Seeds of Love (O.G)

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You take in a slow breath as the warm light from the sun hits your face, the warm breeze causing the flowers around you to gently sway. You turn to Ominis as you sighed, smiling as he fixed his robe. "There are plenty of different flowers around here that I haven't seen before, I'm glad you agreed to come with me." You said, taking his hand as you led him through the field, a small patch of sun and colourful nature in the midst of the Forbidden Forest. Ominis nodded, following you as he felt another breeze blow through, the sweet scent of flowers filling his senses. "I do have a question, though, if you will." He said, frowning slightly as he turned his gaze to you. "Of course, go right ahead." You replied, stopping as you turned to Ominis. "How did you find this place? It was quite the walk to get here, even with Floo Powder. Where are we, exactly?" You smiled sheepishly as you looked down at the grass, unsure how to explain how you ended up in a field of flowers.

"Well, I guess you could say we're in the Forbidden Forest." "Forbidden Forest? Why are we in the Dark Woods? And what were you doing here in the first place?" You fiddled with your fingers, looking around you as you tried to think. "I was in The Three Broomsticks, when one of the patrons called me over. They talked about how they saw butterflies around here once, when she was a student. She wanted to know where they led and asked if I would be able to find out for her." Ominis sighed as he shook his head lightly. "So, a woman asked you to follow butterflies, into the woods that she was too scared to go into, and you did?" You nodded, frowning. "It was something to do, I suppose. And it worked out well in the end. They led me to a random chest, so I figured I would continue to follow them again next time I saw them." And you did; following the cluster of butterflies had become a game of hide and seek, and you had enjoyed the things you had found each time. "So, I followed them a bit ago, and they led me here. There was nothing of value really, not even a bag of coins. But this place is filled with amazing flowers, and the grass is actually green instead of the dark scale in the woods. I think it's beautiful." You said, taking a seat in the soft grass.

You patted Ominis' leg as looked down, taking his hand to have him sit next to you. Ominis looked at you, puzzled. "Why did you bring me here, then?" He asked, hearing leaves rustle as the breeze came through again, the blades of grass tickling his hand. He turned his head to his side, dropping his hand to run it through the soft grass with a small smile. You smiled as you watched him, forgetting for a moment that he had asked you a question. "Y/n? Did you hear me?" He asked, turning to you again with furrowed brows. Your eyes widened slightly as you nodded quickly. "Yes! Well, I figured you'd enjoy it. I have a bunch of the flowers memorized now, so I could have talked about them to you at the castle, but I wanted you to be here in this space." You explained, your cheeks heating up slightly as you turned away, picking a flower and examining it. "This space? It feels undisturbed, as if no one has found it yet." Ominis said, finding a collection of Daffodils and feeling the soft yellow petals, or perhaps this was a collection of white ones? "It's pretty deep into the forest, so it should be safe to assume that no one has found it. Just us, for the time being." You smiled, reaching over him as you took one of the daffodils, smiling as you dropped it onto his lap. "Those are huge, the daffodils. They're the white ones with the orange center, not like the yellow ones that honk at you when you pass by." Ominis smiled as he picked up the flower, its strong stalk bending slightly as he tilted it towards you. "This place is nice. I'm glad you thought to bring me here with you."

The two of you continued to relax in the meadow; Ominis sat happily as you would run off for a moment and come back with another flower, placing it in his hands as you gushed about its colour. Ominis didn't know what you were doing with the flowers afterwards, but you never gave him time to ask when you returned again with a new flower. "Ominis!" You shouted happily, causing him to jump slightly. He turned his head towards you, leaning back slightly when you came up behind him. "What is it? Did you find something?" He asked, smiling as he felt your hand graze his face as you stood over him. "I did! There's a small patch of flowers near the edge of the field that I hadn't looked at! Oh, they're amazing, Ominis!" You said, taking a seat next to him as you crossed your legs, holding the new flower in your hands gently as you gazed at it. "It's a Parnassus! This one in particular is one is the Grass of Parnassus." You said, smiling as you placed it into his hands. Ominis felt the soft petals, furrowing his brows as he registered the name. "Grass of Parnassus? What kind of name is that?" He asked, frowning as he twirled the small flower between his fingers. You chuckled, looking at the flower as it spun, forming a shape that resembled the twinkle of a star. "It lives in batches of grass, usually near water, but I didn't see any nearby. The flower itself doesn't look like grass." You smiled, chuckling to yourself.

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