Chapter Twenty Four - Miracle & Fear

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Shuichi was busy sitting on the sofa at home reading what seemed to be a parenting book instead of a mystery novel for once, and beside him was Kokichi Ouma playing a video game beside him on the console they owned and they seemed to be having a rough time with it,

"Don't fucking kill me again! No! NOOO!" Kokichi shouted to themselves as they tried to defeat the enemy on the screen, only to have the word 'DIED' appear in the centre of the screen as soon as the character they played was killed in a gruesome fashion. 

The detective couldn't help but look with the corner of his eye, and admittedly smirked each time the supreme leader lost. Especially considering they were extremely prone to raging.

"You do realise to defeat that boss you need to–" Shuichi decided to intervene to try and help, only to get interrupted by a pissed off grape,

"Oh fuck off. You just had it on the bloody easy setting! This works differently Shuichi!" The supreme leader pouted frustratedly as they tried to convince themselves otherwise with a lie, earning a breathy laugh from the emo boy that was now looking at them with a smirk.

"You know that I didn't! Besides - you were the one that begged me to try the hard mode of the game!"


"Well I suppose..." Shuichi pondered before continuing, "I had practiced with this game in the past, so perhaps some form of muscle memory kicked in?"

"Hmph..." Kokichi grunted, as they hit restart to try and defeat the boss yet again. Shuichi this time couldn't really look away, so he placed the book down with its respective bookmark, and offered his own advice to the game - only for Kokichi to shove the controller into the detective for him to take over as they gave up. 

The emo just smirked with a grin as they leaned down and kissed the supreme leader's forehead gently as he played the game,

"You will get better, Koki."

Silence, and not the natural kind. The detective expected some form of remark from his Lil' Grape - but it was just silence as they watched the emo play the video game like a pro - even defeating the boss the grape had been struggling with.

Of course, there were moments where the detective's player character was close to death, but that was bound to happen. Even at those moments, the supreme leader was suspiciously quiet more than usual, and was out of character for them considering in the past they would hope his character would die. Rude!

"Alright Kokichi - what's wrong?" Shuichi then asked as he paused the game, turning to face the grape who actually took the book that the detective was currently reading. The emo couldn't help but smile and lean back down and kiss the non-binaries cheek this time - earning a small blush from the smaller as they turned to face him.

"Just making sure we are the best parents to our Lil' Tormenter!"

"Tormenter!?" Shuichi couldn't help but gasp out, maybe the most unexpected nickname the supreme leader has come up with. Kokichi giggled before leaning against the detective's shoulder.

"You do realise that is a joke right?" Kokichi giggled as they snuggled up against the detective who was now looking at them with a puzzled look that was quickly dissolved into playful frustration.

Family Matters I [SaiOuma/OumaSai] [Post-Game] [MattersAU] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now