Chapter Fourteen - Reminiscing

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TW/CW: Misgendering, Dead Name, Angst, Mentions of Abuse, Mentions of Suicide

TIME FOR SOME PLATONIC HINASAI! [Hajime Hinata//Shuichi Saihara] 

[I cri cause there's not many HinaSai fanart ;-;]


Shuichi stayed silent the entire meal, which was normal for the emo to do, as he hated talking in a public setting when food was involved. However this time around, someone at the table, in the mix of all the chatting kept looking towards him concerned, the detective kept looking away from his food every so often to stare off somewhere at a certain location. 

This was when he felt a gentle yet firm hand touch his shoulder in a concerned manner. Shuichi only turned to the side to see Hajime looking at him with eyes filled with concern.

"Is everything alright Shu?" he asked as delicately and quietly as possible as he didn't want to gain Kokichi's attention. Thankfully: Kokichi was in a match with Nagito on... something. Shuichi couldn't really tell what exactly they were having a match about, as he wasn't paying attention to any of them at all, but the only thing he could do towards Hajime's question was silence.

The only thing Hajime could do was sigh, before facing in the direction Shuichi's eyes stared off towards and that answered everything itself. The people the poor detective saw were his parents.

They were the people who shipped him off to the U.K over 10 years ago now forcefully due to him not being their 'ideal' child - and that was Hajime's quick instinct to grab Shuichi's arm and get him to stand up with him forcefully, but gently at the same time.

Hajime had to at least get the emo out of there so he could relax, as he was the only one who knew about his parents. He knew how they acted and how much they scared him - and the best thing was for the poor detective to get some fresh air. Perhaps the beach?

"Hey! Where are you taking Shuichi!?" Kokichi asked out of nowhere with a hint of frustration as they stared at the two of them, whereas Nagito tried to examine his own boyfriend's face for any sort of indication but was struggling. 

Kaede and Rantaro just stared at the two confused, but concerned all at once. Rantaro seemed to catch on to what was going on, but didn't say anything as he didn't want to overwhelm the situation more .The reserve course then spoke with a hesitated sigh,

"I need to speak to Shuichi about something in private. We will be back soon." He obviously lied, and Kokichi caught onto it easily - but the supreme leader let it slide as they watched them both walk out of the diner. The grape felt helpless as they only now just noticed their beloved detective was upset more than usual. Thankfully, Hajime could help the poor detective with the issues, so Kokichi trusted him... to an extent anyway, thanks to the burning jealousy.


"I can't believe they are here!" Shuichi shrieked towards Hajime, panicked. The two boys were now in a seemingly quiet area on a nearby beach on the island so Shuichi could scream and shout all he wanted through the frustrated tears that formed thanks to a mixture of hormones and most likely emotions too. Hajime just huffed in agreement when there was quiet, before giving his own angered response that had a bit of an insane chuckle to it,

"I can't believe they are even alive..."

"H-Hajime!!" The detective didn't expect that sort of response, but then again... he is still trying to get used to Hajime's new personality after all. He was still used to the Hajime from his childhood, and he... missed that version of him occasionally.

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