Overslept? (S.S)

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Sebastian shot up from his bed, eyes wide as he looked around the room. His vision was blurry as he looked to where Ominis slept, not seeing the bundle of blankets on the bed. His head spun around, and he quickly glanced at the clock in the corner, unable to read it as he quickly got out of bed, tripping around his items as he grabbed for his clothes, putting them on. He muttered to himself as he reached for his tie and robe, putting them on half-way as he grabbed for his school bag and slipped on his shoes. "Late? No one thought to wake me up, either. I can't believe this." He continued, nearly tripping down the stairs as he hurried out of the common room, earning an odd glance from Imelda, who sat by the window looking into the lake with a book in her lap.

Sebastian quickly sped through the halls, looking into rooms in search of his classmates, who were nowhere to be seen. He let out a frustrated sigh as he turned to the Great Hall, pulling one of the doors open to reveal its empty contents, the candles that hung in the air extinguished as they floated idly around. "Empty? How late is it?" He muttered to himself, taking a final look around before turning away. He stood for a moment as he tapped his foot, the small echoes of shoe on hard flooring the only sound in his ears as he tried to figure out what to do next. "Ominis could have woken me up, yet he didn't. Where is everyone, anyway?" He said to himself, biting the inside of his cheek as he turned to walk up a flight of steps, huffing in frustration as he stepped on the hem of his robe, nearly falling down the steps for the second time that day.

Ominis returned to the dorm, rubbing his eyes as he stifled a yawn, not even glancing over to where Sebastian slept. He placed his wand onto the table beside his bed, kicking off his shoes as he slipped back under the covers. He had just returned from to toilets, fixing his blankets as he snuggled back under them. He furrowed his brows for a moment, hearing the absent sound of Sebastian's snores, but shrugged it off as he got cozy, drifting back to sleep.

The ghosts that floated around the halls frowned as Sebastian passed by them, rushing through them without even greeting them. "Well, that was uncalled for!" A woman spoke, earning a quick "Apologies" as Sebastian continued by. Peeves floated behind him, speaking in riddles about how Sebastian was being rude, saying something along the lines of "Waking up on the wrong side of the bed, with looks like that." Sebastian let out a frustrated sigh as he waved the Poltergeist off, shaking his head as he tried to ignore Peeves. He continued to float around Sebastian, content with pestering the Slytherin, seeing as there weren't any other students around to torment. "Not now, Peeves! Can't you see I'm in a rush!" Sebastian shouted, glaring as Peeves as he turned to the colourful menace. "Deary me, deary me! Seems like someone didn't just wake up on the wrong side of the bed but woke up with a storm cloud hovering over his head!" Peeves laughed, spinning around Sebastian for a moment before drifting off to find someone else to bother.

Sebastian began to walk faster as he continued up the spiral of steps, muttering about the time as he tried to fix his hair, stray curls falling over his forehead; unbrushed. He passed by a hall without bothering to check down it, cursing to himself as he made his way to where the Charms classroom was held. You furrowed your brows in confusion as you looked away from one of the paintings that had called you over, disrupting your morning rounds. You turned to the sound of the voice, watching as the billow of green and black robes disappeared from the entrance, excusing yourself as you moved to follow. "Students aren't usually up at this time, who's running around?" You asked yourself, reaching the end of the hall you occupied, watching as the figure took a sharp turn towards another hall. You hurried to catch up, putting your duties in the back of your mind as you began to catch up, watching a head of brown hair turn and go into an empty classroom. You huffed to yourself; another student trying to sneak something out of a classroom, no doubt.

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