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Here's a sneak preview of the beginning of the first chapter...


"Are you fucking serious!?" Kokichi was heard screaming in Byakuya's office - but they weren't alone. Hajime and Nagito were beside the grapes side as they were also defending Shuichi's rights - even trying to say that he couldn't have done such a thing. This was Shuichi - the ultimate emo detective they were talking about! He wouldn't hurt a soul!

"As I said Ouma. There is nothing I can do–" Byakuya tried to speak, only to get interrupted by Hajime who slammed his hands against the desk angrily. His eyes were flickering between his normal green colour, and red. Indicating that Izuru was willing to come and take control when needed as he too was angry.

"Oh shut your bitch ass up Togami! You know that you didn't do a full on investigation!" Hajime snarled angrily - but was only calmed down slightly by a gentle hand being placed on his shoulder from his fiancé, Nagito Komaeda who stood beside him.

Nagito couldn't help but look between Hajime and Kokichi - only to see utter heartbreak in both of them from what happened to Shuichi. The poor detective was currently still in the clinic, but chained to a bed like a wanted criminal.

He would've been taken straight to jail, but thanks to Mikan - she advocated that he stay in hospital for a while until he recovers further. It was only the 4th of January too, and the year already was complete shit.

"How is my fiancé supposed to even defend himself when he can't even speak to save his own life!?" Kokichi shouted once again, tears now forming in their eyes as they spoke, "He can't even speak to our daughter anymore - the one thing Sumire LOVES. Are you just going to take him away from her too!?"

Family Matters I [SaiOuma/OumaSai] [Post-Game] [MattersAU] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now