You'll Catch a Cold (S.S)

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      The sound of hurried footsteps filled the cobbled halls as a frantic Slytherin made his way around his fellow students. He had been looking around for about five minutes now, scanning faces and listening to conversations to find his friend. Normally, it wasn't that hard to find you, you never strayed too far away from the little group you had formed, unless it was time for bed or if you ever had different classes. Even then, however, it was hard to see either of you without the other. Finding a Hufflepuff should never be THAT hard, right? "Yellow isn't hard to miss, especially paired with black. Like a bumblebee." Sebastian thought to himself, except, like a hive a bumblebees, there were a lot of black and yellow robes around him, paired with the other house colours, his head would soon spin. Eventually, Sebastian made his way to a somewhat empty hall, and found his other friend, Ominis, by one of the doors. He wasn't quite sure what Ominis was doing, but by the way he suddenly turned and headed over to Sebastian, it seemed as if he was waiting for his friend.

"Ominis! What are you doing here?" Sebastian questioned, still looking around in hopes of catching you. Ominis shrugged and took out his wand, "I figured we would meet for supper, but I heard your footsteps a bit away and figured you'd show up here eventually." Sebastian shook his head in disbelief. "Also," Ominis continued, "I didn't hear another set of footsteps, you're not with y/n?" Ominis' question caused Sebastian to sigh and run a hand through his hair. "Yeah, that's the problem. I can't find them." Ominis furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "You can't find them? But it's near time to eat, we always have this schedule, it's not like them to just not show up." Sebastian nodded and began to walk again to continue his search, followed by Ominis.

The two eventually ran into Poppy, a fellow Hufflepuff and friend of yours. "Oh! Hello, you two," she says as walks away from the window she was staring out of. Ominis nodded his head in the direction of her voice, and Sebastian waved quickly. "Everything okay? You seem a little tense, Sebastian." She asked, smirking as she watched him fiddle around with his sleeves as he continued once again to look around. Ominis, knowing how Sebastian was acting, spoke. "We can't find y/n, I found him speeding around looking for them." Poppy's smirk grew even wider as she watched the Slytherin. "Aw, did you lose your emotional support Hufflepuff?" She joked. Sebastian whipped his head towards her in a flash, "What? What is that supposed to mean?" His face was flushed yet filled with confusion. Poppy could only snicker in response, and Ominis seemed to lightly nod in agreement with her statement. "You never act like that," she shrugged, "Do you need to keep them near you around the clock? Keep it up and people will start thinking you're dating." She continued to joke, turning to look out the window. Sebastian was left in a mess of stuttering and brain fog as he tried to find a quip to throw back, only to get out "it's- now- you know- Ominis, tell her!" Ominis, being put on the spot during what was a very entertaining conversation, could only shake his head and hide a smile.

"Oh dear," Poppy said as she continued to look out the window. Sebastian walked closer and peered outside. During their conversation, the sky had begun to be covered with dark clouds full of water, and the sound of faint thunder had caught the Hufflepuff's attention. It had begun to pour with rain, a strong contrast to what was a bright day with warm air. The glass had already begun to fog up from the cold rain, and Poppy had begun to look worried. "It's just some rain, nothing to worry about." Sebastian stated, moving away from the window and making his way back to his friend. Poppy frowned as she turned back to the Slytherins. "Maybe for you, but it just turns out that y/n went outside not too long ago to ask Professor Garlick about an assignment, and they haven't returned yet." Sebastian's eyes widened as he titled his head slightly. "You mean to say that you knew where they were and instead decided to pick on me?" Ominis snorted behind Sebastian. "That means they are out there, probably without an umbrella or jacket since it was nice out." Ominis continued, "Surly they know it's raining now, but it will be a cold and wet walk back here." Sebastian nodded in response, "Unless they ran." It was Poppy's turn to shake her head, "The grass would be slippery. If they slip and fall, they will just be dirtier and wetter, it's not safe to run." Sebastian fumbled with his robe and lifted his hood. "I suppose they didn't wear their robes out either?" Poppy shook her head. A sigh left Sebastian as looked outside once again. "Okay, Ominis, stay here and wait until I get back, we don't need all three of us to be soaked." Ominis nodded in response. "I'll go fetch towels for the two of you them," Poppy stated, heading off to find where some towels may be stored. Sebastian huffed as he neared the door and shook his head, preparing himself for the cold rain that eagerly waited for him.

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