For You (S.S)

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You stood with Sebastian and Ominis in front of the unmoving door, discussing how to open it. No matter how hard they pushed or pulled, it didn't budge. "This is impossible, just look at this place!" Sebastian sighed, motioning to the locked door behind you. Someone had died in here, alone and with no escape. You worried that it would be the three of you to be stuck in there next, never found until someone comes poking their nose into the Dark Arts. Ominis stood in a corner, racking his brain for the answer. "There must be some way, why else would there be a door here?" You asked, walking back over to the dark door, and inspecting it. There was no keyhole, no way to wedge something into its side and pry it open.

You sighed again as you looked over to where Noctua, the person who visited before you, and died, had lay alone, noticing a piece of paper sitting on the ground. You looked at it curiously, crouching down and picking it up. "It says here that she was also trapped here, but there was a way out." You read, walking over to the door once again as you kept reading. "Even if she was willing, she was alone and wouldn't be able to use the spell to escape." Sebastian's face lit up and walked over to you. "What spell? Surely, she wrote it down." You nodded; brows furrowed as you read on. Ominis had made his way over, hoping to leave the room as soon as possible. You reached the bottom of the page, eyes widening as you looked up at Sebastian. "Well? What spell?" You read the last line again, confirming what you had read. "Crucio."

"One of the Unforgivables." Ominis whispered, backing away. Sebastian furrowed his brow. "Why was she unable to cast it?" You read through the note again, putting the pieces together. "It has to be casted on someone, but not yourself." Your eyes darkened, knowing that the only way to escape was to hurt someone, and you watched Ominis back away even more. "I won't be a part of this, I refuse." He says, returning to his original corner, shaking his head. You looked up at Sebastian, a look of sorrow filled his eyes. "That means one of us will have to cast it." You nodded sadly, looking down at your feet.

"Cast it on me." You looked up, shocked. Sebastian stood; his mind made up that he would be the one to go through whatever pain it may be. You shook your head, "Absolutely not. Do you know how painful that spell is? Who knows what will happen!" You argued, crossing your arms. Sebastian shook his head, "Clearly. But do we have any other choice?" You sighed, looking down at your hands. "We have another choice. You could cast it on me." Ominis looked over, concerned. Sebastian's eyes widened as he shook his head frantically. "No, I won't do that." "You must. Or else we'll be stuck here until we die."

"She's right, Sebastian." Ominis chimed in. Sebastian scoffed, turning to his friend. "Stay out of this, Ominis. You're not part of this, remember?" Ominis hung his head, muttering something you couldn't hear. Sebastian sighed, running a hand through his hair as he paced in a circle. "You won't cast it?" He asked, looking at you, seemingly pleading with you. You shook your head, determined. "This is crazy. Insane. I shan't." "You shall." Sebastian felt his eyes water, unable to break your determined stare. "You have to do it, Sebastian." He sighed, walking over to you. "Are you sure?" You nodded, sealing the deal. Sebastian's gaze softened as he wrapped his arm around you. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "I know."

Sebastian stood away from you, readying his wand. You prepare yourself mentally, trying to clear your mind of what you might go through, going through breathing exercises to calm your nerves. Sebastian took a breath in, giving you a look telling you that you could still back out. You nodded, squinting your eyes in preparation as he raised his wand. "Crucio!" You felt a wave of hot air wash over you, seeping into your skin and burning your whole body. You screamed as you dropped to the ground, your legs feeling like jelly as your blood seemingly boiled. It felt as if all your bones had been broken, only to be mended again and broken right after. Each beat your heart made went straight to your head, feeling as if nails were being driven into your skull. Your blood seemed to get hotter the longer the curse went on, lava seemingly coursing through your veins and out your eyes as you wept in pain. You felt as if you couldn't breathe, the feeling of your lungs being squeezed caused you to gasp for air as you laid on the cobbled ground.

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