Chapter Nine - Outted

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TW/CW: Angst, Alcohol, Nagito Being Nagito, Miu Being Miu, Accidentally? Outted During a Party.



The game had officially started, and it was already complete chaos. There were a few mild 'Never Have I Ever' questions from those who didn't really want to participate (Gundham Tanaka, Nagito Komaeda and Byakuya Togami) - but then there were those who took it to the next level and everyone prayed it skipped either Ibuki Mioda, Miu Iruma - and worst of all: Kokichi Ouma.

Shuichi at this point just gave up trying to give them a look of 'please stop...' as they were already starting to get tipsy from the alcohol and were now starting to use their beloved detective for what was possibly for some support. They drunkenly giggled occasionally when an inappropriate question was asked, and Shuichi had to admit that the giggles were making his heart flutter from how adorable and sweet it sounded against him.

Beside Shuichi, was Hajime who wasn't even tipsy yet as they hadn't been asked any form of questions that triggered any form of drinking from Shuichi and Hajime. They both just stared at each other, before they then turned to face Nagito who had passed out from drinking a fair bit of alcohol from the game. Hajime just stroked the poor things forehead gently to try and soothe them while the game continued,

"I-B-U-K-I! What does that spell!? IBUKI! It's Ibuki's turn now!" Ibuki shouted from the DJ booth they jumped out from as they rushed towards the alcohol that was spinning on the ground and gave it the most aggressive spin anyone could see from how excited she was, and everyone (who was awake) just stared at the bottle watching it spin round and round the room... till it then faced towards Miu Iruma. Everyone (other than Miu herself), just groaned as if they were in pain.

"W-What was that response for!?" Miu whined. The only giggle from that response was from someone nobody would expect - and that was Kaede, which only caused Rantaro to turn towards his fiancé in bewilderment but the single giggle was then joined in by Kokichi.

"Well spit out the question already! This is getting boooring~" Kokichi started to whine, which only made Shuichi shake his head in response as everyone just stared at them both. Miu just huffed, before folding her arms.

"Okay then - I wasn't going to use this one but you gave me no choice, you lying abortion!" She snapped back at them, giving the most mischievous grin before asking the question:

"Never have I ever had sex prior to the killing games~"

Everyone sat stunned - not even moving to their drink. Surprisingly, not even Miu moved. Kokichi only giggled.

"Aww~ So you really aren't a cum-dumpster" They teased, before noticing that Hajime and Shuichi were staring at their own cups pondering the question. It seemed to be that Kokichi wasn't the only one to notice - as Miu did too. She only laughed at the two as they completely ignored Kokichi's comment.

"C'mon you two! Drink up~"

Hajime just grunted before looking towards Shuichi with the most apologetic look. Shuichi just slowly nodded before he eventually handed Hajime his own - and Hajime downed the alcohol in a matter of seconds - his throat burning from the first sensation, but didn't for the second. That... wasn't supposed to be good right?

"Waaait!!! My sidekick is–" Kaito started to announce, before getting a smack from the assassin beside him to shut the fuck up.

"Not now, idiot!" She grunted as she folded her own arms across her chest disappointed in him. Kaito just whined softly before slouching.

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