Lay Your Head on my Shoulder (S.S)

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   The moment you came into the sorting ceremony, hair a mess and outfit covered in dust and dirt, Sebastian knew he wanted to get to know you. How many times do new students show up late for the ceremony? Even more, how many students show up to Hogwarts in their fifth year, and late! He watched you hurry to the front of the room, too busy to see everyone's eyes on you. He nudged Ominis with his shoulder, whispering, "They've got to be a Slytherin. What other house would show up late to their own sorting?" Ominis furrowed his brows in confusion, he didn't know there was someone late coming in. Sebastian watched, mesmerized, as the sorting hat was placed on your head. He couldn't quite hear what the hat was saying, but it looked like he was really pondering which house to put you in. "Oh well, it seems like you will be a good fit in Slytherin!" Sebastian smiled in triumph and applauded alongside his fellow students, watching you as you walked down the small steps and following Professor Weasley.

      "This is your common room, the Slytherin Commons. Here, you will get to know your fellow housemates. I'm sure you will find what little items you brought with you on your bed." Professor Weasley said, motioning to the wall. You looked in awe and confusion as the two serpents moved smoothly along the wall and formed a door, welcoming you in. You nodded in the direction of the professor and stepped inside. The room was dim, and the walls were cobbled, like a basement or a dungeon. You looked around, taking in the details around you before making your way to where everyone slept. You passed by a student, who pointed you in the direction of where your bed would be, and you headed over. "What little items you have" was an understatement. All you really brought was yourself and the clothes on your back, but on your bed lay a bundle of green and black, your uniform and robes.

      Once you had gotten changed and comfortable, you ventured out and back to the commons, given the task of talking to those in your house. You had only made it to the opening of the big room when Sebastian showed up by your side. "Hello there, I'm Sebastian." He held his hand out, and you took it. He pointed to the figure behind him, "This is Ominis." You looked past Sebastian, finding the boy who only waved. You told them your name as Sebastian led you to one of the couches. "So, tell us. Were you actually almost swallowed by a dragon?" Sebastian asks, a smile on his lips. You nodded softly, still looking around. "How did you manage to do that?" You could only shrug, explaining, "It just appeared out of the sky. It chased us and eventually bit our carriage in half and then knocked us out of it." Sebastian looked at you in wonder, his chocolate eyes twinkling. "How did you survive? Surely you were high up, there would be no way someone would have survived a fall like that." You shook your head, pressing a finger to your lips. "That's a secret."

      You became quick friends with Sebastian and Ominis. Sebastian had accompanied you on your trip to Hogsmeade to get new supplies, and even bought you a few items, ones that he swore you needed, but you could tell they weren't part of the supply list. He even invited you to join his dueling club, after you sent him to the ground during your first duel, one that he called a "Proper Hogwarts Welcome." You walked over to him and offered your hand, and he gladly took it. In that moment, he asked you to join the club. You had accepted, of course, what better way to practice spells? Sebastian also wanted to help you catch up on all that you missed to make sure you were prepared for the O.W.L.S. That was when Sebastian suggested a study group, and invited Ominis to join you.

      You turned the page and picked up your quill, jotting down information that you deemed important as you read. You looked over to Sebastian, who had gone off topic talking about all the times he tried a simple bubble charm, how they would burst within a second, and how he couldn't figure out how to make it work. "You'd think it would be easy for you, since you're already a bubble brain." You joked, putting your quill down. Sebastian turned to you, lips formed into a pout. You were sitting next to each other on the couch, the same one he had sat you down on to bombard you with questions on your first day. He swatted at you, missing as you scooted quickly away. Sebastian turned his head back to Ominis, trying to continue his conversation, only to be met with Ominis silently holding a laugh at your comment. "Not you too, Ominis!" You took this moment to pick your quill up once again, pointing the feather in Sebastian's direction. Quickly, you jumped him, using the feather of your quill to tickle him where he was vulnerable, his neck. "Hey!" Sebastian proceeded to try to take your quill away, grabbing at your wrists and poking you in the sides, causing you to let go. "Aww, no fair." You pouted, watching Sebastian place your quill far away so you couldn't reach it. "This is completely fair, and besides, you started it." He said, smirking. You huffed in response, "I need that to take notes." "Should have thought about that before you went and lost your quill privileges."

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