Chapter Four - Hopeful New Chapter

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After Kokichi and Hajime managed to successfully do the pancakes for Shuichi who was still finishing off unpacking. They only managed to burn two pancakes. Which was the ones Kokichi took care of when Hajime had to go out of the room for something. No wonder Shuichi takes over cooking... The two had to now bring their lovers from the living room into the kitchen, but instead of getting them both they decided to bring the food TO them instead as a surprise.

Once the two got into the living room, all they saw was Nagito doing their best to put up picture frames while standing on a ladder, and Shuichi was neatly putting away the video games inside the cabinet that the tv stood on. Kokichi couldn't help but smirk at the entire scene, where Hajime kept staring at Nagito who was slightly shaking. Hajime knew exactly what was about to happen, and just about as he was about to go over...

"Nagito watch out!" Shuichi shouted out of nowhere once they heard some shaky noises from the ladder increase in volume, and a sudden thud was heard. The three of them turned to face where Nagito fell hesitantly, and with thanks to Nagito's luck: they fell onto the sofa. Somehow.

Hajime only placed his own and Nagito's pancakes down onto the coffee table and rushed towards them and gave his lucky star a full on health check that consisted of kisses and little massages. Nagito only giggled as their face went bright red from the affection.

Shuichi just chuckled, before standing up slowly as he turned to face Kokichi who was trying so hard to not break down into laughter. The detective walked towards Kokichi slowly and took the plates - and finally, Kokichi broke.

They were officially dying from laughter due to the situation the poor ultimate got themselves in, and Shuichi couldn't help but giggle at the situation too. Although it wasn't directed at Nagito, but towards their Grape's. The leader had the most adorable laugh that was contagious, and Shuichi wouldn't change it for anything else. Well, he would trade it for one thing at the moment: coffee.


Eventually, once Kokichi calmed down from laughing, the four of them managed to relax and start eating the food that Hajime and Kokichi made. Surprising to Shuichi though, he was amazed that Kokichi's batch was not burnt as usual. Shuichi didn't care though. For once, take-out wasn't used as a saviour for their cooking. Shuichi wasn't any better at cooking, but at least he knew how to NOT burn food and that alone is saying something. They both sucked at cooking.

    "So~ What were the results, Nagito?" Kokichi then asked out of nowhere, disrupting the silence of eating. Hajime coughed a bit from his food before eventually clearing his throat to speak cautiously to his Lucky Star.

"You haven't even told me Nags. So what were they?"

"Aww~ You all want to hear something like that from me~?" Nagito fluttered their eyes towards Hajime, who only just gave them a softened glare. The fluff-ball just sighed, before taking out their phone and handed it to him instead of speaking out loud.

Hajime took their phone cautiously, reading through carefully the best they could. His eyes widened with a smile appearing on his face, but for Nagito - they didn't smile genuinely. It seemed... forced. Shuichi and Kokichi could notice that, and the atmosphere instantly felt numb. The only sound now was knives and forks against plates as the two placed them down cautiously and quietly as humanly possible.

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