Shy Slytherin (S.S)

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You stood in the back of the group, head down as names are called to get sorted into their houses. Every now and then someone would brush up next to you as they moved closer to the front, and you shuddered each time. When your name was called, you quickly rushed up, eyes to the floor as the hat was placed on your head. "You have potential, great potential. I'm sure you will find your place in Slytherin!" The hat yelled, and your eyes widened as it was taken off your head, quietly heading to the farthest side of the table, sitting down. You kept your eyes on the table, waiting for the sorting to be over so you could find your things.

Sebastian watched you from the other end of the table, his sister Anne beside him as they both watched you, puzzled. "Slytherin? They don't really seem like a Slytherin to me." Anne said, eyeing you as you tapped your fingers on the table. Sebastian nodded, intrigued. A Slytherin that can't even sit with their classmates was peculiar, and he became determined to be your friend.

Sebastian kept an eye on you as you made your way through classes, getting your work done quickly and quietly. He watched as you would nod to people every now and then if they waved or greeted you, but that seemed to be as far as you would go. Anne had tried to talk to you a few times, barely getting much from you as you tried to concentrate on the assignment you were working on, and had complained about it to Sebastian and Ominis. Sebastian had most of his classes with you, and had formulated a plan to get you out of your shell a bit.

One day in Herbology, he set his plan in motion. Finding you already seated at your table, he made his way over. You watched him from the corner of your eye, growing anxious as he made his way closer. "Hello there," he said as he placed his bag onto your table, taking a seat next to you. You quickly whispered a hello back, brows furrowed in confusion at his sudden change of seating. Sebastian didn't falter, "My name is Sebastian." You looked up at him looking at his face. "Y/n." You whispered, quirking an eyebrow. Sebastian smiled at you, taking out the book needed for class. "Say, y/n, do you know which chapter we're going over today?" He wanted to keep you talking. He already liked how your voice sounded, quiet now, but he was already thinking about how loud you would get if he told a joke, maybe your laugh would be contagious? You brought him out of his thoughts as you flipped through the pages of your own book, reading the top of the page. "I think it's chapter 12 today." Sebastian nodded, opening his book and following your movements.

"So, do you like this class?" You nodded, reaching into your bag to grab your quill and parchment. It wasn't the response Sebastian had wanted, but he knew to take small steps, humming to himself. "We share a lot of classes, you know?" You nodded, biting the inside of your cheek. "Yeah, I've noticed." Sebastian smiled to himself, glad to know that you were aware of who was in your classes. "Which one is your favourite?" You raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" "Which class, you have a favourite, right?" You relaxed your face, a small "ah" leaving your lips. "I suppose. Charms is quite fun. I'm waiting for Defense Against the Dark arts, though. That class seems really cool." You smiled softly as you talked, thinking about the class. Sebastian's smile grew, "Me too! I can't wait to get there." He said excitedly, finding something in common with you.

Sebastian continued to make small talk with you throughout the class, sometimes asking you questions about what Professor Garlick was talking about. You would answer him quietly, feeling put on the spot each time he asked you something. You were curious as to why he suddenly grew an interest in you, but you weren't quite complaining. You knew you needed friends, you couldn't go through the whole year alone, but it was also hard for you, so Sebastian stepping up and leading the conversations made it a whole lot easier. You sighed as Garlick asked a question, searching for someone to give her an answer. You felt her eyes on you, and you felt yourself sink in your seat. "Y/n, why don't you give it a go?" She asked, gesturing to you. Your eyes widened and you felt your cheeks heat up, your hands beginning to shake. "Um, it's..." You stuttered, trying to speak. Sebastian gave you an encouraging smile, trying to ease your nerves. "Mandrake?" You asked, afraid it was the wrong answer. Garlick smiled as she nodded, "Correct! Ten points to Slytherin!" You sighed as you tried to steady your hands, glad that you had the right answer. "Nice job, ten points!" Sebastian whispered to you, and you smiled.

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