Chapter Seven - Hours Before

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TW/CW: Anxiety Attack(s), Fluff, Nausea Mention


Nagito tried to contact Shuichi, but it was no use. The emo seemed to have been missing the calls. He wasn't even listening to the voicemails that Nagito left behind just in case the boy's anxiety was high . Then again, there was the Halloween party later that day so maybe he was busy shopping? 

Nagito just sighed, turning towards Kokichi who had fallen asleep on their lap. Nagito didn't know what to do. They had never had to do this sort of thing for anyone else before! The ultimate luck just grumbled silently to themself as they tried to move the supreme leader off of them and onto the floor. Thankfully, it was fully carpeted so at least it wasn't hard to sleep on.

Once Nagito knew that Kokichi was settled and wasn't going to wake up for a bit, the ultimate decided to leave the grape there in the office and check on them later throughout the day, so as soon as they could, Nagito left Kokichi's office. 

They NEEDED to contact Shuichi somehow, they just had to improvise somehow! The fluff-ball then started thinking, trying to think of ways that could help make the grape happier about the situation. This was when they had an idea - but they would need someone's help.


"Do you want to die!?" A loud shout could be heard from inside a decently sized bungalow that belonged to the Ultimate Assassin and Ultimate Astronaut. Inside the home, was Nagito who was trying to convince Maki, who was also part of the future foundation, so they could help the orphanage Kokichi and Nagito were passionate about.

"If you really want to know if I WANT to die - yes! But that is not important right now Harukawa."

"Why would I want to help Ouma anyway?" Maki raised an eyebrow towards the ultimate luck as she walked towards the kitchen - Nagito only followed. They had just realised that the ultimate astronaut wasn't around - which only got the ultimate to be a bit curious. They didn't want to ask right now though as Kokichi's wish was their top priority.

"Because they are Saihara's lover?" Nagito told them, but disguised it as a sort of question at the same time to make it seem innocent towards the assassin.

"Just because they are with Shuichi, does not mean I need to help them. Besides - what orphanage is it anyway?" Maki grunted as she walked back in with Nagito close behind with some tea for both her, and them. For someone who didn't want the ultimate luck in the house, she surely is acting accommodating.

"If I remember correctly... it was an orphanage called 'Rightful Place Orphanag–"

"Wait. 'Rightful Place'!?" Maki snapped, aiming a knife towards Nagito who only backed up a bit from the small fear they had, causing them to nervously chuckle before responding with a nod of the head.

"Me and Kokichi used to live there when we were younger, so it's why I came here as you used to be part of an orphana–"

"I was." She snapped despite sounding a little bit weak. It seemed to have hit a nerve within the assassin. She sighed, sitting down slowly on one of the sofas in the living room as she started stroking the handle of the tea cup she held to try and reassure herself. Nagito only waited till she eventually spoke again. "I was an orphan there too. I didn't realise there was more of - well, us. I thought the orphanage was destroyed because of the war."

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