouted, before taking a better look at the detective's current outfit before giving a curious look. "Don't think Naegi would like you going like this detective~" They sang to him, gaining a grumble from Shuichi almost immediately. Kokichi couldn't help but giggle.

"J-Just help me with getting the t-trousers on..." Shuichi folded his arms embarrassed at even asking for help with such a simple task - but the supreme leader just smiled happily and nodded in response as they dragged the detective to where the suit lay.

As Kokichi helped get Shuichi changed - the detective couldn't help but grunt uncomfortably from subtle pain he's been getting lately. The grape seemed to notice, only to place their hand reassuringly on Shuichi's stomach to try and attempt to 'move' the baby a bit so the pain could subside. The detective only gave them a smile to say thanks once he got the trousers on - and the baby definitely did NOT like that.

"Alright, alright~" Kokichi whistled before giggling. "Mini-Me seems to hate tight clothing like a certain emo boy I know~" Shuichi just rolled his eyes in response.

This initiated Kokichi to be mischievous towards the detective, as they began pulling their phone out, scrolling through before playing the song 'Emo Boy' in the bedroom from the Bluetooth speaker that was placed on the windowsill.

Shuichi flustered bright and tried to stop the grape from going further, but before the poor detective could even do anything, he felt the supreme leader spin him round and dip him ever so slightly. The detective's eyes only widened in surprise, but decided to pull them up to make sure they didn't fall... 

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