Without Hesitation (S.S)

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Male!Gryffindor!Reader. Warnings of death, torture, violence. There is no happy ending here.

Sebastian ran ahead with the artifact in his hand, calling for you to follow. Your hands shook as your thoughts spun, the image of Solomon's dead stare haunting you for the rest of your life. Did it have to end the way it did? Surely if you had been given the chance to speak with Solomon, you would have been able to stop everything that happened; stopped Sebastian from using the Killing Curse on his own uncle. You furrowed your brows as you tried to keep air in your lungs, glancing forward to Sebastian, who remained silent as he trudged up the hill. It was the only way, right? You thought to yourself, trying to rationalize the use of an Unforgivable. Would Solomon kill Sebastian? He only threatened to report him to the headmaster and take the relic, never once mentioning the idea that he would kill Sebastian. Wouldn't Sebastian die in Azkaban though? Have his soul sucked out of him slowly and painfully, doomed to die in a stone cell surrounded by crazed witches and wizards? You bit your lip as you watch Sebastian stand still atop the hill, sucking in a breath as you ran the final stretch to reach his side. This wouldn't have happened, you thought, if the two of you listened to Ominis when he said to not meddle with the Dark Arts. That was why Solomon threatened Sebastian, after all. You had followed Sebastian all this way, stood with him and observed him as he collected more spells, for Anne. This was still for Anne, right?

"Sebastian." You breathed, trying to catch your breath as you knelt down, your whole body vibrating from adrenaline. "I had to do it; you know that." You shook your head, unable to speak as your chest burned with each breath. "He would have killed us! He didn't want me to help Anne, not like you." Sebastian spoke, his voice dark as he breathed heavily, looking over to the ruins you had fled from. You tried to calm your racing heart as you looked up from your spot on the ground, watching Sebastian as he watched the area, void of all emotion. "He didn't want to kill you, Sebastian." You breathed, a slight wheeze sounding as you held a stitch in your side. "Didn't want to kill me? He was going to have me sent to Azkaban!" He shouted, wand still in hand as he brought it to his head. "It's the same thing, don't you realize? He hated me, hated that I had found the power to actually help Anne." You slowly stood, your worried gaze falling on the boy in front of you as you tried to move towards him. "This...power, it's wrong. I know you want to help your sister, but the Dark Arts are harmful, there's no way something like that would be able to help someone!" You tried to reason, hoping that Sebastian was still able to realize that.

"You? You want to side with Ominis on this? Get me arrested and sent away, leaving Anne alone with no cure?" Sebastian snapped, his eyes seemingly growing darker as he stared. You shook your head, raising your hands. "No! I just...there must be another way. A way that doesn't end up with more people dead." Sebastian scoffed, a crude smile tugging at his lips. "And I thought Gryffindors were supposed to be brave." "What?" "You're stuck with this, you know! You learned with me. You're no better than I am!" Your eyes widened, your grip on your wand tightening as you felt a new wave of stress wash over you. "I didn't kill anyone, Sebastian! I'm not asking you to stop trying to help Anne, I'm just asking you to reconsider the way you try." Sebastian laughed as he began to pace around, angry glares reaching your eyes each time he passed you. "This is the only way. Everything I tried failed, but this? This is the key!" He spoke as he held the relic in his hand, his face switching to a relieved joy as he gazed into it. You dropped your wand, hands raised as you slowly stepped closer. "That relic is not the only thing that can help. You know that, right?" Like the blink of an eye Sebastian's face changed, his brows furrowed once more as he frowned. "You're not thinking about...taking this away? After all we went through, and you want to take this from me?" "That's not what I'm suggesting!" "I killed him for this! I can't take that back!" You stood your ground, watching Sebastian as you pleaded with him. How far was Sebastian willing to go?

Betrayal. The feeling of betrayal filled Sebastian as he stared at the boy in front of him. The same boy that stood by his side as he searched for a way to help his sister, who learned dark spells with him, not caring until now. He stood before Sebastian with an apologetic look, unarmed, yet asking for the impossible. He didn't want to help Anne. He only wanted someone to teach him those spells; he used Sebastian. "You're a real piece of work, you know?" Sebastian said, raising his wand as he pointed it at the Gryffindor. "You're just like everyone else! You used me, and now that I'm stronger, you want to get rid of me!" "That's not what I'm doing, Sebastian!" "Liar! It's written all over your face!" He watched as the boy stood his ground, not picking up his own wand. "I won't fight you, Sebastian!" He shouted. He thought he could take Sebastian without a wand; thought he was so strong that his spells wouldn't even leave a mark. A threat. Sebastian gritted his teeth as his mind spun, his blood seemingly boiling in his veins as he looked at him. "You don't have a choice."

A wave of stones and twigs were flung past Sebastian, hitting the boy in front of him as he sent more flying. Sebastian was caught up in the feelings of anger and betrayal as he sent sharp stones hurdling towards the defenseless Gryffindor, his cries of pain echoing as he shielded his face. "Pick up your wand!" Sebastian shouted, his breathing uneven as he watched, scowling as his companion shook his head. "You can still stop this, Sebastian!" A taunt: he still thought he was in control. "Be the brave Gryffindor everyone says you are and pick up your wand!" "No!" Without another moment of hesitation, Sebastian shouted, casting Crucio and watching as he dropped, screams of pain reaching his ears as he slowly made his way over.

Your body ached as tears pricked your eyes, your vision blurry as the pain surged through you. You bloody hands shook as they laid pressed against the ground, the feeling of tears finally rolling down your cheeks as they collected the blood that covered your face dripping form you chin onto your hands. "Sebastian, please!" You croaked, your throat burning. Sebastian looked down at you, his eyes holding no emotion for a moment as your body shook, the curse still in effect. "Sebastian, I just...don't- I don't want you- to go down a dark path." You breathed, trying to keep your head up to look at the boy in front of you. For a moment, you thought you saw tears in his eyes, a hope swelled in your chest that maybe, he realized what he was doing. "You're not a bad person...you're just not- not thinking straight."

Sebastian looked down at the boy as he blinked away the tears that welled in his eyes, his hands shaking as his grip on his wand tightened. "I'm thinking perfectly fine." He sneered, pointing his wand into the boy's face. "And I think...it's time to say goodbye." He watched the boy's eyes widen as he raised a hand, desperate to get through to Sebastian. A final attempt to stop him. Sebastian took a quick breath, staring into the boy's eyes for a moment before waving his wand. He stood over the body of what once was one of his closest friends; before he thought to betray Sebastian. His eyes were open still, like Solomon's, pain the last thing they ever conveyed. "I know what I'm doing. I won't let anyone stop me, not even you." Sebastian whispered, taking a final glance at the bloody and bruised body, sighing as he turned and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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