Chapter Eight - Spooky Evening Begins

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TW/CW: Intense? Shipping, Bit Angsty, Mentions of Alcohol Briefly


After an eventual day so far, Kokichi needed this party to liven their spirits. They couldn't just let one bad thing destroy the day anyway. That's what their lovable hypocrite for a boyfriend told them anyway. Kokichi just stood in one of the many bathrooms near where the party was currently being held waiting for the beloved detective to turn up.

"Shumai~ Hurry uuuuuup~" The supreme leader whined out loud towards the mirror in front of them as they applied a few bits of makeup on. Just some black eyeliner and purple eyeshadow - so nothing too big or extravagant that would take ages. If they were at home though - the liar would've had to do the makeup 2 hours prior to leaving to make it perfect and stunning! They may be a liar, but a supreme leader has to look the part - handsome too!

"Please tell me you aren't giving compliments to yourself without me?" A voice spoke from the bathroom door as it opened, and in came the detective with two large bags. One seemed to have been partly emptied though. As Kokichi turned, cold hands were placed over their own eyes - which only gave Shuichi the pouting face in return. The emo didn't honestly care though, before cuddling them from behind with his free hand. Kokichi flustered a bit, causing Shuichi to remove his hand from their eyes so they could see - Kokichi eventually gave into the cuddling as they started twisting their own body round so they could face the beloved detective's beautiful green-ish yellow eyes that shined from the bathroom lights above.

"You really are glowing Shumai!" Kokichi smiled up at him, only to see Shuichi roll his eyes before chuckling as a pink-ish shade formed on his pale cheeks.

"A-Anyway..." Shucihi stuttered, causing Kokichi to giggle silently as he then continued, "P-Put this on in here - I'll be g-getting changed in R-Rantaro's office with him." Kokichi just blinked in confusion at that, but didn't really question it as they took one of the costume bags that seemed lighter compared to the other. The supreme leader couldn't help but ask out loud,

"What are you even dressing up as?"

"Hm..." Shuichi sounded out as he thought for a careful response, before grinning. "...Well I can't really tell you. That would defeat the purpose of the game." The grin on the detective's face grew wider in a mischievous way. This wasn't common, but it wasn't rare either. However, it was the one face Kokichi could never predict - and they hated and loved it all at once. They hated that it was so unpredictable, that it caught them off guard, but they loved it because it was so damn sexy. Kokichi didn't get a chance to say anything, as Shuichi instantly turned his back towards the grape and walked back out of the bathroom. This then left Kokichi alone with the bag he gave them.

"What the–" Was the only thing they could say when they noticed what costume it was. "I think Shuichi gave me the wrong costume...!" Kokichi sniggered as they rushed into one of the bathroom stalls to completely get changed into the costume they thought Shuichi mixed up with - but with further inspection (aka putting the thing on) - the costume was the perfect size. For once: Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader... was the one oblivious to the situation at hand, and they didn't even realise it.


The party was currently in full swing - colleagues and friends chatting and having fun, while the anti-social ones just stayed in the corner out of sight of the ones having fun dancing and laughing. Gundham only watched the people dancing, as his lovers were currently dancing arm in arm with each other giggling. He couldn't help but chuckle along underneath his magenta scarf, not even knowing what they were even talking about in the first place but they would constantly look over at their overlord with a smile.

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