Chapter Six - The Breaking Point(s)

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TW/CW: Angst || Fluff & Comfort || Short Chapter


"Rantaro!" Shuichi shouted from inside the car, as he beckoned for Rantaro to get closer to him. Rantaro was a bit confused and hesitated, but he walked over regardless with a calming smile.

"What is it, Saihara?" They asked, still smiling at the emo in front of him. Shuichi just smiled back at him before asking,

"Would you like to go costume shopping with me? Need to go get a costume for myself and Ouma." Shuichi didn't even have to wait for a response from Rantaro, as all he did was just nod their head with a smile.

"Of course! I'll happily join you Saihara!" Rantaro continued to smile at the emo, before Shuichi pushed open the front passenger seat door for him to get in. Shuichi just smiled back at him before chuckling lightly,

"You do realise you can call me Shuichi. You don't have to be formal and use my last name anymore."

"Ah..." Rantaro lightly chuckled before nodding towards him. "Sorry Sai– I mean, Shuichi." Shuichi only just continued to chuckle,

"No need to be sorry about that. Took me a while to stop calling Kokichi by their last name."

"But you still do sometimes, right?" Rantaro raised their eyebrow ever so slightly, almost teasing Shuichi as he backed out of the driveway onto the road so they could head to the nearest mall. 

Shuichi just didn't respond to the avocado, which only gave a response of 'yes' with the comfortable silence. Rantaro just smiled again before taking his phone out and started messaging someone. Most likely Kaede so he could let her know where they were going.


After driving for around 10 minutes, Shuichi felt butterflies in his own stomach again. He remembered he was going to tell Rantaro about what on earth is going on, as for the surprise to work - he'll need help and no doubt Hajime and Nagito weren't going to.

"Shuichi?" Rantaro spoke, causing Shuichi to just look at them from the corner of his eye in confusion as it snapped them back into focus.

"What is it, Rantaro?"

"I..." Rantaro hesitated, before eventually continuing. "...I don't know if this is intruding or anything, and I apologise... but... Is Ouma okay?"

"H-Huh?" The question caught the detective off-guard, causing them to give a proper look at Rantaro quite quickly before looking back onto the road. "W-Why d-do you ask?" he then started to stutter as he asked, becoming a bit curious on what Rantaro means by that question.

"Well, each time I speak about how Kaede is doing with her pregnancy, they seem to get tense like they are holding something back."

Shit. Shuichi didn't even know how to respond to that. Shuichi just thought for a bit, before a small inkling of nausea started to hit his stomach. 

The detective turned to look at Rantaro quickly, before looking back at the road. His anxiety was going up and down like a rollercoaster at this point, and even though Rantaro could probably notice - the detective didn't want them to.

"If it's too much you don't have to respond–"

"I'm pregnant!" Shuichi just shouted out of nowhere, causing both Shuichi and Rantaro to just stare at one another in silence. The silence wasn't uncomfortable or pleasant - it was... filled with Shuichi's embarrassment. 

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