Chapter Twenty Seven - Hope Before Despair

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TW/CW: Anxiety Attack Aftermath || Fluff || Angst || Comfort


With Kokichi being called out to an important rescue mission - Shuichi had been alone for a few days at this point with Sumire, to the point that he, Kaede and even Aoi decided to do a bit of a mini get together at his home. Although it wasn't the first time they did this - they tended to meet at the Future Foundation but it was the first time for Kyoko to bring her two week old twins.

The Naegi twins: Yuna and Naisho Naegi each had brown hair to match their father, Makoto, but the two had different coloured eyes - Yuna had green, whereas Naisho had lilac. It made the two unique, and downright adorable - although the personalities of the two seemed to be extremely different...

"Awwwwww they are so cuuuute!!" Aoi squealed excitedly when Kyoko entered the living room with the twins. Kyoko just nodded with a content smile before sitting down with them beside her.

"They are, but they are a handful." Kyoko spoke in a tone that should be taken as emotionless, but it wasn't. It had kindness sprinkled in, you just had to know the female detective well enough to find it. She then just chuckled lightly. "I sometimes don't know if I blame Makoto's luck, or life for giving me twins."

"Why not both?" Kaede smirked at the remark - earning a few laughs.

"So, Asahina. How's Genki?" Kyoko then asked out of nowhere - causing Aoi to pout.

"Well... he is scared of water, so bath time is a bit tough..."

" did find him in a shipwreck didn't you?" Shuichi brought up - making Aoi nod with a frown as she turned to face her son with a concerned look. Kaede couldn't help but notice the mood change, and instantly pounced on her gently with a comforting hug to try and lighten the mood. Aoi just giggled from the unexpected support from the pianist and hugged her back as if to say thanks.

"So... does anybody need a drink?" Shuichi then offered to try and break the awkwardness from the angst that was lingering. The girls in the room nodded.

"Water for me and Aoi please!" Kaede exclaimed excitedly. Aoi just laughed as she stood up and went towards her adopted son and the other babies to see what on earth they were doing. Kyoko on the other hand seemed to ponder, before eventually nodding and standing up.

"I'll come with you Saihara." The ultimate detective spoke, earning a nod from Shuichi as the two of them walked into the kitchen to prepare the drinks for themselves and the two girls in the living room.

As the two entered the kitchen, Shuichi could notice that Kyoko's posture shifted to be a bit more concerned and full of worry. The emo detective couldn't pinpoint what was on the other detective's mind - but he didn't want to pry anything open in case it was something serious or even personal.

Shuichi and Kyoko sometimes teamed up for missions when they could - but it wasn't as often as they'd like. With the two of them being Ultimate Detective's - they were always pulled to be on missions with other people separately and only on rare occasions were they ever with each other.

I mean, the two each had similar tastes in things too so the missions would be over before it even started half the time. They each liked black coffee, they each had the same taste in music, and the two even worked late together so the both of them could have an alibi for working late.

Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Mostly for Shuichi though, as he basically lived with a living lie detector most of the time.

"You seem to be taking this parenting thing pretty well, Shuichi." Kyoko randomly brought up as she tried to locate the mugs for some coffee. Shuichi faced the detective with a raised eyebrow,

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